Matchup: Gouken vs Yun

Snooping around other forums… Look what I ran into…

From SniperNightOwl. AT probably means advanced technique.
This doesn’t make much sense to me considering DPs and whatnot but he did mention EVERY CHARACTER. I’m thinking its basically a safe jump… Without needing the knockdown…

Thoughts? May have to dig around some more…

Has anyone tried an instant Air Tatsu as a meaty to bait Yun’s wakeup? I remember doing it by accident back in SUPER on Akuma and it crossed up :slight_smile:

You have to time it spot on, there is no room for error. You have to plink the activation of the dive kick.

If you think Yun is hard, wait until you try to do it consistently on Guys EX tatsu.

Why not just safe jump him with a normal like j. mk, hp, or hk. Shit, you can time jumping hk to hit late on jump in and go right into shin sho on em, but you better confirm the punish first.

This is regarding the safe-dive kick of sweep for reversals greater than 4 frames.

Have a question about the plinking lk.

mk has more priority over lk so, mk demon flip would come out right? but this requires a lk demon flip. Are you plinking lk~lp or doing lk~mk.

He’s not talking about plinking the flip, but the kick. The strength of the kick button used to activate the flip changes the distance of the flip, but the kick is activated with any kick button, and they are all the same. So you can piano the kick buttons to activate the kick at on the first possible frame.

aah i see, thanks.

My advice for this matchup is to verbally mock and berate the yun player over your mic the entire time for their choice of character. Also make sure to call Capcom some choice words for ruining the game. For that I like to call the game “Down-Back Fighter 4: Yun Edition”. Another good touch is to point out every time they use a yun move that’s blatantly overpowered, which will be every couple seconds. This may or may not help you actually win the match, but you’ll feel better afterwords, regardless.

I KNOW there are some non-mashing purists (mmhmm sure ) that say they would never use such a scrubby tactic such as this but, if you go back to the drawing board and rededicate yourself to improving your kongo input execution try mashing the shit out of any kongo to intereupt yuns strings, eventually them long ass strings fall short executuion wise…try it, dont believe me …so what.

You can follow my replays and turn on inputs if you think I lie. I really don’t care. I know you’re talking to me cause I’m the only one who has said the above, only I don’t think I used the word scrubby, and if I did, I don’t care.

I don’t mash because it’s not a healthy habit, at least not for Gouken since he can’t exactly FADC a baited Kongo. It’s great for online for people who have real reversals, but those same people when they sit next to me offline at sessions… Doesn’t quite work the same when I hear the joystick rattling back and forth and buttons being mashed as I’m doing something.

I’m at the point that I don’t care if people mash against me either, that’s the type of mistake I want to see. 400 damage for a blocked/baited mash.

I think you need a healthy does of both. Mash or no mash, Gouken get’s thrown and counter hit / reversal beats crouch tech. Aside from when he’s Vortexting or Zoning the odds are never in his favor. Because he lacks a real reversal and a linkable low move-set, he can’t really get at you by making you afraid for trying to hit him.

Kongo is really the only thing that had people afraid of trying to hit him, and they found a way to fuck that up. Nerfed his best damn move. BULLSHIT!

They have to improve that HP Counter’s hit box, it needs to go below his shoulders.

People are free to do what they want, I just find it funny that people think I’m lying. It’s like I’m being looked down on for not mashing.

Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Don’t mash to much and Don’t block too much.

If you any one is going to mash it’s best to mash with EX Kongo and EX Flip, AND they both should be used wisely.

Would be a lot more beneficial to have a lp srk instead of this weak ass new lp palm.

i actually prefer this matchup, i think gouken has one of the best odds against this matchup aside from yang. Gouken has great zoning tools to keep out yun. the s.MK keeps him out really well. Just fireball then either s.MK or EX tatsu whenever they jump over a fireball. When they get you into a very long string just block, if they throw you its not as much dmg as a full yang combo. jumping MP>tatsu combo beats alot of yangs dive kicks as well. You can jump MP and cancel into tatsu upon contact, even if its really low to the ground or high up this move is great against dive kicks, and the dmg from it, is not that bad.

not directed at anyone what i mean is this…kongo is 1 frame start up ,1 frame links are the shortest in the game …get kongo down in under a frame you can kongo one frame links…seems logical enough …is it humanly possible …probably not…on a hitbox hmmm perhaps , but i was just saying this to make the yun thread readers rethink kongo …when i mash i usually do 2 inputs of the same move not 50…im calculating and trying to do one a bit early and the second one hopefully hits spots on and alot of times it has helped me.
There is a difference between calculated mashing frustrated unskilled mashing and multi-move buffering which i do alot with gouken. :clapdos:

the best way ive found to beat ANYONES dive kick, from a reasonable distance (not in your face basically) is Standing Fierce. yun, rufus, yang, anyone with a move like that it pretty much beats it or at the very least trades. As already mentioned, works good with the in your face ones but only if your using it as a crouch tech option select. i will put up a video or two showing this soon. been a little busy lately since i moved into a new place.

i found out a great location to place and to stuff the up kicks!!

I interrupt block strings like that all the time. If they keep it air-tight nothing comes out, but while you are in block stun from down back, I just move from down back > down forward > down back and press the button. And if they have a hole in their block string it’s a kongo sandwich.

You just can’t do it too much b/c people will bait the kongo or tick throw you. But, most block strings aside from chain jabs/shorts have gaps in them that Gouken can kongo, especially Sagat when he wants to cr. mk > tiger shot. KONGO!!!

mashed jab after blockstrings against yun. Did surprisingly well. Stuffed EX lunge/shoulder and divekicks. Makes em think twice.

I did try mashing crouching jabs in training againstt various Yun specials and i found it quite effective.

I recommend trying it out yourself and evaluating it’s usefulness.

Found this funny
