Message to all new school kids

Edited - ~warning~

Before you come on these boards to complain about Chun/Yun/Ken/Makoto or any other character that bodied you where you felt so completely hopeless that you decided to take your frustration to the interwebz where your voice would be heard, let me stop you.

You’re playing a fighting game, this means that theres a cast of different characters with different moves and special abilities. Having a diverse cast with a unique set of skills insures that there is no true balance, if you’re looking for balance I’d suggest playing an fps.

Coming on here and telling everybody about something thats been around for 10 years isn’t going to get you or our scene anywhere. If you’re having trouble with a matchup, post about it and I promise you’ll get some helpful responses from players. We all want new blood that dig the game, just don’t be a douche bag about learning it.

If you want to cry about something, you’re more than welcome at Street Fighter Strategy Guides, News, Videos, Combos and Tips :

3s honestly is stereotyped in the US. It’s kind of the sad truth because it turns allot of people away from the game before they even try it for themselves.

“Aww fuck 3s, you just guess and win” …

“haha the game is so unbalanced, only chun yun all day”… ect ect

Yes there will be players that genuinely guess, but theres a difference in fighting a player that guesses in the jungle and someone who uses educated guesses.

For example, you realize that whenever you knock down your opponent he hits cr.jab on wake up to stop you from getting close to throw, on your next knock down you walk up and down parry the cr.jab. That “guess” is an educated guess because you read the players tendencies also it’s relatively safe because you’re only tapping down really quick and going back to block. This would be called “fishing”, that is why you see twitching all the time in 3s because you’re covering ground while making it hard for your opponent to hit a button.

You will see a load of CHun/Yun on Youtube because some of the best 3s players in the scene use them.

This is based on Youtube results
MOV/Nuki/Rikimaru/Justin Wong (Chun), and Mester/K.O/Nitto/Pyrolee.

Almost all of those players are fighting game legends, in 3s and in fighting games ingeneral. It’s not like some random no name is beasting everybody with top tier. It also doesn’t help that the Daigo parry video showcased Justin Wong being lame with Chun, solidifying to outsiders that she is a “lame” character that turtles all day and spams

When you actually play though, the first thing you’ll notice is that Yun is hard, and while Chun may seem simple, you’ll be in for a rude awakening when you fight someone who knows how to fight her.

3s is amazing, if you don’t like it, then don’t play it. You wont be missed. :encore: :encore:

this was rushed, will add more later to try and make this more constructive


This seems relevant.


I dont normally care about the ‘3rd Strike players are elitists’ argument but this doesnt really help.Unless this is satire I dont know what you’ll achieve by posting this.

You shoulda waited until 3SOE came out though.Woulda gotten far better replies/more trolling out of it.

There is always Necro-bumping or make a new one if this gets locked.

(Hits the nominate for article button)

Totally agree dude! Ever since SF4 the shoto-nub invasion has been ever growing. They are the worst players on the face of the earth and have taken the piss out of the game.

I prefer my Street Fighter games filled to the brim with piss.

yes i agree, 3s hasnt been the same since the piss was taken out :rofl::rofl:

lol was pretty mad when i made this… :X

i hate all the talks about 3s on the srk page… makes me realize how fucking retarded and stupid the srk community is

Eh, in this case it’s not so elitist. People think that everything released should be new and for them. Capcom is releasing it on PS3, and XBOX to help out tournaments mostly (or so they say). It is on relic systems, which nobody has a stick for anymore AND those versions aren’t even arcade perfect. I think that even though it’s late, they are making the right decision. It probably is cost effective for them and they see it as a low risk/high reward move.

yeah so

shouldnt this thread be everywhere except here

since the new people who come here to read strategy threads are obviously the ones we want around, unless we’re retarded




What? Have you not seen 66+ page thread “Street Fighter 3rd strike: Online edition”…? Trust me, 66 pages aren’t from the regulars that chill in this sub-forum. Not to mention the ideas in that thread are so dumb that it makes me question if they’ve ever played a fighting game in their life. Oh and did you like the "Who are you going to use in 3soe? As if new chars were being introduced, lol. With that said though, this is def in the wrong place, it was written out of annoyance. @.@

I check out the marvel threads time to time, do I like the game? not really.

i agree. reading the front page on srk with anything 3s related just makes me hate the american street fighter community.

ive come to the conclusion that i want the american 3s scene to die.

the “elitists” will keep it alive, and im fine with that.

3s shouldnt even be allowed on the same website as mortal kombat 9 and mvc3.

we need the piss

What about us guys who’ve been playing for 2-3 years (guessing) and are still only decent?

Metric, this should be your signature:

Listen, you fuckers, you screwheads. Here is a man who would not take it anymore. A man who stood up against the scum, the cunts, the dogs, the filth, the shit. Here is a man who stood up.

Taxi Driver.

The problem with this thread is that even if you put it up in FGD or something, nobody’s gonna care anyway because they haven’t even touched 3rd Strike before. They just love to follow the crowd.


i am all in support of new players. as long as they are respectful and willing to learn.

basically…know your role.

if you are new, dont act like a know it all. aka 99% of the sf scene today.