[May 10th-12th 2013] X-MANIA EUROPE 3 - Toulouse (France)

what about hazi and bismarck

tournament starts may 10th france time right?
what happen yesterday?

do you guys have a streaming schedule?

Results for the Solo 3vs3 and Solo tournaments:

They’re pretty strong. What about them?

I missed the live stream due to work. Anyone know when there will be youtube vids or archived stream? Thanks.

it’s like every other twitch.tv stream.
just go to their channel, click on “videos” on the right column.
the archives are there.

All vids are up on my Youtube channel.

Some playlists :

You can also find a specific match from the challonge brackets, all matches that were recorded are linked to the brackets as an attachment.

Damdaigo vs kurahashi = Match of the year and best shoto mirror iI’ve ever seen. Seeing these guys play, I wish I could use shotos :(. I hope there is someway xmania europe comes back. Way more fun to watch then typical ssf4 esports junk.

Also the kurahashi guile resurge had me going nuts lol. “You still got it, you still got it, you still got it, you still got it”. Amazing event and iI’ll stay optimistic for xmania Europe to make a resurge.

Guile? Motherfucker has like half the cast or more at high positions in those Japanese ranking battles (danisen). He is absolutely sick.