MD/VA MvC2 thread

yeah but i suck, so this isnt a like a cool reunion of skilled players,lol.

Im declaring myself the east coast felicia ftw!

uh oh… marvel may be coming to a home near you!

felicia and who else? that is the question…

SHOTO Challenge

me (using shotos) vs whomever (using whoever)
-both put up $100
-play 5 matches
-if you lose at least 1 character, i win the pot
-if not, you win
-system: DC

recorded match

with pratice, my “felicia promotion squad” will be felicia/doom/sent, or cyke/fel/doom

for fun? fel/doom/cyke, fel/sim/doom or fel/sim/cyke…

for scrubs? Jugg(dash)/fel(exp)/cyke(exp) :rofl:

thats what the fuck i’m talking about! :rofl:

i’ll pay to see this battle go down!

true story

lol i’ll make cable wish he had a machinegun :slight_smile:

That’s a tough call for shotos against some teams. I think even I could win that one :slight_smile:

Also, Spiral owns cable for FREEEEEEEEE! :slight_smile:

if you’re serious ill take that bet… but i hope you realize how hard that really is for you…if your going to the next c3 ill come out for this…

if anyone wants some action on me, ill take away from my front if noone will cover…

strider cr.teleports that shit 4 free!:rofl:

i’d like to set it for april. when and where are the april events?

yah, i do realize how tough this could be for the shotos, thus i made it so that all i need would be 1 character kill if not a win. lol afterwards, we could enter the marvel tourney and i’d return to my storm/sent/cable to exact a friendly revenge if things went bitter

i’ll take a limit of 3 challengers at a set event in april. is there an april C3? it’s monthly, right?

if you go up there in april then i’ll go with you

april is fine, or whenever…

and there wont be a tourney ever for marvel ;p its impossible to get one to happen but we’ll get some games in

edit: Oh yea, ill play you first to five mirror match, shoto vs shoto and storm/sent/cable vs storm/sent/cable, casual or for money, whatever

then let’s make that happen

alright cool

so one you have to kill @ least one character for at least 3 out of five matches? or one match?or all five?

i get 5 matches to try and get 1 character kill using the shotos :slight_smile: tense

aka you only gotta kill one character, in one match…

ryu proj/ken aa/gouki exp?

press/rushdown(watchout for AC)>mixup>snap out…

and its a mirror match? shouldnt be too hard imo…'specially with kens gay air combo damage…

Its not a mirror, and I think I like slogan in that bet.

EDIT: More I think about it, I will back slogan if you want to play for bigger amounts of cash.