Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

Agree. that’s a terrible idea and it’s risky for SF that making RS characters automatically on the same level of SF characters and the only thing to make it reasonable to those thar favor that is because another fighting games title does that mistake too.

The solution is by treating the RS franchise as a separate universe to the RS within the SF franchise to avoid unnecessary contradictory to SF establish canon.

SF canon is the priority and RS should be the one to have huge adjustment when being integrated to SF canon.

That logic of making a new comer or some guy from nowhere like Kyo automatically better or equal to the likes of Ryo or Terry. was terrible. It’s never been the right thing.

Those that would try to justify RS and SF using KOF as an example by calling it as a “good example” like saying “SNK did it with KOF, So why can’t Capcom apply that too to SF and RS” in an attempt to make that sound reasonable onto how Capcom should deal with RS and SF. When it wasn’t reasonable to begin with. They were always be wrong because KOF was never been a good example and it only cause more complication and inconsistency.

So it should never be applied in SF, because it is wrong and a failure.

We all know that despite Kyo being better than Terry and Ryo cause a lot of inconsistency and confusion to the backstory of KOF and Fatal Fury timeline.


That force idea would be ignored by SNK by treating Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting being separate with KOF universe story and canon.

So in the end whatever SNK accomplish with their fighting game lore isn’t really a solution to the case of SF and RS, The result was a problem and imitating the problem to another similar franchise doesn’t solve it.

Regardless of age inconsistency between Ryo and Terry. Kyo and everything that goes with his character in KOF wasn’t even mentioned or even acknowledge in Garou.

Because Kyo and etc didn’t exist in Garou unlike the AOF characters with Ryo that beat Young Geese.


Because what SNK did was first just ignore the lore then treat is separately as a desperate measure to fix the complicated status it brings.

He still had divided attention compare to the likes of Ryo and Terry that dedicate their lives on training and combat.

However RS and SF exist in the same universe there is still a multiple fail safe here between the merger of SF and RS.

Since Blood type plays an important characterization in Japanese culture which is different from western understanding. That it’s like Zodiac sign or something.

The SF one is A and the other is O in bloodtype. Unless there are two Sakura now existing in SF? which is more complicated.

It’s still safe to assume that this isn’t.

The current SF Sakura backstory doesn’t also acknowledge the events in RS and her involvement.

So we can also assume that some events in RS isn’t canon in SF history.

Capcom already did this

To some characters that recently had CFN profiles like

Something they also did with SF Ruby Heart and Kyle

They may had just been inspired by the other character and having the same name but they aren’t the same exact character, not the same experiences or have no similar backstory

Just treat them like SF own version of that character.


Clearly this is not the same Ruby Heart from Marvel vs Capcom

This Kyle might not be Cody’s brother.

And the events in Final Fight Streetwise didn’t happened and wasn’t canon in current SF story. Final Fight Revenge could also be not a canon.

Another open a can of worms here because of RS in SF

Is the other RS cast that has questionable fighting style which is conflicted to SF established universe and combat.

Capcom should ignore some of the RS cast bellow and treat them as ordinary person not as mystic and fighters

This is just simple like mentioned in the earlier post


The solution is by ignoring major events in RS that this characters above were involved with and were fighting with, like this RS characters was from an alternate universe because their fighting style is ridiculous to be incorporated in SF universe as a legit way of fighting.

I’m really hoping Capcom would not treat this RS characters that appeared in SF the same exact and equal to their original RS counterpart and the Akira were having is different from the Original RS like Sakura is a different character from her RS counterpart.

Yeah, something like that can work too, there you will her being innocent but slowly corrupted by Fang
That kind of almost ambiguous “father figure” thing reminded me a bit Leon lol
or ever on the “father figure” thing there was -in Interview with the Vampire- Lestat, who’s a figure that can be a bit associated with Vega, that “adopted” the little girl… Soul Calibur essentially took that with Raphael with Amy

But i was more thinking about some new character that is already a big fuck up mind wise, like a female serial killer or something
If 10/10 on beauty scale Vega would love that shit LOL

As long he’s not some californian who try to force his vision on the company and pay what he have to do, i see no problem there tbh

Now that killed half of my optimism
Hopefully they will not try to push “real people” crap in SF, still hope they understand SF should not get the RE pill

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Speaking of RE Engine…

Hyper realistic is not the way to go because most of their character design for SF isn’t made with that thought to begin with. Same does the special moves and supers.

MVC3 and the new SamSho is are liked and easy to port, the size is low because they are more stylized not the realistic route that is way to huge in detail and heavy. Style > Details

Despite MVCi having more detail compare to MVC3. MVC3 bested it in the visual aspect because of being stylized.

People may not compare MVCi to TVC but TVC looks more appealing to wide range of audience than MVCi




How I wished Capcom went to this style with MVCI

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Found this i did a some time ago, you will like see Effie recognized as a character lol
(click on the pic for full size)

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Hey, I liked the Peaceful spirits and Japan Pride teams. Those are good ideas.

On the other hand, I don’t like grouping all grapplers together.

And I definitely don’t think we’ll see Alex teaming up with Hugo.

Also, and more important, FEXL characters are definitely a no-no.

But hey, it’s your list :slight_smile:

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So, Daigo is the fifth character, right? O.O

Nah, more a for the lulz thing, that would not be my ideal SF… actually pretty far from it

My ideal SF would farewell plenty of them and welcome plenty of new faces, all while keeping characters that in my eyes MUST stay

Kira’s rumor (before pic of Daigo were released) was Daigo being part of her intro and CA

Right or wrong, Daigo being used as some sort of Nadeshiko (maybe even less active, if he’s limited to intro/CA) seem possible

Idk from there what are his chances of be the 5th

I still think not that high, but surely higher than few weeks ago lol
I guess his only chance is if he’s very big deal in SFV Akira’s story

It’s possible he might even just be a character that shows up on the RS stage.

You can’t tell me what to do!
gets out magnifying glass


It looks simple if you aren’t aware of the origin of that concept stage

It is does looks similar SF,
But it’s not inspired or based that stage in SF4 stage was from Kanto region


That new stage is officially originated from the Rival School sequel AKA Project Justice

and it’s in a different location the one in SF4 is in Kanto Region might be near to many metropolis like Tokyo

While the one in Project Justice is in Kansai region can be along Osaka or Nara

Side note:

They are not kinda related or connected. because it’s originally from project justice

To avoid confusion bridge and overpass are common site and location in Japan cities because the they had many rivers and trains are popular mode of transportation.

What makes this special that this stage from the Rival School

It’s a popular used backdrop for anime and live action, specially those that are about slice of life kind of shows because of it being common in Japan.

Possible, but the model seems a bit too detailed for that

If you see all other NPC stage characters have waaay less detail

I have to say, I don’t think Engine will necesarily dictate art style, so if (and thats an ‘‘if’’) SF6 ends up being on RE Engine, I don’t believe that means it will look as hyper realistic as those titles. I guess it just makes sense to do it in a Engine they have been investing a lot and for which they have more control (remember the whole frame input delay that SF5 had at the begining on Unreal Engine).

Now, I am not sure if all of the work done on SF6 from the Ono era will be 100% scrapped but it will be definetely heavily reworked, if I recall the original leaks back from earlier this year said that was the reason they delayed the release of SF6 so they could rework it with the new leadership.

Exciting times if you ask me…I am just happy we have SF alive and wont have the series dormant as it happened after Third Strike for many years.


Obviously pointing out to reference Lisa Lisa.in Jojo

I remembered Rose’s MB in Capcom Fighting Jam / Capcom Fighting Evolution


This may even probably appeared as a potential secret costume if a code was entered

If not, It’s kinda waste potential if not used as reference the Rose’s MB in Capcom Fighting Jam / Capcom Fighting Evolution

It’s better to reference both jojo and Rose previous reappearances to establish a shout out to it

Which at least made their own inter connectivity

So, what will Akira’s costumes be?

  • Regular Akira
  • Powered Akira
  • School Uniform

IIRC, CFAS Akira was planned to fight with her jacket on but not the helmet.

Kind of weird; and I don’t think it’s likely we’ll see that variation for SFV.

Yeah, Daigo’s probably going to appear on her Critical Art will be probably a team-up attack (callback to RS).

At first I thought it could also be a “crossover costume” for Urien, LOL.

Ideally? Not far from what you did

STANDARD: SFV artwork + Code version with the helmet+jacket

STORY: School uniform you posted (flashback in character story)

BATTLE: Usually everybody get new design for Battle

She also appeared in an Onimusha game, with this design:

Also there was one artwork in the PS1 version of Rival Schools where she appeared in regular casual clothes.

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I hope so. After all, Unreal was the go-to engine for drab realistic bullsit. But it’s also the engine used for all the ArcSys games.


It’s a terrible browser game with other Capcom characters on it

This would do a nice Battle outfit

Found this

Daigo won’t be a playable character.

Someone pointed this out but If you closely at his ID code on the tweet, it’s different compared to other playable characters.

Playable characters, especially the DLC ones, usually have “Z##” somewhere on their lines.

Seth for example is Z37

On the picture that shows Daigo’s code:

Rose is Z39
Akira is Z41

However Daigo’s is X01

Following this the 5th is supposed to be Z42
38 Dan
39 Rose
40 Oro
41 Akira

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Ok: so what’s NADESHIKO’s ID code?

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