Milwaukee: Too grimey for the rest of WI

Everyone in Milwaukee quit all fighters to play Smash and Jerry told us no more fight nights. There will also be no more Tracks tournaments.

Hope everyone in here gets 3SO so I can try and body Wisconsin with Twelve again. :slight_smile:

Dont get me wrong I love smash but I love all fighter equally, If anyone wants to play anything else besides smash bros lemme know, Im on the South side Near the transfer point

Sorry but Twelve doesnt wanna meet my Makoto she can smash beer cans with her breast lol

Last I checked, I don’t think Twelve wants to meet ANY Makoto. :frowning: Seriously hope that Madison puts 3SO on the tourney list once it comes out. I could care less if it’s a free tourney, I just wanna play new competition and see a revival of the game.

Hey matt I was at the brookfield square gamestop (they got rid of that dbag manager) today and that asian guy you know said he didn’t know fight nights were on tuesdays, i told him he should come play games and check for the new address here.

Yeah I’m pretty sure I’ve told Kong about Jerry’s before. I’ve tried to get him to Tracks a bunch of times but he always works Saturdays. I’ll try and let him know Jerry’s new address maybe he’ll start showing up.

no one cares, hogosha

Wait so no fight night tuesday then or jerry hasnt moved yet

There still will be fight night on Tuesday it just will probably be at his new place.

…i c wat u dehd thar.

I never listen to tier list, I understand that some characters are naturally good but its the skill you have that makes the fighter so we’ll see what your twelve can do

footmeetsskull’s picture pretty much describes what Twelve can do.

I’ll try to make some time next week, I sent you a pm about the scene in Madison if we ever have a gathering I’ll let you know and if you need a ride I can probably get you. It sounds like you live sorta close to us on the Westish side if you’re by the Transfer point.

fight nights are all at my current place in july, new place in august.

acted like some faggot who thinks he’s funny

yup! lol

Sorry Dad. I’ll stay out of your thread now.

goddamn where are the random youtube vids? what kinda thread is this?
