Matchup in AE: Gouken vs Vega (Claw)

if anybody wants to practice against a vega go ahead and add me i want some gouken practice as well

edit im playing on psn right now, my names spelled as it is above, on xbox live its P3RFCT 1NSAN1TY without the underscore, but a space, but for now hit me up psn goukens

thems good matches right there, XBL goukens get at him hes nice.

Hey dudes this me against a real good Vega ( at least imo ) , any critique or questions are welcome.

Block forward vs Vega at full screen, he can’t do anything but that little crossup thing of his and you negate this by blocking forward. Also, you have a dive kick that landed in the first round but you neutral jumped after it landed, you should be using after every dive kick to hit confirm into sweep at the least to apply pressure on him again. If you saw he was blocking you can go for kara throw or mp counter to blow up his c.lps.


What about his ex launch move? I don’t know the name…he juggles you and then grabs you in the air.

Does the launch hit from full screen? Would a Vega actually DO that from full screen just to see which way you were blocking? I mean for vega to hit you with that from full screen he would have to fly directly at you from all the way across the screen, then climb up the wall.

I’m going to be that most Vega’s are not going to do that over the crossup when you are sitting full screen in what appears to be down back.

It may not hit full screen but I’ve fought a few vegas who use it from pretty far away. Thing about it is its like a two-chance move so as long as you don’t psychic hado him or kongo him out of it he’s got another shot at getting damage. Cheesy.

It can whiff or hit full screen depending on if gouken is swaying back or forward ( lol).

If you block the crossup full screen it is guaranteed reversal ultra on vega. I’ll be holding df at full screen : P

what do you do about kongo or just block and rolls on block how do i punish tired of being srcub! :frowning:

say wut?


this is one match i use kongo a lot, after a blocked rolling thing, i do it, after i push them out with a few jabs or whatever i do it, they mash on one of his crouching punches, i dont know which one.

also keep a finger on to punish that cosmic heel whiff

Cr. mk beats that move as long as it’s not meaty. When Vega has EX and I’m in down back I just throw it out there and it hits him for the reset right in front of you. I always thought of this match up to be a little easier since they nerfed his kara throw set up/mix up.

So I was raping this Vega pretty decisively and he did a random Super and I thought it was a hit and got tagged by the full thing :S Then I lost and I was sad at my own ignorance of not knowing the opponent’s moves. My question is does Ex Tatsu beat the super and does it grab crouching?

peep the labwork thread , i compiled a list of tatsu vs crouchers. Verga unfortunately is not in the “vulnerable while crouching” group he needs tatsu’s to be comboed into with:>all tatsu ;>hk tatsu ; cr.lp>lk tatsu & ex tatsu & st.lp>lk tatsu & ex tatsu

Naah, I meant does his Super grab you if you are crouching :S I took a look at your list and it’s very helpful but tatsu just seems sooo risky to me. I end up not using it in combos most of the time even though xx c.MP xx H.Tatsu is a very easy link to do.

Yes, as far as I can remember from the last time I even saw a Vega super, it can grab you crouching. The move is bullshit. You need to be unpredictable and if it looks like it might hit you, you are probably better off just doing an invincible move and taking the damage on recovery rather than the super damage. It can be hit by EX tatsu IIRC, but Vega needs to be at the right angle and he’s usually not. Anyway, throw out ex tatsu and see what happens.

delayed EX Flip, mash command from crouching by wiggling your stick between db~df to make sure it works even if he changes sides back and forth right above you.

That’s even better.

Interesting that we both see the importance of a gflip from crouch good shit street! I also use ex flip vs this super as well.

Not useful in this example but related to tatsus from crouch:
What youve described as a delayed flip seems similar to the way Ive been doing these tatsu’s from crouch , Im using inputs as such F,D,F,D>HK this will squat his hitbox with the final Down input and can allow things such as a wakeup corner escape from non-meaty jump in pressure vs certain characters namely shotos by just slightly changing the arc on the gflip, ive slipped under many jump ins with this technique. I just wanted to share this real quick , its not an answer to everything but is 1 of the many many things we Gouken may use once every 10 fights , please add it to the repetoire if you find it helps all my online Gouken brothers.

I reworded it in a wrong way, sry it should simply be a late Ex flip. Doing only from crouching state ensures that tatsu will not come out by mistake.