Prolly the only real use for f+MK is as a footsie tool- its the only move Rufus has that beats shoto crouch forward consistently, and even then it should only be used from max range.
what i started doing is i actually do a 720 motion. I started doing this because in the heat of battle i would lk>hk and instead of ultra i would get ex SS but doing a 720 actually has helped me a lot. when i do it i usually start from the down position as if i was going to start a fireball motion and go from their
That been working slightly better. What kind of gates are you guys using with your arcade sticks?
this is nothing related to gameplay but, today I won the first big SF4 tourney here in my city, all the knowledge and advices paid off, so everyone here learned to fear the fat man :tup: sadly there were no cameras but next tourney (jan 5th) Ill try to get one. Keep representing the fat man everyone
square baby
yea i use a square as well.
So after thinking about it I went to training mode and tried something out I had on my mind. I use far standing rh a bunch as a poke as well as catching jump outs at the end of my block strings. If you don’t have ultra or want to save your ultra, you can actually juggle off of it with a sweep. I’ve found it to actually be kinda practical in matches so far. Try it out people.
Can someone in here please fight me?
PM me your XBL gamertag please.
I’d be glad to when i get my 360 back. You can also go to the “SRK Training” Threads. Theres one in Ryu and Rufus’s Catagory. Just go there and post that in there.
There is one issue I have to HAVE TO point out about your Japanese not risking the dragon punch. When one is fighting 100 different Ryu’s only about 5 of them will actually be of some level to give a damn about risks. I understand that everyone here wants to get “good”. But if we consider “good” in a tournament sense. USUALLY only top 16 or top 8 are actually “good”. If you don’t have the ability to deal with the players who will take crazy risks because they don’t know any better. Cr. lp creates a situation where you can push yourself out of the range dp mashers. When you reach the “high” level matches later on THEN you take the mind games out of your back pocket.
There are alot of situation like the s. lk x 3 “trick” that people will employ at high level that will never EVER work against your everyday masher. These “tricks” do not create a sense of solidity and therefore turn an individual in my opinion into a risky player when the mental effect on your opponent when you are solid is very important. One lucky mash can change your opponents and your confidence level greatly. Play it safe, opportunities will come.
- Anti-air U2 does not give you the full hits
- EX Messiah does less damage
Is considered to be mid-air right after the invincibility frames of his backdash end
Apparently EX Messiah losing 20 damage. I wonder if the change to U2 plus the change to backdashes means U2 wont catch backdashes on option select anymore…
I’m wondering if U2 does less hits on anything that is mid-air.
These changes weren’t needed at all imo.
I wonder what made Capcom implement them?
Capcom does it again, giving the turtley characters even less to fear in this match. Wonderful. Sometimes only playing one character makes me sad.
Was wondering if any rufus’ would help me learn the match-up. GT: Wetwilly600
I play sim.
Wetwilly, learn to play another character. That is the best advice I can give you. I don’t know when I’ll have a chance to play you, but you can friend me, toiyet84 and I’ll hit you up next time I’m online.
<----- GT.
Maple Maniac, Just add me and hit me up whenever.
What are Rufus’s OS and how can I do them? Also what are notable Safejumps vs Rog or just in general?
So after playing around with the twins for a week I decided to get some AE playtime with Rufus last night. I can confirm that Zangief and Sagat are still unfavorable matchups for the exact same reasons. Zangief is probably worse now because of BBT nerf since you can’t catch jumps anymore. Haven’t played against the shotos or Rog/Bison yet so I can’t comment on whether those matchups have improved or not. Adon is now good for Rufus because of the wakeup timing being fixed (one thing Capcom has done right). I feel Cammy has become a harder match for Rufus, since she has no incentive to rush Rufus down and has superior footsies, and can link so many far normals into knockdown combos, etc. Also, Fei Long is definitely tough for everyone in this game. He’s the new vanilla Sagat in the right hands…
I also got some time against probably the best Yun player around here (at least after a week of play) and that match will come down to guessing right for both characters. Yun’s command grab can be hard to read so it’s best if Rufus never lets Yun get a chance to start his offense. The same goes for Yun though, if he lets Rufus in, he’ll get out divekicked all day. It’s not to hard to stuff his upkicks on wakeup if you aim the divekick like you’re trying to stuff Cammy. Otherwise, whoever has the stronger mixup will most likely win. I’m willing to say the matchup will be a 5-5 at worst, but probably more around 5.5-4.5 just due to difference in life.
Let me know if you guys want me to test anything specific. By next week Seattle should have 3 full setups of AE so I will have a lot of time to try shit out.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, Blanka feels a lot worse now for Rufus. Electricity comes out faster and is relatively safe and has essentially become a universal anti-air due to the speed. Due to the change in blanka balls, the people I’ve played have stopped using it completely so no free punishes (cr.HP, BBT). Capcom still hasn’t fixed the hitbox to allow Rufus’ MAIN bnb (, st.hp xx galactic) to hit when they’re crouching, EX. Messiah can still go over him on hit (as well as the other characters who it has always gone over). It’s basically the same matchup but in no way has it improved for Rufus.
Inco’s tier list for Rufus(seems pretty accurate):
Sagat, Fei:3.5-6.5
akuma yun yang ken viper t hawk viper seth adon:4-6
gief guile dic:4.5-5.5
boxer ryu makoto juri sakura cammy oni dee jay e .ryu: 5-5
blanka claw gen chun cody guy dudley gouken : 5.5-4.5
abel honda ibuki rose dan dhalsim elf 6-4
Hakan 6.5-4.5