Mitt Romney turns his back on dying patient

most MARVEL super heroes have some type of augmentation
Lance Armstrong won 7 back-to-back titles
make steroids legal too :smiley:

Weed is from the eath man, GOD put this one the planet for you and me!

There are so many plants and herbs that cure shit except people place bans on them, usually for alternative motives.

Weed is the best. Better than anything, but you should be behind the wheel or at work while on it, duh!
^ this applies to anything, People have no integrity so they have no responsibility either.

I eat 4 pizzas a day, WHY AM I FAT!? BAN PIZZA!

(plz dnt), turtle pwr

EXACTLY. It seems handicapped/dying people have super armor in that regard and it seems like this dude is taking full advantage of it. Iā€™m not a Romney fan, but it must SUCK to be in that position. Thereā€™s literally nothing you can do or say without looking like a dick, you may as well punch a baby in the face for spitting up on you.

Your love affair with apostrophes ends now.

Ron Paul would legalize it.

And 5 bucks says this guy is perfectly fine, and was a paid plant (kinda like the people asking questions in democrat town hall meetings) for just that purpose.

The Prison Industrial Complex makes lots and lots of money off jailing people for weed offenses.

Not to mention the Prison system is becoming more and more privately owned every year instead of ran and paid for by governments. The Government makes a shit load of money off weed being illegal as well, they see no need to legalize it. Why legalize it when you get to take all the money from the busts whether they are big or small, then sell the weed back to the country it came from for double the profit.

That was mainly what I was thinking of, but Iā€™m sure there are plenty of other ways itā€™s a money-maker as well. More than a few drug companies wouldnā€™t like medical marijuana legalized, for example. I remember it was only a few years ago that I even learned that there are private prisons. Itā€™s almost unbelievable. But like I said- and maybe Iā€™m just noticing it more- it seems that more and more people are speaking up about the absurdity of the situation (after the war on drugs has spilled over to mostly white meth users, coincidentally of courseā€¦)

Just the idea of these high level politicians being idiots who really think weed will corrupt the youth (that excuse has been around since at least Socratesā€™ time lol) is laughable. Morally bankrupt liar != stupid and out of touch

I think it has more to due with the fact that younger generations while being complete retards in other areas, are reading up more into things we are generally told are evil. The whole Dragon Slaying business is what keeps politicians in office and the more people research it, the less dragons there are to slay.

Oh boy, a politics thread about marijuana? This has ā€œsoon to be lockedā€ written all over it.

Again, not that itā€™s really the core topic here, but what would be so bad about having that kind of debate?

Which one? Pot or Politics?

He is right it will be locked within oh 10 pages or so.

The pot debate. I donā€™t see why having that kind of argument (on a mature level) would warrant the need to have the thread locked.

You must be new to SRK

I believe all politicians should smoke pot and chill with the rest of us instead of acting like theyā€™re better than everyone else.

Thatā€™s my input on pot and politics.

Due to the age of some members, the fact that srk has sponsors, and some other reasons I just donā€™t feel like digging through old threads: SRK doesnā€™t allow discussion of substances deemed illegal.

and people who arenā€™t potheads need to realize there is more than 1 major active ingredient in marijuanaā€¦ THC gets you highā€¦ CBD doesnā€™t. Medicines can be made out of pure CBD that wont produce any psychoactive effects.

but i digress your overall point about the question is pretty spot-onā€¦ there really is no other response romney could have given.

Basically mainly due to the sponsors lets be real here.
