Mishima Style Kuma Combo Thread

I’d like to revise this to:
a.HP > Double Wild Slap xx s.HP xx EX Megaton > Grizzly Smash > Double Wild slap xx s.HK
If you want to use a meter for more damage.

can you cancel a whiffed s.HK into an EX move at the end of this? it’s pretty easy to whiff the kick if you rush through the wild slap cancel.||

Answer: No I can’t.

Can you write this out with the inputs? Don’t know the names of his moves ><

SRK is really messin’ with my stuff right now.

Alright, so: you guys can’t do the juggle because you’ve been misinformed. Sorry about that.

You open the juggle with Left Right Bear Claw, so st.lp -> back mp.

It should work for you now.

Do you actually mean as a juggle? Or do you mean as a ground combo. How are you getting them into a juggle state, because post launcher from another character your combo def doesn’t work. Im aware you can juggle after a lp megaton punch no follow up but I can’t make that work after any juggle strings it has to be the first move you do otherwise all the juggle points are used up… So what is the exact setup for this combo? Is the character in the air? If so how where they launched. If not its not a juggle its just a combo.

This works after a launcher. I’m not an idiot I know the difference between a juggle and a ground combo, if that’s what you’re saying.

After a launcher:
Left Right Bear Claw
lp Megaton Punch no follow up
Standing mp immediately chained into sweep.

Yes, it does work. I’m not theory fighting here.

EDIT: Alright, here.


The quality is absolutely horrific but you can see it. I put the phone in my neck to do it… pretty awkward.

Also no it doesn’t have to be done in the corner, it’s just a lot easier to do in the corner.

Weird… Well its cool it works! I was really doubting you I just never got the megaton to hit in that situation. I’ll go back and try it again later today. Thanks!

Yeah, the juggle count on it makes no sense I know, pretty strange. Hoping to see some more crazy stuff with Kuma from you guys, I plan to stick around for a while. I think we can make people respect Kuma if we keep at it, seems like we’ve only scratched the surface with him.

a.HP > st.HP xx MP xx st.HP xx hcf LP+MP xx HP > st.HP xx MP xx st.HK

um i may be listing the cancels incorrect, since the moves cancel into each other i just listed everything that is a cancel as such.

Weird not writing out the move names, you DO need a slightly delay between inputs in the last HP xx MP xx HK otherwise the kick will whiff.


I tested it and yoru combo is cool but just do st.hp xx megaton punch H, H does more damage 316 vs 300

But it is cool to land super. You can do b+lp,mp xx light megaton claw, link super so tight.

I know right? Fancy. I know it’s not the best, I don’t use it outside of training mode and sometimes in corner combos.

Couldn’t you also potentially cancel into a Super art after the :hk:?

Maybe… not sure if i used all my juggle points at that point. I’ll try it out later today

I think (read: THINK) that things like supers don’t apply to that rule and would still hit.

Nope. it whiffs. the combo still does 493 damage without the super, and since it uses a little under half a bar it’s pretty efficient to use anyway. if you want to gain meter you can use a.HP > st.HP xx hcf.HP xx HP > st.HP xx MP xx HK. which gains a little under half a bar and deals 463 damage.

Yea, I just tried it myself. Shame.

That said, here’s something very similar that would combo into super

a.:hp: > st.:hp: xx :mp: xx st.:hp: xx hcf :p::p: xx :hp: > st.:mp: xx :hp: xx Fatal Wind

Does 609 damage. Not bad for 3 bars.

you probably can get about 589 if you skip the EX setup in my combo and do the original meterless version with MP HP super instead of double wild + HK. you would only use one and a half meters for close to the same damage.

I find it a lot easier to do s.mk than s.mp, and getting the same damage.
Instead of sweep ender, super works as well.

The rule of lp Megaton Claw combo extender can be applied to lots of combos:

3 bars:

j.hk, s.hp,6mp,hp xx ex hcf.p,hp, s.hk xx hcf.lp, s.mk xx super - 553 dmg

2 bars:
j.hp, s.hp, hcf.hp,hp, s.hk, hcf.lp, s.mk xx super - 613 dmg

1 bar
j.hk, s.hp,6mp,hp xx ex hcf.p,hp, s.hk xx hcf.lp, s.mk,c.hk - 500 dmg

from HBS:
6HP, s.hp, 426 LP, s.mk,.chk - 353 dmg
6HP, s.hp, 426 LP, s.hk xx super - 574 dmg

Some other combos:

Mid screen:
6HP, ex frolicking bear, s.hp>mp>hp - 347 (330 without the last hp)
6HP, ex frolicking bear, hcf+lp,lp - 304 dmg
4MP, s.4HP xx HBS,lp,mp - 197 dmg (very iffy timing on 4HP to make followups possible…)

Alright, now you’re thinking! Flashiness and Kuma is what I like to see. The mid screen one with HBS in it makes me happy even though the damage is so low.
Also couldn’t you replace the hcf+lp, lp in:
6HP, ex frolicking bear, hcf+lp,lp - 304 dmg
with hcf-hp, lp?

Also, number notation! I like.
Good stuff I’m definitely integrating some of this.

Good question… I tried 426hp,hp, but it did 290 Never occurred to me to try 426hcf.hp,lp.

If only 426lp was tag cancelable…

snackarific put this on youtube [media=youtube]GSF4YjVIVCg[/media]
jHP sHK hcfHP-HP sHP hcbHK for 472 damage without meter, and 617 if you connects super after the sHP

,and also he put this 2 other combos