All the standard donjon engine stuff. Dash, backdash, airdash, airbackdash, four butons: three attacks and a Vermilion button which is used for boosting and supers. Throws are A+B (lol karas). V button can also be used for some defensive and burst-type moves, looks like.
The lolis are pretty hot, but why are their panties showing? Tamala has some healthy ass legs though.
The dudes in the game… Is the target audience of this game teenage weeaboo girls?
If it’s from the BBB guys, I don’t expect much. The game could’ve been pretty fun and had alot of potential. Yet even with the help of patches, the game sucked. I’ll play it for shits and giggles.
Character designs look like they come from the same people who did Senko no Ronde.
Looks ok, i kinda like Filo, but overall ill agree that the characters are a bit whack. Says its a 2D fighter, stick and 5 buttons. Looking forward to it, since i tend to like doujin/anime fighters.
Fucking truth. I dont expect much on that game either. Not enough characters, and those chars doesnt look like they’re going to kick some ass. Except the girls, looking good. NOT.