Menat General Thread - Don't Drop The Orb

motions are emotion based. You must truly believe in your move or it won’t come out.

Bengus artwork

She squatted before a super, so that’s a double circular motion on the super.

I get strong sf4 Juri vibes from her. Mid-range projectile pressure+combos requiring a bit of setup, a teleport-counter, no wake-up…

If she sends out the orb just behind Guile, then counter-teleports behind him, does the orb move as well or stay planted? Can it attack while she recovers from the teleport?

She definitely wont be charge, thank god

I absolutely love this move, animates beautifully

Please, Amakusa did the whole glowing orb thing first.

Made a tweet about this earlier. Sadly, most individuals of this generation are not going to even know who Amakusa is.

True, but is more than that, it is also the dancing and hips shaking, things that Amakusa lacks.

Sigh… hope her drill is plus on block. I miss Rose close, avoid lows, grabs, combos on counter hit and safe on block.
She definitely won’t be a fast pace character, but reflect, drill and orbs will give us alot of pressure…

She’ll be slow but her mobility will be pretty good

Refusing to share the art and knowledge about our lady and saviour Cammy, how utterly selfish!
I bid you farewell sir!


She lacks in tits too tbh

Anyone think she’ll have a 3f and/or reversal? She’s looking to have that sort of weakness. Has an air drill though which is nice.

Thank god for that! Enough melons in SFV…


Man is that sentence even English?

You read it didnt you?

Not every female in SFV needs to have huge breasts.

I’m still annoyed they increased Juri’s bust size for no apparent reason.

They usually don’t give characters with far range game as good as Menat 4 frame buttons. The closest things mid range/zoners in this game like Urien, Nash, Guile, Sim and Birdie all have 4 frame buttons. She has too much ranged options for them to give her a 3 frame. Especially with the anime trap stuff that forces people to play defensively even when she’s close to them. You can’t projectile invincible attack through a fireball that hits you in the back. That’s part of why Morrigan is so ridiculous in Marvel 3.

I see her ending up like Guile or Urien with 4 frame lights and a good EX reversal (Guile) or a slow/riskier EX reversal (Urien). Not sure if she has the mix up and movement to warrant going full Nash/Sim on her defensive options (4 frames with nothing full invincible outside super).

Yeah it was a stupid thing to do. She looked fine in SF4