[media=youtube]Vmqm07z-WA8[/media] Minami step in VF4 era. His movement alone shut some players down. It’s just insane.
You need a stick patna’, as a pad player I know for certain that shit has a very low chance of coming out unless you mash it out :lol:
You can’t buffer to combo supers in ST. You have to kara cancel the chains in order to combo into the supers in ST.
Omni explains it well here. http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=163983
Hahaha, I think Yamazaki did that follow up for a laugh, he knew that match was still kinda hopeless even after parrying that.
nevermind, figured it out. It’s possible on a pad. takes a bit of training though, I’m not used to doing that particular movement…
Alright I think I get it, thanks Anakron…
Jotaro (BBC) Vs. Vanilla Ice/Iced (Nao.)
Warning: This video could get you into Jojo’s.
SBO1 - ST - Daigo (Ryu) vs. Muteki Guile (Guile)
SBO1 - ST - Kurahashi (Guile) vs. Muteki Guile (Guile)
Best mirror match, EVER!
Shirube 2 - 3S - J (Makoto) vs. Kokujin (Dudley)
I think the player is Nekonohi. A-cho is an arcade, and CAPCOM is a company.
this a tight vid [media=youtube]iNUPFzye9v4[/media]
Post of the year.
“Who’s playing? CAPCOM or A-Cho? I’ll never know!”
…are you serious
lol don’t mind me, I’m an idiot
I thought there was something odd about the player with capcom in their name. I also thought A-cho was the player. Now I know better.
Anyway, the ken player, people, the ken player.
no Guilty Gear ?
Here’s your guilty gear.
Here’s a random 3S vid
I love this thread…going to post up a ton of videos when I get home. OPretty much every video of Dakou playing belongs here, everything he does is intricate.
For now, this kof2k2UM match:
The match is pretty ordinary up until the end…the ONLY way Choi could do enough damage was if he landed onlyh that specific max combo and from a jumpin…and the fact that he was able to set it up perfectly, with about a millisecond left on the clock as it did the final hit in the combo…crazy.
Also this kof2k2 finals match from SBO1:
Oogosho’s Billy does some incredibly clutch things. That part where he counterhit cd counters into qcb+A in maxmode…he waited just for the perfect time to cd counter (right after the second crouch B, since Benimaru then input qcf+B, which resulted in counterhit). And then to finish it off, crouch B into instant overhead jump B…
#R is a bit outdated, but this video is a classic. THE FUCKING TYRANT.