Mississippi II: New Threads Actually Excite Us

Or me, at least.

The player list has been replaced with a Facebook group. **Most of our meetup planning and discussion is posted on the FB page and not here. **Of course, any tournament news will be both here and there.

Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/292837250749234/

I came.

I subscribed.

I came again.

sniff I’m so proud of you guys…it only took 3 1/2 years, but you made it to thread #2!!!

Ooh, you’re gonna get it at Final Round. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey guys, reposting this for the new thread. Central AR is hosting a multi-game tourney (SSF4/T6/BB:CS/Melee/Brawl) on July 31st. If you’re interested, reply here or on the official thread. Our last tourney we had over 70 players from five of the surrounding states, but sadly nobody from Mississippi.

Here’s a link to the official thread: http://shoryuken.com/f7/r-k-ii-arkansas-regional-knockouts-ii-conway-ar-7-31-10-ssf4-t6-bb-more-244222/
Thanks guys!

holy shit there are so many players in north mississippi…i think i need to move

That’s right, bitches… north ms in tha haooooooough…

god I’m drunk… but I have a reason to be. Just found out some shit about a depressing family emergency. so I have a right to be drunk. What, what, bitches? Best represent… North MS is the best in the state, baby. Fuck all the rest. Cylus kick all y’all bitch asses…

im all for niggaz getting drunk…and cylus is a beast…hope shit gets better duckie

Yo bret it was alot of fellas that came to cinderslam where from Canton, MS
They dont have accounts here but I can get in touch with them

Nastybisonuser- Canton, MS
Mane (Ryu user)- Canton, MS
Kidd (Sagat User)- Canton, MS
Kenjitaki- (Ken/dudley user)- Canton, MS

More to come!!



Just as I was second-guessing my break from fighters, I found a mod for Fallout 3 which allows you to summon exploding lolis. I think I’m set for entertainment for some time.

thats duckie for ya mumbling shit when he is drunk, hell everyone is a beast when he is drunk but when we sober up we all know who is the beast here in MS and thats Acekombat, get it right!

Link. Now.

hey vice don’t forget about rwk311 from Ocean springs.

1523.zip(teikoku_v_2_1.zip) - Fallout3 SS/MOD ???

You need this mod and probably this one too. Although, if you don’t already have these, you are not a true loli lover.


You must really be DRUNK to think that GAYLUS, cough my bad cylus is the best in the state…

onemanga is actually dead…sadness…on a good note metal gear peacewalker is GDLK

Metasnake88- Vicksburg, Ms

Fuck yeah

Shit, I knew I forgot to do something relating to getting my first paycheck after Evo and beating Portable Ops.