Mishima Style Kuma Combo Thread

sounds good will have to try it out and get back with u.

dont forget hunting stance can cancel to headbutt or claw giving kuma a sick mixup

so that post i wrote before was incorrect thats why i deleted it. However i have been doing some research and discovered some new KUMA TECH!

Grizzly Claw Smash > Jab Elbow Stomp > Forward Jump is a 4 frame safe-jump if they quick rise as long as no jump normal is used.
otherwise it should be safe to 6 frame reversals.
immediate back dash if no quick rise puts in prime position to punish roll.

Grizzly Claw Smash > cr.Fierce xx HP. Megaton Claw > Grizzly Claws > Forward Jump xx j.MP
if they quick rise the jump strong will connect but is almost un-reversable because of the distance and it still allows G-Clef Cannon to connect afterwards.
if they choose not to quick rise an immediate neutral jump xx j. MK will be an ambiguous meaty if they roll.

Triple Hammer hard knockdown (ie all 3 hits connect) > whiff c.MP/s.MK > Super Jump Forward this will AUTO CORRECT on roll and soon will cross up on normal recovery ( if his j.MK hitbox becomes anygood).

anyway i think Kuma is really good now and will be great soon so hopefully people can come up with more tech like this in future.

long live the bear.

Not positive, but I’m pretty sure before the last patch that down MP to HP Megaton Claw did not connect. Now it does @_@.

Im like 100% it didn’t… Is d+mp a low?

I dont have the latest patch and it connects. I use d+mp to hp megaton claw as a whiff punisher, imo easily kumas best whiff punisher. If i want to pressure I just use lp megaton claw. D+mp is not a low.

Dunno when that got updated… I always did d+mp to lp megaton because Hp wasn’t connecting before…

lol kuma can cancel f+lp string into hunting stance into hp launcher from hunting stance… then hunting stance hp loop??? heh

New kuma BNB, f+lp string, hunting stance, f+hp, st.hp xx qcf+hp,lp 374!’

New Kuma BNB to super - F+lp string xx hunting stance, f+hp, cr.mp xx lp megaton, st.hp xx super 505 lolol

Nice, I knew that g-clef xx HBS was at least +13 because I could hit manual launch afterwards, but +15 for a free grizzly fling? God damn. Is it a tough link?

I was just using big tree for nasty resets.

Plus he can get hunting L attack from his hard attacks.

The link isn’t tough, just do the cancel as soon as the last hit of the string hits to keep you close. That combined with tag cancels off big tree is a huge boon for kuma imo. He is soo good now.

Personally I don’t think it is. You can go directly into Hunting H as well, so it’s at least +17.

F+lp string xx hunting stance, f+hp, st.hp xx super does 517

NIce I didn’t try ending it so soon. Good stuff.

F+lp string xx hunting stance, f+hp, st.hp xx cross art - corner
F+lp string xx hunting stance, f+hp, f+hp (2hits) xx cross art - mid screen

Jeebus, anyone know what it is on block?

Depending on who you’re up against (and whether they are likely to be mashing a zero-frame counter during combos in case you have a break in hits) it’s almost better if the G-Clef Cannon cancel to HBS + f.HP Grizzly Fling doesn’t combo. You get mad damage for doing the initial hits, short couple frames break into Grizzly Fling plus follow-up because there’s no damage scaling from the initial hits. It’s pretty easy to connect, and most people (at least until the gimmick-phase wears off) won’t be thinking to block low because they’re expecting Megaton Claw.

ITs good enough that Throw, or walk up a step throw both whiff cause of block stun…

G-Clef -> Grizzly Fling -> St.hk/f.hp -> Cross Arts is probably the most damage you’ll get starting with the G-Clef and pretty great for the times you have meter and want to end the match as soon as they hit 60% life. The other options that start with G-Clef end up netting you less.

Wait you mean other 3 meter options net you less?

Also G-Clef -> Big Tree xx Tag is sick… Heihachi can link st.hk off that, which leads to st.hk xx lp demon breath bull shit!

So, G-Clef into HBS combos and NON-combos (with the pause I talked about earlier), damage on one vs. the other:

G-Clef xx HBS, Grizzly Fling, G-Clef: 323 combo, 411 non-combo/paused (diff 88)
G-Clef xx HBS, Grizzly Fling, Double-Wild Slap (HP, MP): 332 combo, 424 non-combo/paused (diff 92)
G-Clef xx HBS, Grizzly Fling, HP, HCF HP, f.HP (Megaton plus follow-up - I think this is corner-only): 366 combo, 482 non-combo/paused (diff 116)

So, the difference (nearly 100 on 1st 2, and OVER 100 on the last) is nothing to sneeze at, and I have yet to be super-ceded in that pause in the combo by anything but a zero/near-zero framer like dragon-punch.

I just tried a combo with my usual team: Abel plus Kuma. (Abel) Step-kick xx Dash, HP, xx Tag, G-Clef xx HBS (pause, so the next bit is not part of original combo) f.HP (Griz. Fling), Double-Wild Slap does 651 damage. That’s over half most (all?) char’s bars and is *nearly as guaranteed as the combo damage. Their only chance is to block low or counter with something ridiculously fast, like dragon-punch or EX something. but most people are anticipating Megaton after G-Clef, and won’t be expecting the break in the combo at that point anyway.