I feel just the same way buddy!
I don’t think I’ve seen someone use st.mp after divekick. Id rather use st.FP or some other of Rufus’s options.
Cr. Lp after dive kick is good for mix ups, tick throws, block strings, and can be combo’d 4-5 times depending on character. I use this a lot if my dive kick hits nice and low and the guy only has a bit of life left.
Close LKs back-to-back only have 1 frame holes if you do them right which isn’t enough for a shoryuken to come out (but it is enough for some reversal supers); the 1 frame hole will hit though as it stops the auto block of a perfect block string, catching attempted shoryuken mashing or attempted jumps.
No, Richard Nguyen is right.
The 1 frame hole is enough for a Tiger uppercut to come out, because even though the Tiger uppercut takes 5 frames before it hits, it is INVULNERABLE FROM FRAME 1-5.
This means that if you do perfect back to back close stand LK, and the Sagat correctly does a reversal uppercut, your stand LK will whiff and the uppercut will hit you while you’re recovering from the whiffed stand LK.
Don’t moves like shoryukens, EX Messiah’s, and such have start-up invincibility frames? So isn’t all that these moves need is just a 1-frame hole to break through?
Indeed, I was wrong - I had tested this some previously but hadn’t tried enough to actually see that this could indeed happen. I can’t find a good source for exactly when other character’s uppercuts are invincible but I’m pretty sure Sagat’s 1-5 is the exception and not the rule; for example, I set up a Rufus recording to do a divekick, 3x close lk combo and was able to do Sagat’s TU through it somewhat reliably, Ryu’s and Ken’s DPs not very reliably (I originally tested with Ryu and wasn’t able to do it after a few tries, which is why I had assumed erroneously). In one instance the lk actually traded with Ryu’s LP DP which I found interesting. I wasn’t able to EX Messiah through the lk string at all.
Therefore I’d say that its viability is definitely character specific (probably close to never on Sagat, alas) but even in instances like Ryu/Ken, attempting a DP through it wasn’t trivial and a failed attempt usually meant I was outside of block, resulting in me getting hit (and from there, for the attacking Rufus, one could do for example, cr. lp xx EX GT to turn the one risked lk that hit into ~180 dmg off the top of my head, or if it’s close enough cr. lp xx EX messiah [fadc ultra if meter]). So don’t sleep on close lk!
Ken, Ryu and Akuma all have uppercuts that are invincible from frame 1. The reason why it traded for Ryu is that his LP uppercut only has 2 frames of invincibilitiy (MP and HP have 4), if your second LK is delayed by 1 frame, you’ll trade.
As for who its viable against, I’d say its a player thing- because if the player screws up the uppercut, he will get hit by your LK and get comboed. Most Japanese players in fact, would rather block than attempt to uppercut through s.LKX3, because the risk/reward typically isn’t worth it (unless its a clutch moment and he has meter to burn).
It doesn’t work against Rufus (if you don’t spam the stand LK, but instead, space them out a little while holding block) because Ex Messiah has 11 frames of start up and close s.LK on need 6-7 frames to recover. I actually like using close s.LK and far LP for continuous walk up pressure in the Rufus match up.
Thanks for the info - do you have a link for where the invincibility frame is available? I usually just use the frame data published on Event Hubs but it doesn’t have complete invincibility data.
just wondering, in a situation where you guys had the choice to use ex-gt would you bust it out? or save it for the ideal 3 meters to ultra later.
Always. I love getting that knockdown/momentum with Rufus. There’s plenty of other chances to land Ultra. And even if there isn’t, just sitting on ultra bar is scary and keeps them on their toes.
What he said. EX GT is good damage plus a knockdown, and with Rufus, you want to take any opportunity you get to punish them. It’s good for mindgames, too: The more stuff you punish with big damage, the more afraid they’re going to be to pull said stuff.
I find myself often using Focus-Attack against jump-in attacks to get crumble.
Often times though I’m seeing that even if I do absorb the jump-in attack and time the release as soon as possible, it doesn’t result in a crumble but often leads to a blocked FA or even worse, reversal SRK.
Is using Rufus’s FA for anti-air > crumble, ineffective/unreliable?
Using any FA for AA is unreliable because people will empty jump-in and throw you.
In Rufus’ particular case, since his forward dash is slow and he’s at -frames on a blocked level 1 there’s extra risk for using FA as AA. Personally I still use it, but don’t become predictable because it is quite punishable.
You could try a blocked FA into EX Messiah to catch people who know you’re -frames, but that’s just part of the mindgames.
c.MP, FA, reversals all work as AA, just gotta get the right timing/spacing down.
I’m baaaaack.
Anything new found? Seems like most of the stuff I am reading is just repeat questions and old stuff.
yeah not really anything new here, im currently working on my execution of the character specific stuff and some situational combos etc
But anything new or videos will be very much appreciated
Just got back from a hella long break. Will see what I can come up with. Finally found some good comp to play regularly in my area so we will see how that goes.
The biggest innovation in my Rufus play in the last few weeks has been learning how to meaty cross up with dive kick so that it hits the opponent in the middle of his back. The advantages of doing this are that:
If it hits, it allows you to combo into stand Fierce> Tornado.
If the opponent blocks, you have a lot more frame advantage to follow up and pressure… or to defend against a hasty reversal.
There’s a good chance that you’ll either beat the opponent if he does a reversal uppercut or the uppercut will whiff.
The timing is hella tight but you don’t have to get it right all the time- just enough times that the opponent is too scared to mash uppercut on wake up, giving you free reign to play your pressure game.
To see an example of what I mean, pause exactly at 0:33 of this video and look at the position of the hit spark:
That’s the sweet spot right there, and that’s where you want to aim for.
The easiest person to practice this on is Ryu:
- Set the dummy to do repeated light Shoryus.
- Knock him down with Ex Messiah Kick> LK Follow up
- Walk forward 1/4 of a step then jump forward then dive kick when you’re as high as where Ryu’s head would be if he were standing up.
If you did it right, and the Ryu quick recovers, your Dive Kick will hit him right on the back of his torso, allow you to combo into stand Fierce Tornado.
Once you get that right, practice it till you’re comfortable with timing the dive kick in relation to the opponent’s wake up animation so that you can do it on other knockdowns (throw in the corner, Tornado in the corner, LK follow up and the opponent doesn’t quick recover).
With Sagat and Gief you have to jump higher because they’re taller. Repeat the practice with them and you’ll see what I mean.
Kindevu does it against Daigo here at 0:14 (he doesn’t walk forward but jumps a little higher). Daigo scouts it and counters it by FA absorbing the kick and dashing forward.
Kirisuto does it here at 0:40, causing Sagat’s TU to whiff. If Sagat hadn’t TU’ed he would’ve been hit at waist level.
I think I might already be doing this. I’ve won a ton of matches versus Ryu by planting Rufus’ foot right between his shoulderblades on wakeup. I didn’t know it could combo, though… Good find! If I can make it work, that is
Well, that, and if I weren’t stuck playing online games due to being stuck in the middle of nowhere. I swear, I’ve played maybe three four-bar matches since I got the game.
Shoulder blades is too high.
Needs to be meatier and thus lower.