Azure: angelpalm: WTF-AKUMA-HAX: TheKingOfParody:how much for an autograph again?
Cab fare upon landing and a fast food meal in Vegas, just about. You’re gonna need that $24.99 so keep it for more important uses!
Quoting because Radical Edward.
more like @n16634fa6607
There’s already too many smash playing racists in this thread. Come on now.
If someone ends up punching him, please let someone record it. Thank you
I live in Vegas. I’ve attended the last 4 Evos. I’ll be at this one.
…aaaaand I don’t really give a damn about meeting anyone one way or the other. Have fun.
I live in Vegas. I’ve attended the last 4 Evos. I’ll be at this one.
…aaaaand I don’t really give a damn about meeting anyone one way or the other. Have fun.
If you arrive at evo and cant find Raz0r he’s the one wearing the pointy white hood…
Huh? @ Raz0r really think he celebrity out here? Who bitch this is?
They sell his (favorite) books on amazon
Butt not his butt books on amazon.
He’s got to know the difference here :nono: :not_listening:
Nigga what?
If I remember correctly there’s a bar in old Vegas where they show video game tournaments on the screen. I may be there, too.
Don’t forget that alongside Raz0r, FGC celebrity and everyone’s favourite Street Fighter Crash host @“Missing Person” will be there! I would strongly encourage each and every one of you to approach him and give him your thoughts on his English commentary.
angelpalm: WTF-AKUMA-HAX: TheKingOfParody:how much for an autograph again?
Cab fare upon landing and a fast food meal in Vegas, just about. You’re gonna need that $24.99 so keep it for more important uses!
Quoting because Radical Edward.
Although I’m almost as triggered at HAX’s growing pony collection. There’s probably a HAX worship thread on Eventhubs by now.
There’s already too many smash playing racists in this thread. Come on now.
Just so you guys know.
Raz0r uses plastic utensils.
Consider this when you consider if you really want to hang out with him.
Wait… why does anyone want to even meet Raz0r?
Wait… why does anyone want to even meet Raz0r?
Doesn’t “punch him in the face” sound enticing enough??
So much violence when all I want to do is sell you guys my autograph.
Wait… why does anyone want to even meet Raz0r?
You say this but once you’ve shared a drink with me you’ll be hooked.
So much violence when all I want to do is sell you guys my autograph.
We all know that you want our dick pics.
Pretty sure if I wanted that all I would have to do is start a thread on SRK as Neesa.
@specs finally found a mirror that doesn’t break whenever he stands in front of it nude?