Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

Fun thing the KA author himself is big fan of jap fighting games

I gotta say, something I can appreciate from Shinkiro’s SF art is that those are the times I can see the SF cast with somewhat realistic body proportions, as usally they are drawn with exagerated volumes, sometimes I get a knack for the former.

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I dunno about that being Rashid’s source. That could be almost anything. That design is extremely generic arabian. And both Rashid and that guy are based on the trope of the “whirling dervish”.

What you feel like vomiting every new Shinkiro art for Capcom? Interesting Haha

It’s like his the most terrible SF artist up to date that why your vomiting

Shuko Murase was under in the era where Capcom values the street fighter franchise that’s why it achieve the greatness to everyone in terms of art even if the story was terrible.

Because SF2 was doing well, giving Capcom the $$$ and made it’s there flagship title. The time they turned Ryu as logo and mascot for awhile.

Shinkiro isn’t idolize by Hiroaki just for being senior or glamour poses because those were basic to everyone in their industry.

There are no problem with his proportion in drawing characters other than people usual criticism which is the face.

Because if there would be a problem with the proportion that you wouldn’t say his glamour poses as where he is the best

I get what he’s saying though, that you can like and appreciate an artist, and still not want the game to look like their art.

Like, I love Final Fantasy artist Yoshitaka Amano’s art. But I’m glad the games don’t look like that.

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It’s hard to explain for you, because you don’t have an idea of what your talking about other than echoing what others had already said

Your thinking that he had difficulty in drawing homer & mickey mouse faces because of the CVS artworks? Hilarious

This is not the sailormoon challenge lol

It’s common sense that he doesn’t need to draw those characters faces like he does with Ryu and Kyo.

He draws like that because it’s a choice & a preference not because he can’t do what the other artist like Hiroaki or he would had more difficulty achieving what Hiroaki does.

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Well as usual there are likely multiple sources, but i think KA Hassan may be part of them indeed, specially for the catchphrase i guess

To begin with, i think (aside marketing audience reasons) they did a bit as reply to Tekken’s
Shasheen, young bearded highly acrobatic arab fighter with strong sense of justice and an disappeared/assassinated friend :smiley:

Ever got the feel SF and TK play a lot on each other under that point of view

Btw i think they had some ideas even back to SF3 (left)

Then as usuals pieces can come from everywhere

The eye visor is obvious nod at DBZ example

This guy from Cowboy Beboop is called Rashid/Rasheed (pretty common, but still) and was an high tech expert
his story had that him hacking/stealing the data of an evil org he was working for to stop it from become too powerful, wich remind a bit SFV Rashid’s dead friend, aside that he actually managed to escape

Another fun thing at early phase of SFV they was even considering made him blond (LOL thanks gods they did’nt) with spiky hair, bare chest and golden jewels

ever thought the inspiration behind that was Sega’s Prince Ali, SoT2/Legend of Oasis version

As much i loved the Sega game, thankfully they dropped that, last thing SF needs is more blondes LOL, specially when they rob a new area of get decent representation


Did you Vomit?

You have edited it 5 times to avoid criticism but you have mentioned many times that Kinu is the top for you, in the past thread like this because everyone wants kinu too. I myself like her works in the past.

and because you avoid having opinions with Bengus’s style.

The lead in that game(KOF15) isn’t Hiroaki the main illustrator is Tomohiro Nakata

It’s easy to confuse right? that’s difference among them with the likes of what Ikeno, Kinu, Akiman and Shinkiro.

I know you would consider the guy as far and call a genius, because you read in someone opinion in a fighting game website that he likes it. And you like to cling with someone.

Yes his artworks are really good, and definitely mainstream the best for fighting games and especially for promotional materials.

That art captured well SF4

His an artist that every fans would like most of his creative works. So disagreement with his works are mostly very few. Even I would agree that he the typical artist I would like to be regular in SF and KOF.

I do like his Ryu in here


There is nothing wrong, negative or criticism from me for what he does, because that’s what I also wanted for an FG artist.

But it doesn’t mean he is genius in what he does or something that his doing is a breakthrough. That’s a bit stretch for shilling to someone.

It’s not a misconception.

If your calling this still an experimental stage, That would be clearly denying what we had seen in tons artworks from the existence of SFV from the beginning to the present and also the other promotional materials. SF5 started in 2016.

So obviously it’s not experimental stage now, I don’t think what we usually see continuously still falls to experimental and just trying to have a different vibe for a new product.

We can pull a few example to justify and deny what here and there but no because this is not something that is just done in a bit of selective media or comparative to the regular amount of experimentation of the use example.

That’s Akiman and with the poster was Kinu.

No. Because those are nice standalone pieces of art.

If SF6 came out and the whole game looked like that? Yeah, I probably would.

Bengus’ art has become worse. Period.

The style has been streamlined and made to be quick & lazy as compared to what it was. At some points its downright amateurish to the point that it should be embarrassing to have put into a product. Unless Bengus is being insanely rushed for this artwork (and considering the small volume, I’d doubt it) I’d chalk it up to an artist having become increasingly lazy.

It happens. I have read comic books for a long long time…and BELIEVE ME…it is ENTIRELY possible for artists to become worse and lazy as they go


This post totally describes my thoughts on current Bengus, bravo.

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Oh when was Geese Howard announced as a DLC?

Thing is when he seem to put time/effort also new SFV style looks pretty good, i would have no particular problem with this being the new Bengus

Is absolutely different, but i would not necessary consider him SO worse than his former self
The stylization got more extreme but where he loses in detail e gain in visual impact and dynamism

Problem is when we get the half assed SFV Character Story tables, that get slapped in our face as “good enough” for SF
That stuff try to be stylized simple in a One Piece manga way, but miss the target big time
Idk why he chosen that approach (he liked it, too many tables to do, got lazy etc) but was clearly a downgrade over his former stuff

But this is more a general whole SFV problem, because again same game consider also “good enough” for SF have as official work fucking udon people and Kiki stuff
Let that sink
SFV have an absolute problem with say “no” and have some standards

So this is a thing.

Kengan Ashura chapter 74.5 as part of the collection. It’s legit and features a cross-over dream battle between Ohma (Kengan’s main character) and Akuma with a lot of side characters from both series featured.

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They already did one with Ohma vs Ryu, with Ryu going Evil Ryu and Ohma winning… but it was a dream

Would like them doing a non-dream version, but tbh having Ohma fighting Akuma seems disprecting af toward Ryu, specially considering current Ryu gone beyond Evil Ryu shit

Akuma should just face
Who defeated everybody and is essentially perfect Akuma’s counterpart

Would be hyped to see Zangief done Kengan style, they don’t under-sell huge fighters as punchbags
Fun thing Sekibayashi (facing Gief in the pic) have a lot to Zangief in shoot wrestling phylosophy of tanking strikes
But Julius is KA muscle power master, fight with Zangief based on muscle power would have been immense lol

Btw kinda shit pick on SF side, poison/sakura/ibuki/dan are wasted slots
For KA spirit could have seen people like Sagat, Rog, Abel, Cody, Alex etc… the pure fighters type, but i get why they chosen otherwise

Clearly talking about illustration like promotional material, like calendar and etc, not lead game artist to be the next game artstyle for SF6.

Yeah Ikeno is certainly the top tier currently,

The details are strong, while still keeping it not realistic. It’s not another anime portrait that is flat and bland that tries to appeal in mainstream.

Direct comparison from where he was

Yeah Shinkiro keeps getting good from time to time. It’s like he continued evolving better and better with newer techniques and technology as he continuously draws for Capcom. People can reference his old work as terrible, but that so so far away from his previous.

He has more defined facial structure than before for each character, well noted is Sakura where he was terrible with because of the anime features being the spot for a generic anime girl in a sailor school uniform.

With the modern tools it’s like he had found a harmony to gradually incorporate his style and make it better.

Yeah also Akiman whose the art is always looks great is also like Shinkiro that he also gets better and better with modern digital tools.

Which the opposite of modern day Bengus. :frowning:

I liked the character illustration of bengus(top most of every fg artist for me) next would be along the likes of akiman, edayan, kinu, shoei and daichan then the last is shinkiro in his early days in Capcom, but I’m not judging with nostalgia glasses.

Without the nostalgia glasses, his present work isn’t the same appeal as he used to. Yet Bengus is still one of the best SF artist in the history.

geese is usually associated with the new Cody in SFV not just by him


It doesn’t mean he can’t draw the two person together and looking different, if there would be another Capcom vs SNK with both of those characters

yeah that was the case way back then but not now.

but people tend to also forget that redundant faces can also suffer not just in the style that shinkiro aims, but also with anime style like 90s dragonball especially if overly simplified that everyone would look like very identical with just different hair and clothes.


The problem with One Piece a like style on SF is that SF characters wasn’t design like One Piece in the ground up, SF2 were from the era were it wasn’t directly a simplified anime(modern) and that was the time were anime aren’t full blown influenced by western cartoon and even in SF Alpha/Zero which was anime were the most characters are recurring is still mostly close to human like physique and One Piece characters aren’t like majority of recurring Sf characters.

had bad connection lately…


Shinkiro art is exceptional in FG artist.

The appeal of Shinkiro’s art style is like how Alex Ross art is appealing to a certain demographic and purpose not the mainstream fun loving anime generation.

That could also define an era and to reimagine of something new but done in the past with modern tools.

What he aims for is something that gradually becoming less and less seen, because it’s meticulous and more technical, it needs effort to strike a balance on an artsyle, while the anime artstyle is the mainstream which is easily appealing for the current generation.

So simplification is the go to of modern artist along with their studio less time and work.

I like what Shinkiro did here

so i like to see
in the future
how would Shinkiro take this art


So that does that mean the current Shinkiro should be just stuck with nostalgic art and can’t work non-human-like-figure or creature like characters? like the unknowing cestus_ii mentioned saying shikiro will had difficulty with characters like Homer or Mickey Mouse?

The answer is No

Why NO?

Because most of the recent group illustration for crossover the likes of Tatsunoko VS Capcom and UMVC3 were done not mostly to kinu, akiman or ikeno. characters human like

In-fact Shinkiro has the most recent crossover library of artworks and has better iteration of MVC3 artworks compare to kinu and bengus or even the SmashBro of Akiman

Next better is Ikeno that has a decent work on another recent capcom compilation games

It’s about recent works not 90s titles

It’s not something like cestus thinks of having difficulty to do something else like homer and mickey mouse. That’s bias analogy and judgement there against shinkiro.

LOL, Your really like to hate Udon artist… haha

Some udon artist are doing better in their recent works than what oversimplified illustration were getting with the current bengus in storymode and some poster.

you like shiny colors