I’ll still back him, I want to see this shit happen:angel:
me too, instigate some more and we might have a MM
this thread is completely out of my league now,
strider/juggs/doom=as a competitive casual team? yes or no?
only if you glitch Juggs and land all of his supers. If you answer no to any of those two then its not possible.
well ive just been trying to balance actual feasable teams with low tier characters to brush up on my basics. (if your basics suck, your low tier gets punished,),so it forces me to think smarter to preserve my characters,lol.
yeah i glitch juggs and i land the supers 80% of the time, when i miss, doom’s rocks cover my ass. but i dunno how to land the extra juggernaut punchxxheadcrush after the first super…since he charges forward,do i do the motion in the direction hes facing? or in reverse since hes going to turn around? never knew…
We’ve gotta play casuals, I’ve got so many different teams.
nah, id put put up a fight until i realize your technical knowledge is way better than mine, and then id just with cyke all day,
but seriously thats a bet, you goin to C3? or FR for that matter?
ruby heart/sentinel/hayato?
blanka (aa)/sagat (aa)/random asian kid (gr)
Hehe if you want to see my Spiral in action, check this out:
Vidness vs. Pablo no assists
All I know is that Eric phears me since the last time we battled…
no assists? is that even still marvel?
also come to the march c3. mm with eric v, do it!!!~~~
I’ll up it to $300 then.
Eric study those reptiles and read manga. This is what I do:
not cool