Has anyone bought one of these before? They look pretty well made, and obviously very solid.
Looks well made from what I could see, would have been nice to have 4 holes on the back though for next gen.(Start, select/back, touchpad click for fighting games, home/ps button)
I was thinking of making a 4th hole if I get one, but it makes me a bit nervous.
I bit the bullet and ordered the blue one…will update once I get it…looks pretty solid from what I can tell and see…fingers crossed.
I talked to the seller last week and he is looking for feedback on what layout people are looking for. Send him an ebay message and he responds pretty quickly.
Let us know, hopefully he’ll make more.
I ordered 2 as well just over the weekend to give it a shot. Will keep you updated on what I think!
Been emailing the shop owner and he will be making more and some with astro city layouts…said his goal was to make it mod friendly once he gets his stock up to par so panels accessories will be available individually later on…sounds very promising to me.
Nice. I really like the design and how mod friendly they look.
Awesome. I hope those are nice.
The seller has quite the stock of parts. I dont know of anyone in chico ca tho.
So who is this mystery seller? The plexi sticks look like arts hobbies tho
The metal cases look decent. When i get one i am thinking jasons tho when i take the plunge… lol navy pun.
He did say the plexi is from tek innovations in item description when I bought mine.
No mystery here. All Fight Sticks is a new venture for us. We are in fact located in Chico California, and after building sticks for others we decided to design an enclosure that encompassed the best features we encountered. We are still in the late development phase of this project. Our plan is to develop a strong, affordable, option heavy stick that will adapt to most styles. We have a website for sales, however at this time it’s not turned on until we finalize a production design, and we have inventory to fulfill orders. Ebay has been our platform to test designs and get some much needed feedback from the community and provide some consumer protection until we flip the switch on our website. Keep your eyes peeled for www.allfightsticks.com
I seen these on eBay as well. Was courious to buy and drill additional 24mm holes but was woried that I’d chip the paint cost doing so. I went with foehammer and tek-innovations for my two builds. If they design extra button layouts and add next gen button configurations I’d be more than happy to order these cases.
As of know I’m just not comfortable drilling into these metal cases potentially damaging or chipping the paint. I would love to see others build here with these cases though! I almost bought a white on white one that was on auction.
@Allfightsticks Why do you have another metal plate between the top plexi and metal case, for extra strength opposed to sticks like the Etokki Omni that are just 30mm holes drilled in the case and plexi and no other metal plate.

Also 4 24mm holes in the back would be a good idea for next gen, and layouts like Namco Noir or Sega Lindbergh.
@Allfightsticks Great looking sticks. I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out to get one. I wanted to get the blue one but @slaycruz beat me to it right after I started this thread lol.