Mishima Style Kuma Combo Thread

You can switch cancel Suicide and the best part is that the camera still stays centered based on Yoshimitsu’s position – meaning if you’re standing at full screen at mid the screen stays panned out even though Kuma comes barreling in at your opponent. It’s very offsetting and could definitely disrupt someone’s concentration.

what the- that’s my team too! I’ll try to post some matches

I like you more and more, QueenOfLove. :stuck_out_tongue:

Couldn’t you just end it with cHP xx Team Super for more damage?

Not if there’s a switch cancel in here. Which I imagine there is if he’s saying its 3 bars.

HBS. ex frolicbear. f+HP . HBS . F+HP . HBS. F+HP up to 5 times

(kuma back to wall) HBS . b+MP . HBS f+HP . HBS. F+HP . HBS F+HP

(corner) HBS F+HP X5

can someone test if u can tag cancel the 5th f+HP for nasty damage? i land this most when i double tap or plink the F+HP right after i go back into hunting bear stance. i think its only 450+ damage for 5 and its very execution heavy so not really worth it atm but still a style combo i dont see anyone els talking about.

also try using HK AND MK frolic bear as a corpse hop throws some people off.

I’m saying HCF FP xx FP, cFP xx Team Super should do more damage than HCF PP xx FP, MP xx FP xx Super.
If you want to blow 3 bars yur better off comboing into team super. You get more damage and its non recoverable.

Oh, I see. Yeah I agree with that.

a simple combo I’m sure any good Kuma player already knows, but I use it alot.
j.HP, f.LP,f.MP,f.HP xx megaton, HP follow-up, HK xx Cross Art(or super art, or Megaton, LP follow-up).

nothing like trolling with big damage combos, gief is my second character so I think that really makes this a damaging combo for me at least.

also, I think I may be the only Kuma player I’ve ever faced that understands how good Break’n is.

that move is a **really **good anti-air, if the jump at you with an attack you knock them out of the air, if they jump at you empty you still knock them out of the air. The only air attack that can really beat it clean is Yoshi’s HP I think.

I default to [j.HP>HP>Megaton H>H follow-up>HK>Megaton H>L follow-up]. With the j.HP, it does about 474 damage. I call this: “Mashing Fierce”.
Also, what is the follow-up to EX Frolicking Bear? I use it after my Megaton H follow-up, and can’t really get anything to go after it.

Using ex frolicking bear in the middle of combos is generally a bad idea. If yer doing the ex frolicking after the megaton hp~hp ender, im pretty sure u lose juggle points, so u cant follow up the ex frolicking with much. Best you can really get after any ex frolicking is fp into fp megaton, and either lp or hp ender. If the megaton is missing after the fp (which occurs after the ex frolicking) its because all the juggle points have been used.

I would save my meter instead of ever bothering with comboing with ex frolicking. after combod megaton hp ender, its best to do hp/hk into frolicking bear, and then tag out, many partners can continue the combo for decent dmg.

I never use boost combos with kuma, so the only opportunity i usually ever have to tag him out is after a combod hk frolicking bear.

Also, if yer fast, you can do f+hp, and after the first hit, tag in partner and continue to follow up with a boost combo. in the very least, its a safe tag, bc f+hp is a two hit move, and if it hits, its dmg time. Of course, since f+hp starts in 22 frames…make sure they didnt jump before doing anything crazy. :smiley:

I like you, you know what’s up.

I completely agree with all of this. Kuma does crazy damage for no meter, so just build it up with him. If you need to tag just raw tag after a hp megaton-> hp ender, or after landing an EX FB. In the corner, tagging out of FB can sometimes lead to more damage depending on who you’re tagging into, it’s tricky timing though.

And yes, f+hp is super amazing for getting Kuma out of trouble. If it lands you might get a combo, but nomatter what he’s getting tagged out for free.
I suppose they could alpha counter the second hit and blow your next character up, but I have yet to see that, and if I ever do see it will be very surprised.

Check out this vid of the more powerful rush combos
With Kuma…FAIL¡¡
You can do HK>qcb.HK for more damage of HP>HP Megaton

and it is not only that the camera stays focused there, it will actually work almost as if you are in a corner.

coincidentally… i use the very same team, yoshi & kuma lol

this answers my question.

While it might not be Maximum damage, (and sorry if already mentioned)

I found from a Launcher into Kuma, if you do;

HP, EX qcb.HK - you get a wall bounce and you can press raw launcher and it’ll hit, going back to your other character.

I find this useful and instead of using a meter to extend the combo, I get a chunky bit of damage from Kuma and SAFELY go back into my other character.

Just found a nice little 639 Kuma/Hwoarang combo. uses 3 bars, but its unrecoverable damage. Goes a little somethin like this…
Start with Kuma:
jHP, stHP, stMP,stHP, launch (Hwo comes in), crMP, EXHH, Tag Kuma in, EX-charged Fatal Wind = 639

Hwoarang can get a crMK in there too but it scaled it HELLA. Also, not a single gem was activated when i did this. My Kuma is up to his eyeballs in power gems, so WITH gems we’re talking some serious damage here.

So basically, anytime Hwoarang does an EXHH, whether its raw, off a cross rush, regular combo etc, you can tag Kuma in and he can EX charge his super and catch them in the air with it for some proper flashy shit. (If everyone already knew this I’m sorry), I’m gonna go ahead and assume that certain situations will make it scale hella and some wont, so I’ll do a little bit more playing around with this to find out when the best times are to do it, seeing as it costs 3 bars of meter

EDIT: Tried a few things out. So far it seems like the simpler you keep it, the more damage you get.

EXHH, tag, ex-Charged Super = 512
chainsaw kick, crMP, EXHH, tag, EX-Charged Super =524 (starting this with a stLP into Chainsaw kick drops the damage down to 472!!)
Iron Heel, crMP, EXHH, tag, EX-Charged Super = 521
Regular cross rush, crMP, EXHH, tag, EX-Charged Super =488

I’ve been playing around with this kinda stuff with Kuma + Hwoarang and here’s what i got:

After a combo ending with HK frolicking Bear and a switch cancel, i bring in Hwoarang and get in to do a crMP xx hpHunting Hawk and a switch cancel. Kuma comes back in and does HBS bMP, triple Hammer. The damage is pretty good and its real simple to pull off. The only tricky part is the Triple Hammer, but once you get used to it its cake. If you cant be bothered to get used to it though, you can just end with HP, Megaton-followup.

Also, another one i like is Double Wild Slap into launcher, Hwoarang comes, crMP xx hpHunting Hawk, Switch Cancel, HBS bMP, Triple Hammer. Damage on that one is really good too. Also, you kinda get 2 switches for the price of one, due to the launcher. So its a nice flashy combo for the cost of only one bar!

Of course, you could always replace the hp Hunting Hawks with EX Hunting Hawks and play around with them that way. In fact, if you really wanted you could switch cancel after an EX Hunting Hawk and get Kuma to do an EX-Charged Fatal Wind for some serious damage. I’ve got about 639 damage from doing this. It costs all 3 bars though, and the more hits you do before tagging Kuma in, the more it scales. Looks great though!

That dream shit is crazy! lol


Just found a HELLA damaging combo for Hugo/Kuma

start with Hugo
Bodysplash, crLP, mpClap, crLP, EXlariat, switch cancel, Ex-Charged Super = 732!!!

Thinking of tagging out Kaz and playing Jackx X Kuma. I miss the farts…

You can do a launcher after Megaton Claw Smash, no need to spend bar. But if I’m expecting a throw I’ll sometimes throw out an EX Frolick instead of EX Megaton Claw.

I tested this combo out and got 697 without gems. I was messing around and found a similar combo, a bit easier and costs less

Bodysplash, cMPxxlpClap, MPxHPxHP (kuma) HPxSuper = 647 for 2 bars