I don’t suppose there is anything that can be done about the morons? Or just ignoring them altogether? It’s a shame that thread got closed, for someone who already knows the Rufus fundamentals that was the most valuable thread in the entire Rufus section.
Can anyone give me any advice on people that like to zone alot, I know I tend to get impatient but it’s so annoying.
I’ve played so many consecutive matching with rufus… I try to dive kick even if I pick another character…
lol i knew i couldnt be the only one XD
LOL… If I get back into 3s I’ll be switching from Ken to Yun
Ditto. It’s pretty much come down to the fact that if my first march of the day is me playing Rufus he’ll be the only character I use for the rest of said day so I don’t confuse myself.
<— new avatar
It’s tooooo good!! =] found or drawn for/by you?
no offense to anyone hating on rufus, but its a video game. the ultimate purpose is to have fun. if you have fun with rufus or sagat or gief or ryu or boxer then you should use those characters. if you pick low tiers for the sake of picking low tiers but you dont enjoy using that character then you are missing the point of the game.
yes. and i always thought winning was fun. so was magneto and qbee and the rushdown that came with
I’m not going to lie, that Rikuo av is too good.
First thing you need to do is recognised how you’re being zoned out. Ask yourself three questions
- What distance is he zoning you from?
- What moves is he hitting you with when you get in?
- What’s the speed, range and priority of these moves?
Once you’ve answered all these three, then you can start figuring how to footsie/close distance.
For example (this is somewhat simplified, but its an example of the kind of thought process that helps me zone properly with Rufus):
A good Ryu player will zone you with the fireball and 3 moves
- DP- This beats “on-reaction” forward jump> dive attempts from all ranges somewhere inside 3/4 of a screen.
- Roundhouse Sweep- This beats vertical jump> dive attempts also around all ranges inside 3/4 of a screen.
- Standing Round house- This beats delayed dive kick attempts somewhere inside 2/3 of a screen.
So a zoning Ryu’s game plan will be to throw fireballs, and depending on how you’re going to try to jump over it, punish you for it.
When dealing with that, there are something like 5 to 6 key distances your Rufus can be at:
- Within dash range. My favourite option at this range is to focus the fireball, dash forward and throw. Second favourite, of couse is just to Ex Messiah kick through. Not easy to get into this range in the first place though.
My old favourite option was to fish for a vertical jump> dive kick at this range. It was pretty safe to randomly jump upwards at this range then dive kick on reaction if the opponent fireballed or swepted, and combed him for it. Smarter Ryus however, will walk forward and roundhouse kick you out of the air.
- From outside dash range to around 2/3 screen range.
One option is to focus dash through the fireball, then Ex Messiah if you think he’s going to sweep or throw another fireball. If not, just block and hold your newly gained ground. Risky tactic, but very intimidating if you pull it off.
Another trick that works if you think he’s going to fireball> stand roundhouse at this range is to jump just above the fireball, dive kick, then Ultra/Ex Messiah kick.
Of course, this is also df+Forward kick range. Do it if you don’t think he’s going to fireball or jump upwards.
All the above tactics are fairly risky, so its not really a good zone to be in, since all three of Ryu’s moves above will smack you out of the air if you reaction jump at this range.
This means you shouldn’t just blindly try to do the above and hope for the best. Sometimes, its best to move to a different zone and play according to that zone’s game plan. Just like zoning is about patience, penetrating a zone is also about patience. You don’t want to take unnecessary risks, unless you’re confident you can intimidate your opponent by doing so.
- Somewhere outside 3/4 screen range. This is a key distance to be in, the game plan is to anticipate a fireball and jump over it then hitting fierce punch. Even if you guessed wrongly, you have a good chance of beating/trading with all his anti-airs. Best case scenario, you guessed right and get to combo into Ultra/Sweep/stand forward kick.
If you fail to anticipate it, its also not a bad zone to jump in reaction to a fireball too. Jumping forward just over the fireball then dive kicking is safe against DPs/ stand house at this range (more so against Fierce fireballs than jab ones). This allows you to build meter with focus by FAing every other fireball, and jumping safely over the rest.
- Full screen range. Not much you can do but FA/snake strike over fireballs. Be careful about trying to jump fierce from this range, since you’ll miss.
So yeah, that’s a brief summary of how I play the zoning game against Ryu. I’m still trying to master the exact range (somewhere between zones 2 and 3) where you can triangle dive and just be safe from uppercuts, since that’s an excellent zone to fake uppercuts from. There are a bunch of other key ranges that need to be worked on.
Having said all this, the whole point of penetrating the zone is to knockdown the opponent so you can do the wake up/cross up pressure game that is Rufus’s real strength. That doesn’t mean that you can ignore the zoning game though… you can’t knock down someone unless you can touch them. So the zoning game is crucial, because it sets up the meat of Rufus’s gameplay.
been doing **a lot **of this lately(not just v ryu, but any char trying to zone)
found that if you hold well enough it usually lures out footsie/throw & fadc throw attempts…
also <333 far standing strong in this distance & just in general lately… :mp:!
Lately I’ve been using Rufus pretty much exclusively instead of off and on. Now I’m by no means the best Rufus player but I like to think I’m pretty decent.
A few small problems I’m still having though are with turtle Guiles/Blankas as well as just Bison in general. If anyone can point me in the right direction when it comes to fighting Bison it would be greatly appreciated… especially when it comes to scissor kick spams.
Rufus perfect block strings:
- crouch LPX3 or 4
- stand LP X3 or 4 (this looks like its going to be especially useful against Sagat since he can’t crouch under close LP)
NOT perfect block strings:
- stand close LK X n
- crouch LK X n (Yes, even if you chain it, it is interruptible.)
Hi Acid, could you explain why S.LK x n is not a block string? I thought it was because of the block adv frames. But I am pretty new to fighting games and don’t understand reading frame data so well.
Close standing LK is +6 on hit, and also it gives 10 block stun and 13 hit stun. So, this means it will be a +3 on block. And since Rufus’s fastest move has a 4-frame start-up, your opponent can shoryuken out of it and such.
Crouching LP has only a +4 on hit, 10 block stun, and 13 hit stun. So, it has a +1 on block. However, the reason your opponent can’t interrupt two crouching LP’s is that you can chain them together instead of linking, and these come out pretty fast during the chain so your opponent is stuck in absolute guard.
you took my gaf av!
hmmm after a dive kick i see alot of people do st.mp cr.lp xx whatever.
is there any benifit to doing that?