This is just downright indecent and insulting of him. I can’t believe this guy still has any people willing to vote for him.
He has blatantly insulted over half the nation, made to look like a fool in his debates, and now he turns his back on a dying man in a wheelchair. All because “he doesn’t believe” in a plant. And then he has the gall to suggest synthetics to him, as if a chemically created version of cannabis is better! Smh.
I am honestly scared for this guy to become president.
Old. This is back during the last GOP nomination process in 2007-2008.
The same guy approached a lot of the candidates, Democrats and Republicans. For whatever reason, I can’t find the Barrack Obama video when the patient asks the exact same question, I see a lot of Romney and Ron Paul ones
See, at least he was respectful about it. Why would it have been so hard for him to give a similar response, regardless of whether or not they agree or disagree with the policy.
Romney has a boss, too. Quit acting like it’s a surprise. It’d be better if you didn’t use the dead horse to prove a point, though. Conservative America is just going to turn a blind eye to this and say something along the lines of “Good for him, ignoring that druggie like that. He probably ran in front of a cancer inducing car just to get that marijuana license.” Because that’s what they do.
wow, you pot heads need to realize that THC is THC. It doesn’t matter if its synthetic or not.
and lets be honest here, you actually expect him to answer that question? If he says no, then the Republican support blows him off, and if he says yes, you pot heads will make a shit storm out of it and he loses support.
Way to come in here and make asinine assumptions right off of the bat. The fact that the issue was revolved around cannabis has nothing to do with this, the issue is the way he presented himself and the needless rudeness he exampled to this guy. You’re trying to turn this into an argument that doesn’t need to be had nor is it necessarily relevant to the topic. Obama answered the same question in a perfectly normal and respectful manner. Even though he may not support the notion of legalized marijuana, there was no reason he needed to do that the way he did. There are plenty of ways he could have handled the situation better.
Also, Synthetic cannabis is something totally different than natural cannabis. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to fucking figure that out. THC is THC? Well…ok, were you gonna make a point with that or…?
Let’s not turn this into a “why weed is bad/good” discussion. Because both sides of the argument are just nothing but a bunch of assholes trying to argue their view on the drug.
Wait, hold on. So because Barack Obama gave the exact same answer but sugar coated it, he’s a better person? And despite his misfortune, he’s obviously trying to shoot incredibly difficult questions at politicians with no winning/right answer. If they had been in support of medicinal marijuana previously, he wouldn’t approach them, so what is he hoping to gleam from their answers aside from controversy? If they say yes to his face, then no later on, they flip flop. If they say no to his face and then move on to answer more people after realizing that the conversation and questions have nowhere else to go besides repetitious badgering, they’re indecent monsters. If they say no, deflect it straight away and then sugar coat it, they’re ''at least polite"?
I’m not even American, so maybe I can’t quite grasp this seething hatred for Mitt Romney, but this seems like grasping at straws and reeks of sensationalism. Why exactly do you ''strongly dislike" Romney so much that you made a thread about a four year old video relating to a guy asking intentionally damaging questions?
Seems like this wheelchair dude is a troll. Plus getting your hands on weed isn’t the most difficult thing in the world to do.
Having said that, Mitt is a tool and a douche and I thought this of him when I first listened to him speak just like I thought Obama wasn’t the great savior everyone made him out to be when he first hit the scene.
The issue with Marisol is that people take the full dosage, compared to the amount you get from actual grass, which is very little. Try again ass wipe, you are the reason why drugs are illegal.
its not about weed, its absurd that you actually expect him to answer the question and sugarcoat it, which woudln’t bode well his sponsors. He has a responsibility to his sponsors, not to answer such a bullshit question that’s meant to put him in a bad spot regardless of how he answers.
Of course marijuana should be legal. Our government wastes $42 billion dollars a year enforcing marijuana laws, problem is no politician on either side has the balls to actually admit it is a waste of time and resources.
I really really REALLY don’t like Romney, but even I think that video is ridiculous. It was a loaded question, and one the wheelchair dude probably already knew the answer to.
And maybe I’m in the minority on this, but since when does some guy being in a wheelchair mean you have to listen to him say dumb shit?
Maybe there’s a net loss for the country, but clearly certain people are making money off it or they wouldn’t continue the war on drugs. They’re not stupid, they understand the situation perfectly. Just like the war in Iraq. The most idiotic thing possible is to say Bush was a moron who started a war he didn’t understand. He (or at least his smarter buddies) knew exactly what he was doing, the country got owned, and to minimize the psychological damage of being helpless people have to view him as a buffoon.
But I guess this is just a conspiracy theory to most people (although i think more people are catching on at this point…). The thought of politicians not being idiots is too much for people to handle.