Mishima Style Kuma Combo Thread

yeah those are the highest damage combos you can do without tags

Just adding on to those snackarific combos…

J.Hp, st.HK xx hcf+HP HP, st.HK xx EX hcb+K+K, st.HP xx super. 649. Three bars

Super easy

So What are you guys doing combo wise tagging in the animal?

With Rolento I do whatever into Rekka x 2 tag cancel f+lp,mp,hp, xx hcf+hp,hp, cr.hp xx hcb+hk.

With Heihachi I do whatever into dp+k,p immediate tag cancel, hcb+mk, st.mk,cr.hk or st.hp xx super


I will post more of this team(Kuma/Ryu) i got more videos just go look my channel and u will see tell me what you think!

After a ground bounce, Kuma can do s.hk xx lp.megaton, super. The slow fallspeed applied after lp.megaton hits an airborn enemy, gives plenty of time to link into a super.

My “new” favorite combo:
[477] j.hp, 4mp~mp~hp, c.lk~s.mp~hp xx ex.megaton,hp, s.hk xx lp.megaton, super
Perhaps not the host practical one, but looks good.

The better option for damage would be (2 bar consumption):
[618] j.hk, s.hk xx hp.megaton,hp, s.hk xx lp.megaton, super

[147] HBS, ch mk, 6mp
[160] HBS, 6hp, hbs, 6mp
[232] HBS, 6hp, hbs, mp~hp
[308] HBS, 6hp, s.lp~c.mk xx ex.megaton, s.hp
[343] HBS, 6hp, s.lp~c.mk xx ex.megaton,hp
[481] HBS, 6hp, s.lp~c.mk xx ex.megaton, super
corner [218] HBS, 6hp, hbs, mp, 6mp

Actually 679. Omitting the ex FB and just doing Hk xx super does 647. Using a cross art instead of a super does anywhere from 650 and up. So using a third bar to do 32 extra damage is kind of a waste when you could get much more by shortening the combo and using a cross art. with Kuma the shorter the combo the better.

IMO using EX FB in combos in general is usually a waste of meter since it scales more and the move itself does poor damage. Not to mention the combos only work mid screen with spacing.

For tagging in to kuma off a launch, the best I usually do s.hk xx qcf HP,HP for no meter. Hk FB and qcf HP,lp do more damage, but I like the wakes off of qcf HP,HP. If you have bars, s.HK xx super is usually worth it.

corner [361] HBS 6hp, s.hp xx mp.megaton, mk~hk
It is basically the same as before, but with mp.megaton instead of lp. 8 more total damage.

[252] HBS mk, mk, lk~mk~hk
[250] HBS mk, mk, mk~hk
corner [321] HBS, 6hp, HBS, mk, mk, mk~hk

Also, found an acceptable aa combo:
[556] (ch) aa FB, s.mp xx lp.megaton, super

Does anyone have some good followups for a juggle-starting EX Frolicking Bear?

I’m rather scrubby and always just try to b,FPx3, despite the fact that never, ever works. Or a G-Clef Cannon into whiffed Megaton. Bleh, I feel stupid just thinking about it, haha.

ex frolicking bear is best followed up, until something better is found, with fp into fp megaton lp ender. Unless u want the hard knockdown, then end with the fp/mp ender. Lp does more damage, but no hard knockdown and opponent is sent across the screen.

Timing on the fp after ex frolicking is really easy, just make sure u hit fp before they touch the ground. You have all day to do it
330 dmg with lp ender, like 315 or so with fp (hard to see on my tv)

MP > HK xx Megaton HP xx LP

does a little more than what josh p said, bearly any harder (lol).

is that mp to hard kick a chain, or is it just a juggle? cuz if its a chain then the megaton needs to be ex

just a juggle.

Well, I got one but it’s a weird starter.

From Hunting Stance, if you do EX-FB, you’ll return to Hunting Stance. From there do f.hp to pop them up and then do s.hp, s.mp. s.hp

The f.hp from HBS is pretty timing but it’s possible. If you get it, it’s 376 damage.

From a standing Ex-FB, you can do s.hp, s.mp, s.hp for 312 damage, 4 less than the standard s.hk xx megaton punch HP

I’ll keep that one in mind next time I’m in town (didn’t buy the game for various reasons, no plans to either.)

Frolicking Bear from HBS isn’t too farfetched of an idea, as if you start a mix-up when the opponent is down using HBS, your dash cancelling is substantially buffed. I know that’s been said, but…okay, I don’t know where I’m going with this.

you can land f+hp from ex frollicking bear without being in hunting stance first im pretty sure, the timing is just tight.

So…how bout some Switch Cancel combos for Smokey the Bear?

I picked him up recently but he feels incomplete without them. I didn’t see any posted in this thread so I hit the lab for a bit and this is what I came up with so far…

After a BNB into Grizzly Claw Smash, HK xx Frolicking Bear -> Switch Cancel, I could only get followups with Hugo (LK xx clap, backbreaker) and Sagat (c.MK xx HP Uppercut) midscreen. I’m sure other tall/long character can followup after that for huge damage. However, most of the cast can’t do a damn thing unless it’s in the corner.

So after further testing, I found that after a Megaton -> Grizzly Claw Smash, you can juggle with Jab Elbow Smash (MP~MP~HP) and he conveniently slaps the opponent high into the air at a steep angle, and you switch cancel the 3rd hit of the string and everyone can do their standard strongest followups! Works midscreen or anywhere. So consistent and easy!

If you’re in the corner, might as well do the more damaging HK xx Frolicking Bear switch cancel IF your character is quick enough to juggle afterward. This feels inconsistent unless I jab on the way in with the incoming character.

If you have just tagged Kuma in via a launcher or switch cancel, you can do Jab Elbow Smash and then switch cancel right back to the original teammate if you want.

Lastly, after a Grizzly Claw Smash, you can go straight to EX Frolicking Bear, then juggle with Jab Elbow Smash and switch cancel into your partner for big damage.

Video tomorrow, I’m exhausted. But it is pretty straightforward :slight_smile:

I had a dream about these combos (I dream about SFxT lol?) and I tried the combos from my dream and they worked >_> weird

Happy Hunting everyone! Get to work :tup:

Working on Yoshimitsu/Kuma tonight. :stuck_out_tongue:

You can also TC off of a grounded jab elbow combo and get free hits. If the opponent is standing it’s usually only jabs, if they’re crouching he gets enough advantage to go into slower stuff like Hugo c.MP xx clap combos. Characters with jab links can do some cool stuff, or pretty much everyone can just do boost combo back into Kuma.

Suicide Switch Cancel is hilarious.