[May 10th-12th 2013] X-MANIA EUROPE 3 - Toulouse (France)

Official website

I think most of the info you need is there, but if you have any question, just PM me.
Also be sure to register before March 31th if you’re sure to come as the venue fee will go up after this date.

Notables players confirmed :

  • Kurahashi (Japan)

  • Aniken (Japan)

  • Hanashi (Japan)

  • Damdai (USA)

Links :




Last XMania :frowning:

Maho said:
Notables players confirmed :

  • Kurahashi (Japan)
  • Aniken (Japan)
  • Hanashi (Japan)

i love the “Notable players confirmed” subtraction of damdai LoL

i didn’t even notice it.
bunch of trolls!

i wanna see hanashi to come to US.
xmania euro got all the cool jp invites (they deserved it)


Well, Aniken is like legend status. Really. No disrespect to Damdai, those guys are on another level.

Awesome ! I’ll buy my weekend ticket on friday. I’am so hyped now. :smiley:

<P>I´ll be there as well, signed in for single tournament.</P>
<P>Round one fight !</P>
<P> </P>

I’ll be there on thursday (9th May). If somebody likes to meet me in toulouse to eat dinner or to hang out in the city pls write me a pm. 

A quick reminder for people that are planning to attend the event, early bird registration ends in one week, be sure to register before March 31st at midnight on http://xmania-europe.com to save money.

Just edited the 1st post to add the teaser done by Bibeurt, thanks to him.

Also a little information one month away from the event, we now have 74 entrants, with about one third of those being new players !

74 just for SF2. That’s sick. You guys did a great job. Looking forward to the event.

Wow, 74 entrants. That’s absolutely amazing in this day and age.

One week away from the end of registration, we now have 83 entrants!

Also thanks to Avermedia, we will be able to record a second setup in addition to the streamed one, so we’ll have quite a few matches to upload on Youtube after the event. Thanks also to our other partner Madcatz that will provide us with prizes for the winners of the tournaments.

Damn I’m so sad, just after we got more than 90 entrants, I’ve been informed that Aniken won’t be able to come :confused:

I’m sad to but shit happens. I was looking forward to learn a lot of stuff from him. Looks like I have to travel to Japan some day ;).

Dont sweat it you guys did amazing.
I heard some rumors about more guests from US & JP, should be a hype event.

That’s a shame, but no matter. Either way, it’ll be an exciting tournament to watch. 90 entrants is absolutely astonishing in this day and age for ST, and I’m sure you guys will do a great job holding a great tournament and keeping it entertaining.

who wants to go this noob tourney

So finally we got 92 registered players, 79 for the solo, 73 for the 3on3, and 66 for the 3vs3.

Challonge brackets for the solo and 3on3 are ready : http://xmania_europe3.challonge.com

The 3vs3 drawing will be done Sunday before the tournament.