MK Netcode - is this for real? UPATE: 1.02 PATCH IS LEGIT!

Funny, because I think people using themselves as the gold standard deserve the same treatment. :rolleyes:

Searching for games seems to be better now. I usually don’t have to wait 5+ minutes now. And games seem to be 50/50. They’re either really good or really bad with the lag. Hopefully NRS fixes this shit. SSFIV is definitely better and more consistent on the whole. If I get in a good game of MK it is better than a good game of SSFIV, but that doesn’t happen much in comparison.

way too much flaming going on in here.

everyone is an internet expert or a giant douche all of a sudden

I think you would be surprised if you actually made some effort to find local players. I thought Salt Lake was dead a few years ago, but a couple of us started playing together and then we started pulling 40+ at ranbats. And lol about whining about gas. If it’s just a fucking videogame why do you care about online either?

i agree, people need to stop attacking eachother and just chill. there is a problem with online play in this game, whether you agree or not. people aren’t making this shit up.

even if there is a local scene, doesn’t mean people have time to play it. there is a solid local scene around me but i rarely have the time to go to gatherings, and when I do go I have a great time. online is just convenient as hell to get some competition when the day is winding down and i’m chilling around 11pm. and the better the netcode, the better it makes that.

There was no sarcasm intended in my post, just the truth as I see it. Here’s your picture:

It’s funny how much SFIV netcode was bashed on release when Marvel and MK9 have made it look pretty decent in comparison :lol:

Honestly most standard connections are fine. If you’re not on 56K or low tier internet and not wireless, you’re probably alright.
Online gaming is about latency, has nothing to do with your download speeds. If somehow more expensive internet packages give you less latency (re: Peer1 vs Cogent connections), then this could be an issue.

Good netcode will not generate the number of complaints we’ve had from releases with subpar netcode such as SF4 (2009!) and onwards. Seen many folks complaining about GGPO?

I also admit this would be easier to stomach if they didn’t promise top tier netcode and instead focused on the more important issues for this game to survive (e.g. button checks, training mode functions, patch notifications).


As has been said before: just because something comes out worse than the sht we already know doesn’t make the predecessor any less sht.

See this is what I mean by stay sweet SRK.

I don’t want to hear no more jokes about Capcom Unity and Gamesfaq.

I think you clearly underestimate word of mouth in the gaming business. They have every incentive to fix the netcode. If the game is unplayable online, people will talk, players will tell their friends. Their friends will not buy this version of MK. And current players will not buy DLC. And everyone will be very hesitant to buy the next MK installment.

Whatever ‘monies’ they have made in the first week/two weeks is a drop in the bucket compared to what they could potentially make off of this franchise.

Look at COD4 for an example of what a fantastic online experience can do for a game.

I have a rule of thumb: if it takes longer to find a decent match than to play a decent match, your game ain’t built right. The current setup feels like it was meant to work on a pc.

The netcode isnt that great but ive had some great connections though. So its a mix at the moment. What bugs me out the most is the amount of ragequitting that happens in this game. Im no expert nor have i ever played any MK game with any skill in the past for me to be getting this. I beat the game and practice some combos in training and ive been doing ok. Yet I get a bunch of ragequitters. Its pretty annoying when you are trying to actually good better at a game.

Tekken 6 went from unplayable to fairly good, after a patch.

There’s no excuse for this type of shitty net code in this day and age. If I was to compare the lag in this game to a FPS counterpart. I would have to look back over ten years to something like Duke Nukem 3d on 28k Dial up (not internet play but actual dialing the other guys telephone number through your dial up modem to play some games).

That is how bad this game lags, it’s fucking terrible. Even in the year 2000 whilst playing Unreal Tournament99 over the internet on a 56k modem it did not lag like how this game lags. After I got broadband in about 2001 I have to say I did not play any other online genres which lagged anything close to SF4(vanilla) and certainly nothing which lagged as bad as MK9. These devs really need to wake up and drop some serious money into bringing this genre up to the times.

the fuck are you talking about? Tekken 6 still has one of the worst netcodes ever, it just went from “utter shit” to just “shit” after the patch.

The only games that have an actual good netcode that I played (other than ggpo) are HDR and MVC2. SSF4 is good if you’re playing people within your state. I’m not sure why so many people praise VF5 netcode cause that was actually pretty bad imo, tekken is bad too. Marvel 3 and MK9 are shit even if you play your next door neighbor.

See, now this is a sentiment I can get behind.

Blacks Ops came out less than 10 years ago. Although it was patched after a while I don’t know when.

to the guys with lag - are you using ADSL ?

if so, get your ISP to make sure you’re set to ‘fastpath’ instead of ‘interleaved’.

fastpath reduces your latency by 30-40 ms.

interleaving is the big rip-off and games are just unplayable with it imo. it’s only 0.03-0.04 seconds but the difference is huuuuuuuuge.

lol people in here actually replied to this like I was serious, HAHA. Read It Again… I was talking about the Football player TOM BRADY, and people were responding like I was seriously talking about Mortal Kombat Tom Brady, of course I don’t like Mortal Kombat Tom Brady, Stay Fray SRK!!!