McDonalds > Kung Fu! Rufus General Discussion Thread

Good shit man. this is also posible after a sweep (next to the opp, not max range)

try this in training mode:

Sweep ryu (again next to him) and jump forward. If you notice in the backgroud there are several blocks, count 4 as if you were going from the floor to the ceiling. When Rufus feet “touch” the top of the 4th block, divekick, it should land right on his lower back.

You can do this after ultra as well if you walk a bit after the last hit

A few questions:

  1. What the hell do i do against a Sagat that keeps the pressure on with Tiger Knees.

  2. Same thing against a Bison(dict) with his ridiculous kick.

3.I’m having trouble with the timing on GT->Ultra on Gief, Rog etc…Is there a certain animation i should be looking for? when should i start my fireball motions and does it matter if i use lp,mp or hp GT? Thanks for the advice.

The most important thing is to make sure he never gets in the position to TK pressure you. That means anti-air all his jumps and if he TKs you at mid screen, back dash out of there. If you’re in the corner without meter, you’re pretty screwed, so never get in that position.

The hard part of the match up is that you want to be upclose on him when you have the momentum advantage. If not, you’re in trouble. Keep that in mind and you’ll avoid the situation in the first place- Sagat wasn’t made for rushing down and keeping him out isn’t all that hard.

how the fudge do you make your dive kick super short?

hit down and mk as soon as u leave the ground. just do the motion really quick, not that hard. Like Up Down+mk

down/forward + mk, to be clear. he’s right though it’s just a matter of pressing the dive kick input very quickly after jumping. easier with an arcade stick than a pad (what isn’t?).

Is anyone having trouble doing St. HP–>QCF+HP, I seem to be messing up this combo most of the time now =/
Oh yeah where can I find a list of Rufus’ quotes in the game?

What is there to mess up? You’re probably doing the qcf too fast or something. Every once in a while I get hk messiah kick and it’s embarassing.

I wanna thank whoever posted that linking st. lk->st.hp was the same as linking st. lk(2x). That little bit of advice helped a lot and I’m able to do pretty consistently. I look awesome playing rufus now haha. Now down to business:

What should i be doing when fighting Akuma? I roll through air fireballs, dive kick trying to take no damage. Once i get in and i do my damage Akuma usually teleports away and i try to cr.hp. Am I doing this right? Is it just that Akuma is a runaway master?

Yea good runaway akumas are really tough to pin down. If you know the akuma is going to teleport, try and give a few fake jump-ins (really short dive kicks) to force action upon him. And when he does teleport dash into a position where you can sweep him (ideal) or c.hp.
The important thing to remember about punishing the teleport is that akuma recovers from it quicker than you can do either a sweep or c.hp, so you want to start your punish moves before he is done teleporting, similar to vega’s backflip escapes.

Got it.

Hello, I was wondering if there was anyone on here that might like to be my sparing partner? I’ve been practicing Rufus for the last week and am looking to make the full transition from Chun Li to the fat man. I’m usually on XBL (thethrillisgone) after 11 PM on weekdays, and weekends can vary. I have 1,977 BP and 7,022 GP if that means anything. Just to give you an idea of where I am. You could also add me on MSN if you like. Thanks. :slight_smile:

how big are rufus’ breasts?

they look delectable.

i want in mouth.

pleased to be have.


^ around the same size as yours except Rufus’ is a tad smaller.

Are very low dive kicks any good for pressuring the opponent? I seem to get jabbed out of it. Same with, I just get jabbed when i use it after a low dive kick, losing momentum.

To me, low dive kicks are good for pressuring, you just gotta mix it up a bit. Maybe throw a high dk after a knockdown and just bait them to react to it.

Use the when you reset or when the camera pans really fast so it’s harder to see. That is, as long as your opponent isn’t DP happy after resets ( rest w/ divekick comes to mind)

the only problem with is that its -4 on block, so they can throw you or jab you if they block it. Even on hit is -1. Still, its good to use it once in a while so that they remember you have an overhead

If they want to jab spam you out of repeat dive kicks you can follow up with a couple s. lk which can then be mixed up with another dive kick or a tick throw. You could always throw out an ex messiah if you’re pretty confident they’re jab mashing.

I have a rather odd question, im trying to play Rufus now, and I’m acustomed to using characters who’s ultra do not require qcfx2(ie akuma, chun, and boxer). Now ive been playing with him for about a week, and im able to do just about all the combos into Ultra(g.spin in corner->ultra, jhk->ultra, bhk->ultra etcc.) except that i can only do these constantly on the right side/2player side. When I tried these set-ups from player 1 side, the ultra doesn’t come out. Do/Did any of you have this problem, i think it might be the way i hold my stick

Just do the motion starting from downback instead of down.