Meet Raz0r At Evo!

I can afford my own drink thank you very much.

@Neesa let me get your username and password gurl I need a vacation.

gif spammers and a dick pics vacation??

trash mothers sons and irrelevant homosexuals

The same thing as every Razer0r thread then.

well ok

i’m still going to the ferris wheel and drinking all the alcohol i can drink in 30 minutes

The best part of that ferris wheel is that it never fails that some couple tries to fuck on it and then gets arrested. If I remember correctly there are cameras in each bucket.

But if you guys don’t go and see raz0r you will never learn the secret of how he fits into his skinny jeans.

Yeah he does own SFV

and Guile’s stage where they all do that. :open_mouth:


Try dragon bonus bacc and get a 30:1


Can I get you to sign a Buzzfeed article?

I should but won’t because they won’t hire me for freelance projects. ;(

As a consolidation prize, we can chug beers if you’re sitting on the main floor.

@“Missing Person” they’re flying you out to EVO?

I’m going on my own volition. Already planned to go prior to getting hired.

I’m sitting in the general section. Didn’t get my finals tickets early enough to get on the floor.

Let me know how it goes up there. I have a few friends back there so I might try and sneak in during a game I hate.

Either that or leaving for a little bit for a food/drink break. I honestly wanna see every game but Smash so that’s a lot of time on the floor.

Stay away from me.

I know you don’t mean that.