Mitt Romney is “Rich, with phat stacks and Super Pacs” he doesnt give a fuck about us. He only cares about 53% of america according to him.
I think a discussion about marijuana is very different from a discussion about the legality of marijuana.
But whatev$.
You can replace that with Barack Obama and have the same effect.
There’s a thread about this while Donald Trump is STILL issuing challenges to Obama about his citizenship. 5 million dolla if Obama can prove he’s Amurrican.
For shame Srk
The cardinal rule of SRK is you don’t mess with anything that might impact the Wiz’s McRib paypuh.
It’s not like people arguing the legality of marijuana is anything like asking for hook ups or some shit.
IMO weed should be legalized for the good of the people. The only ones who don’t want it legalized say so for their own purposes, and not for the purposes of the people.
But people the promote the use of Cannabis for medical reasons do so because of its analgesic properties, and that’s due to the THC. CBD is another chemical for another time, but there are much more people who use Cannabis for its analgesic properties. In fact isn’t that the main argument for the continued use of medical cannabis.
People should just be honest with themselves and admit that they only support medical marijuana because its infinity easier to deal with and cheaper for them
what really pisses me off are the ads that attempt to falsely link marijuana usage with death. some examples are anti-drug ads that list marijuana along with heavier drugs, then list the potential side effects for the group of drugs as a whole without making any distinctions about which side effects are possible with which drugs.
then other ads just come out and say that BS… ran into a pic put out by some right-wing activist group on the internet that pictured a mother crying over the dead body of her son who had a pipe near his hand that read “what will your mother say when she finds you dead from marijuana use” like really!? REALLY!?
then of course you have the DoJ still listing it as a class 2 controlled substance or whatever and denying that it has any medicinal effects (despite countless studies providing evidence to the contrary)
idk about your area but personally in my area i pay significantly more for marijuana from a legal dispensary than i would if i were to buy it from my friends… i still purchase from a dispensary though because i have a medical condition that would make it very dangerous for me to use any plants that aren’t checked for molds, fungi or other contaminants…
idk what analgesic means so can’t really be sure if i’m even arguing the same thing but CBD is the active ingredient for pain relief, it’s the main compound that actively kills cancer cells, reduces seizures, and from personal experience i found it effective at reducing phosphorus levels in the body.
You know, I’m as libertarian as they come, but privately owned prisons are fucking bullshit.
I watched several family important to me slowly die before my eyes thanks to the way health care works in the USA and will never forget. If their health wasn’t as bad we would fly them to Russia where things aren’t as bad as the USA. It’s funny how Americans made fun of Russia as if it was a third world country and while America was being blind Russia put Sputnik in space and Russia is over 20 years ahead of the US in computer security. US needs to mind its own business and take care of itself instead of worrying about everyone else.
Obamacare is a disaster and while Romneycare is vastly superior, neither incorporates solutions to the critical health care issues in the US. Furthermore, the current solutions that already exist(ed) are involved with such corruption that even if a perfect solution existed, its actual implementation would be pointless.
tl;dr version:
People in America suck.
Be the change you wish to see.
Obama and Romney both suck, but Obama sucks more.
Vote in ElderGOD for president.
I agree, a lot of pro-legalization arguments are BS. The only arguments for legalization are that it’s a waste of $40+ billion dollars a year fighting a losing “war on pot” and people should be able to put whatever substance they want into their own bodies.
Well he’s a far better politician in any case lol. Refused to say whether he was for or against an obvious trap question, while simultaneously bolstering his message that our resources are being mismanaged in just about every government sector.
Romney took a hard stance, inviting further troll questions and awwwww poor wheelchair guy! youtube comments, and then got all indignant when people called him out on his gaffe. His stance on the issue is more or less irrelevant, but his handling of the situation could have been something that would come back and bite him in the ass. Yknow, if he had any shot at winning in the first place.
And who the hell names their son Tagg? Shake my damn head…
analgesic means pain relief, THC is the main compound in weed that deals with pain relief (hence why the made Marinol, its interesting to note that weed has 20+ cannabinoids related derivatives and other independent compounds), insomnia, stress relief, inflammation, etc. CBD is the one that deals with cancer, seizures, and mental issues.
so is that what they’re calling your mom now a days? a “apostrophe”???
just wondering… exactly what would happened if it didn’t, hmmm???
A man named Mitt, apparently
The consequence’s will never be the same.
LOL, cracked sucks. He should have just answered it.
LIKE, yes I’d arrest you, FUCKING HIPPIE!
Plus, funny how special MJ is that we study it and can’t figure out why it helps people so much.
Doesn’t the Gov still have shit on lockdown in russia.
I watched some VICE doc where the guy talks about the film industry and Russia looks like a cold shit-hole.
Yea but at least they don’t pretend like the US.