May 31, Sunday Fuddruckers HYPE! Tourney (SF4/MVC2/HDR/SF3S) Console Tourney

Real players play with DDR pads.

SUISUN son! Get it straight!

I’m looking at you too MAGUS1234!


Say it with me.

another Reno-maniac (Nevada) attending this tournament. please save me a spot as i will be attending this event. :smiley:

Some1’s Feeling himself…

you better be about it my nigga.

i dont think i can make this, mark get um!!!

So I have 3 people for sure, maybe a fourth (for you sake I hope he doesn’t come)

Cameron- Reno Fresh (me)
Jose- futurechamp
Martin- CBK
and maybe nelson.

So if you can hold 4 spots that would be excellent. We will be leaving early sunday morning.

i surely will

for our sake, i hope he comes

my eternal rival and i will be there along with my father so he can watch how i get down and this time, ima win fa sho.

peace out cUDDY:cool:

Nima/Ramin, is there any chance of getting a flier tmrw or sat? O=]

Also, please text or call me when you see this, don’t worry about disturbing me at work.

I might be able to attend this.

Mami! I feel Hot!

Suuuu… Suuuuunnnn seeeeeeee…


Hey Nima/Vito/Ramin/Crackfiend,

I realized that I won’t be able to make it to this tourney (total bummer…) because I need to set up for a freelance gig at E3 in LA.

I realize that this means someone else needs to run the HD Remix tournament brackets. I nominate FakeShakes, Shinobi00 (or Onikage if he makes it and he’s up to it… I’d hate to spoil his first time at a Fuddruckers event, but he’s really good at running brackets). Fudd as backup tourney official.

I’m hoping someone can step up to the task. Sorry guys.

ill be there. itll be my first tourney. this should be fun!

I’ll run HD:R. As long as you don’t mind my yelling. That way I have an excuse for not playing in the tourneys. Finally lost my job, so I’m free Sundays!

Damn… it’s bittersweet, bro.

They’ll have a mic, so yell away! But you’ll still be able to play in other tourneys when you’re called, for sure. Thanks bro.

dude josh thanks a million, your help is greatly appreciated. Smoke sesh before tourney.

Nah, can’t focus. I either need to play or run, doing both isn’t good for me. Never whistle while you’re pissing.

Sounds good man. Confirmed to run HD:R, I’ll see you Sunday.

I’ll join HDR just for the hell of it. I barely see anyone on HDR when SFIV released, so I haven’t play on it for awhile now.