MGTOW Chronicles:Men Going Their Own Way

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God damn you have the reading comprehension of a 4 year old and the assumption making skills of a woman.

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[quote=“tataki, post:376, topic:179924”]

Despite that article, the ones mocking David in that video are not otakus, though. At the end of that video, they left David in his room while they all went out somewhere.

I’m not goin anywhere. Fuckin cry more bitch.

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I have a lot of self respect. May ego isn’t weak as shit like your is.

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No I’m not. As I have said, I got on dates, I see girls. There are thing about myself I could improve but that’s always true no matter how “good” you are something can always be better.

I have lots of self respect. I like who I am as a person, I like the things I do, the people I associate with. I have a friend j st as fit as you and he’s no where near the asshole you are have been about shit you don’t know anything about. I like my life. It’s a never ending trial of self improvement but that doesn’t mean I have no self confidence or self respect.

Again that’s just you being a woman and making assumptions about someone you’ve never met and know nothing about.

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Well you are being an asshole. I’m kinda being an asshole to, it was a simple comaprison, not some deep thing. I mean I’m sure your a perfectly pleasent dude when you’re not being an asshole. Do whatever.

By the way you are judging something fierce bro. But it’s whatever I don’t really care.

Core, just so you know, from the outside, it looks like this thread is just trying to inform people about MGTOW and so far I just see you trashing other members for no real reason. Like, attack the points, but not the person.

Also, people that usually just run around trashing others are usually just insecure and don’t really have much going for them. I don’t recommend doing that. You don’t know who the other people on this forum are.

You might be surprised that people on this forum may have more wealth than you, more influence than you, more respect than you, not only a much more attractive girlfriend/wife, but one that has not stabbed them in the back (which for some reason you think to be a good thing) and stayed supportive not only through the high points of life but the not so high ones as well, etc, and don’t go around attacking others.

It’s cool you made a thread for working out, if not for that, you would have been on my ignore list already, but if you’re just going to pointlessly attack posters in this thread, and derail the thread into pointless arguments, then no one will listen to you. I think you should stay in your thread and help people get back in shape, but as far as this thread goes, asking you for advice here would be like asking a McDonald’s worker detailed information on how to run a Fortune 500 company.

I never judge people by their job

I judge them if they refuse to work because they are above a job at wal-mart

I judge people who think improving is doing things that are common sense

Look if you are waiting for japan to create the sexbot for you to love fine whatever

But to label that your cause is to not fall into the game of courting than you just admitted you give up on interpersonal relationships

Fuck idiots on this show payday. I mean i get the hippies

I don’t get these idiots throwing away money and living on welfare

What has this topic turned into? I don’t know

But really being a man is being able to stand on your own and thrive whatever definition that is for you, the bottom line is your bottom line

Always just remember that much

I understood both points presented, before the argument started.

Believe it or not, you are both fighting the same battle, you’re just attacking from different fronts.

I do agree with Core though, although he has expressed his points to the extreme. Trump said it best. When you’re rich and have power you can grab women by the pussy. In other words it’s not up to you hunting bitches, it’s about bitches hunting you. And they will do that when you’re… “influential”. I’m not just talking about money here, cause different women go for different things. But you having a strong presence, will make women run after you.

My whole post might not have nothing to do with MGTOW, and maybe neither does Core’s whole argument… but it has to do with psychological control over women.

Why do we need control over women

You should know instantly when a girl is really feeling you

I cannot get into the head of a gold digger going for old dudes at all times

At least go for buff ass mid life crisis dude

Looks at thread title
Looks at 8 pages of bitching against women

No idea man…

Btw, most of women are “gold diggers”. It’s biologically locked into their psyche to search for security. Why? Because as a woman, you’re programmed to create a family. That’s your main goal in life. How do you create a family? With someone who can provide for that family. This is truer as women get older. Realizing their good looks are disappearing, and have nothing else to offer, they get more and more desperate to find that security.

…And this is where the mic drops.


But you are a 41 year old virgin who has come to terms with never being able to get laid without paying for it

He is a dude who has got laid and is looking for the right woman

Honestly i don’t think you guys know the eb and flow of relationships and how they work

It is a give and take

You make her feel like she has control, but in reality it is a 50/50 relationship

Fighting against our female oppressors sounds dumb as shit as does “i given up on pussy because i love my money and freedom too much”

Just say you are addicted to flesh lights and are saving for that miku real doll and vr simulator

Relationships should never be a game and the last thing you should do is forget who you are for pussy

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Of course. Good things come to those who wait, but so will bad things.

They WILL. Ask Insert whatever guy just got divorced here how it all started.

Nobody has to wait. Your argument is invalid.

And you think this gives you…power, over her?

It doesn’t.

…Um, she’s the one paying the bills. What can she not afford that having you around makes easier? With the stroke of a judge’s pen, she can keep all of her money and around half of yours.

Alimony: Turning today’s braggart into tomorrow’s beggar.

And you admit that,“Her mind was at least a little bit fucked up” when you met her. Well, Good luck. I hope the trap doesn’t close on you. However, do not doubt for a second that it can. MGTOW: Because even YOU know that AWALT means AWALT.
