Maximilian Dood hate?

Pointing out his flaws is not hate you dumbfuck.
And the fact that you come here white kignting him when we are having a civilicized discussion about his shortcommings only shows that you are indeed a fanboy.

lol. yes sticking up for someone because others are bashing on him (not civilly) clearly makes me a fanboy. oh god, youre one of those people who cry white knight or feminist because someone decided not to wake up and be an asshole today. truly feel sorry for you. bye =)

You sound like a fan boy to me. How dare anyone say anything bad about Max-senpai!!

Come on, dude, you’re not even trying to hide your dickriding in this thread

Come on man, you can be a fan of Max and point out his flaws.

I mean hell, the guy can spread mass mis-information about certain games and make them seem as shit as possible when they aren’t(his DOAX3 stream is just…wow.)

Look I’m not hating on Max nor do I feel other here, but most of our problem with max fans, is that they wonder why we don’t give him the level of attention his fans do. Its simply we not fans of him and has not earned it. Having a large following doesn’t mean much.

AT best Max is entertainer to me but not some leader, teacher, or figure head for the FGC.

@keo-bas “AT best Max is entertainer to me but not some leader, teacher, or figure head for the FGC.” This about sums him up. And there’s nothing wrong with that. The only issue is how his fans treat him as if he is a leader or teacher within the community even going as far as to quote him and recite his sayings as fact or solid advice. I.E. “That’s fighting game isn’t really good. Maximillion himself said it isn’t”. Like hell even Max acknowledges he’s mainly an entertainer. It even says in his channel description in big ass gold letters “FIGHTING GAME HYPE MAN” So Max is self aware of this. So I wouldn’t give him shit. Just his more overzealous fans. Like the ones in here White Knighting for him because people dare to voice why they aren’t fans of his channel.

I could care less whether non fans like him. Now you’re just putting words in people’s mouths. I’ve noticed this is common here. Only reason I came here is because y’alls criticisms seem like attacking him over petty things that are often inaccurate anyway. Meh I don’t even watch his content beyond a few times a month. Again, crit him all you want but at least do it with some respect and consideration for your own ignorance.

I do agree he’s not the guy if you want a teacher of fighting games or anything terribly competitive. I agree with BB hoody

Indeed, the fact that you keep coming here shows that you could and should care less.

Thanks again for putting words in my mouth and being completely illogical again. Because defending not just max but people in general clearly is evidence that I need you to like him. Give me a break. You make no fucking sense

The people who criticize Max did not attack him. The only people who got shited on were his overzealous fans that treat his word like gospel.

He has many subscribers and most of his videos have a lot of likes too but I myself don’t even find him to be a good entertainer either.

take his cvs2 boss rage video for example,it doesn’t tell me anything about the game, no cpu exploits,no tips, no fancy or situational combos, nothing. It’s just him yelling at the camera, sucking at the game and failing at comedy. I guess people like him because his white, has a good camera with decent editing skills and the fact that the 90% of the gaming population knows nothing about fighting games so everything he says is like the word of enlightenment to them.

I don’t hate the guy but he could do better.

If you were expecting information, tips, cheap tricks and so on from Max’s Boss Rage videos then you either

A ) Misunderstood the purpose of the video series (entertainment)
B ) Looking for the wrong content (guides) in the wrong place (Max channel)

Inaccurate? How so? Even from someone watches Max, I can tell that most of what was said here was true.

Inaccurate? How so? Even from someone watches Max, I can tell that most of what was said here was true.

Inaccurate? How so? Even from someone watches Max, I can tell that most of what was said here was true.

I’m seein’ triplets!

I find Max entertaining, and if he helps new people join the FGC I am happy with that too.

How the hell?

It’s a double edged sword though. He definitely brings new blood into the FGC no argument there. But due to the shoddy advice and mis information at times. These new guys come in completely misguided with a scrubby mind set. But if Max was to branch out to some of the OGs and competitive players and have them as regulars on his channel. With him providing the personality and entertainment, and the other providing the knowledge and advice to viewers. That Channel would be a true blessing for the FGC. For would it not only bring in new blood. But also prepare them for what the genre is really like and remove their scrubby mentality.