MK hate on SRK

Shit’s broke. 100% combos everywhere. It’s there for fun.

Why does anyone care what anyone else thinks about anything? If you like MK, play it and don’t cry like a bitch when someone else dose not like your favorite game, esp on a forum name after a Street Fighter special move.


Ok, I’ve been lurking on this sub-forum for a while and I don’t think many of y’all understand the ENORMOUS differences between SF and MK. It’s like comparing an oscar winning film to a grindhouse flick. Street Fighter is known as a series that is THE fighting game. Mortal Kombat on the other hand is the red-headed stepchild of fighting games. But, MK is also known as a very fun series (with exception to post-UMK3 games) and easy to pick up. Street Fighter requires time and skillful use of characters that you use.

I’ve played both Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter to hell as a kid. Especially UMK3 on the Genesis. I know both series extremely well especially SFIV because I play them passionately. I recently picked up MK today and I have to admit, it’s extremely fun and more fun than UMK3. But I wouldn’t go as far to say that MK is greater than SFIV. Most people fail to understand that both games are drastically different. Just because a game has higher sales doesn’t mean that it’s a better game. Psychonauts was outsold by 50 Cent: Bulletproof. Transformers Revenge of the Fallen made more at the box office than Wall-E.

I’m not hating on MK, I’m just stating the obvious. Sure there are going to be haters bashing MK because it’s different. But’s thats what it is, it’s just different. It doesn’t play like most fighters at all. This is a game that the masses can just simply pick up, play it, see a little blood.

What irks me is the hypocrisy that takes place in this sub-forum. People complain that MK gets so much hate (which is true) but fail to see what made MK great and have it’s own fanbase. Unfortunately, the same can be said among these boards. Many fail to see what made SF, KoF, SS, GG, and BB so great that they have a fanbase as well (altough a bit larger fanbase). It’s all I’m saying, I know most of y’all are going to disagree but like I said, it’s all I’m saying.

Everyone plays SF because everyone is playing it, they just want to be popular!

Everyone hates MK because everyone is hating it, they just want to be popular!

Please go back to Lurking.

MK hate is stupid, if you dont like the game, dont play it.