Mishima Style Kuma Combo Thread

Except in certain situations, I prefer the g-clef, megaton, fp~rolling bear. Its so easy, and its only 20 pts or so less dmg than the grizzly fling equivalent. In training, I was only hitting the grizzly fling about half the time, I’m sure I would get better with practice, but I just don’t have a lot of time.

Also, the non-combos are assuming the G-clef cannon connects, giving you more frame advantage. I agree with your premise, my only worry is giving up massive gauranteed damage for the hope of just a little more with this setup.

finally, I am pretty sure that on block, G-clef to HBS, to lp is a nice frame trap, though from what I have seen trying anything else from hbs if the opponent blocked the G-clef is easily interruptable.

Whatever, at this point, its all about exploiting Kuma’s massive comeback damage with pandora…holy crap

Learning how to do grizzly fling though opens up alot more damage into super midscreen. Also the corner push is better and it leads to better tag options for kuma, also gives you better tag in general off g-clef, since you can do g-clef ~ hbs, cr.mp, hp+hk

You mean g-clef ~ hbs, f+mp, mp+mk?

No just hunting bear stance medium to launcher, bough tag cancel off big tree is good to

Well, it’s pretty dependent on character but most other G-Clef variations don’t give you a lot of room to get higher amounts of damage. G-Clef -> H megaton gives you the bounce but you’ll get hit a bit more with scaling and you’ve used your bounce already so your options can be a bit lacking from that. You could wall bounce with Ex. Frolicking bear but that’s wasting a bar there and the scaling issue still exists.

G-Clef into Grizzly swing is definitely the best choice for tag combos so a character like Nina might get a lot more from that but as I said, depends on character. Cross-Arts is guaranteed, easy damage so it’s sort of do you want to go for the win or do you want to go for the style points.

That’s just from G-Clef though. Cross-Arts from j.HP/HK is definitely gonna net you closer to 700 without gems, i think.

Any tips on doing this combo in the corner?

basically, its the HBS f+hp loop. Is that still in 2013? I been trying, cant get it once, though execution is the devil.

Lol, I was like, why did that do so much fucking damage, and then I realized the combo reset. And yeah it works in 2013, since you know that video is from 2013… you can tell by the 1.08 or the fact that he canceled into Hunting stance. I should test if it does more damage then regular corner combo if you actually combo it. I bet it doesn’t.

oh wow, I totally didnt see the reset either.

Got a msg from the guy who did the video. Apparently its 1 frame to go to hbs, then 1 frame again to do f+hp. I think this is simply not worth the execution costs, since his other combos do a lot of damage already.