Marvel Vs Capcom 1

what are chun-li infinites like in this game???

and who are the best partners/assist for her?

Chun Li: hit standing Jab, short, roundhouse, super jump up and hold down, jab, short, strong, forward. The forward will be her stomp on the head move, and then you can start the series over. The timing is really hard on this one and only goes to about 50-60 hits before you hit the ceiling. But right after the stomp hits tap jab and go from there.

Activate flying screen, c. short (OTG), s. strong, s. towards+fierce, [s. jab, s. strong, s. towards+fierce] repeat inside of bracket etc… you can easily throw after a cycle and go for an otg into relaunch…

another Chun Li infinite standing jab, crouching short standing medium punch, back fierce punch super jump hold down medium punch, roundhouse, jab, short and then repeat.
This works on everyone except Chun Li.

There’s also some other good stuff for other characters.

I’m trying to learn this game right now and currently using Lilith/Strider/Psylocke assist. So far, I think I’m decent, although I get slaughtered in GGPO. I just recently learned some basics such as Strider’s uncombos and wavedashing, but for now I really want to work on playing Lilith better.

Are there any guides that are out there or could someone give me some good BnBs for Lilith? Thanks!

some lilith combos/inf there…

lol didnt know mvc1 threads existed anymore.

RV/WM for life

Any advice on following up Megaman’s air throw combo? (launch, Lp,Lk,Mp,throw) I’ve seen people follow it up with a short combo into Hyper MM (all while in the air), but I have yet to pull this off myself. On that note, any Megaman tips in general?

Here’s a video of Darkcloud using Megaman can’t help you on using him.

How do i pick my assist in this game for all your mvc needs

How do I get this game on PC?

Google Final burn alpha and check or .com cant remeber for marvel vs capcom.

Thanks, heads up found final burn alpha plus. any big difference?

As far as the differences are concerned they can be found on the website. Given that I don’t use fba+ I can’t tell you whether it will work with ggpo.

Strats and combos, go–

Red Venom

Main Tools-


Crazy Walk Speed + Awesome Throw + Infinites = Throw KOs.

This much everyone knows. Most “bad RV players” I see seem to depend on walking forward and mashing MP, in the hopes that they’ll get a throw and snuff poking games with fast MPs. They generally ignore what I’d consider the second part of his game.


Strong Frame Advantage + Hot Normals = Screen Control

Red Venom’s crouching fierce is pretty retarded. With it, he can keep people within ~1/2 a screen from doing anything in particular. Most people, fearing RV’s throws, play very offensively, minimizing the chances to sit around blocking and get thrown. RV’s crouching fierce and jumping roundhouse(air to air, even level) and jumping forward(under the enemy) take advantage of this, and beat out most other normals, and teach them to block and get thrown. Crouching Fierce in particular, along with assists, can control the ground and let him close in to throw or combo.


RV’s combos are very, very solid. It’s easy to learn how to do his infinite after a throw, or launch, etc. In order for RV to compete, these combos have to be practiced, and reliable, or he’s just a weak venom.

Learn his corner inf. The jumping FS variety([j.hp ->] x n, with occasional -> j.hp -> reps to raise them) is easiest, and has multiple setups from throw, un-rolled sweep, or assist.

It helps to either have a solid throw game, so you can turn a non-corner-option into a corner-option, or to learn his air combo juggles(one-hit Air Roundhouse relaunches and jumping reps) to carry them to the corner.

Also important, is learning how to turn stray hits… be it assist hits, or successful Air vs Air pokes… into jumping reps, into combos, etc.

Stupid Stuff-

RV’s mobility can be used for resets and mixups easily, mostly revolving around walking under them while they jump / fall.

IMO, RV does best on point. He doesn’t need much meter, and the danger of him coming in to a guard break or option threat, etc, hits him hard.

Often, if someone fears RV on point, they’ll spam assists. Sometimes it’s best just to bait them out and play safe. Sometimes c.fierce is still best. If c.fierce trades with someone calling Collossus / Psylocke, etc, because of it’s range, RV can still easily Roll / Block the rest of it.

A lot of people think GWM and Metal Gief, or… super armor in general… trump RV. GWM is a threat to RV because of Duos, but in regular play, they don’t wipe the floor with them. RV just needs to play differently, mainly, Safe with a focus on Punch Throw. Against GWM, RV can Throw -> strong -> c.fierce -> c.roundhouse safely, with the exception of getting hit by a switchout. RV has throw options by running under shoulder cannons, and after kneedrops, fairly easily.

Gief can Lariat ASAP, so you don’t want to do more than c.fierce. If he lariats, block, and throw again. Rinse and repeat, with occasional c.fierce pokes if he’s playing too defensively.

has anyone got tips on Shadow Lady? Shes better than Chun imo…

Interesting stuff, but probably dives too deep IMO. My advice is to keep your poking game good and never get hit, which shouldn’t be a big issue if the space control is there. RV’s problem characters (if you can call them that) are GWM, Strider, Wolverine, and Psylocke helper in general. The biggest issue is actually chip damage, as you mentioned. That part you can’t avoid easily. Everything else should be gravy if you’re able to hit the important combos at will, considering that you’re not supposed to get hit ever. If you’re getting hit as RV, you shouldn’t be playing the character, period. RV is meant for hardcore turtles with good execution.

Run away and build lots of meter as her duo is really good with the right partner. That should be the ideal way to deal damage, as she doesn’t really have much else guaranteed to threaten with and it’s not really easy to open up the other guy anyway. No way is she better than Chun, but she’s not shitty, either.

She’s good but so is Chun-Li as a matter of fact I believe every character is competent enough in mvc1 to win, but if you’re gonna use someone like roll competitively you should definitely have a top tier character on your team just in case :lovin:
Shadow lady
-Her projectiles are good because they follow your opponent beware on how you use them however because the good players do know how to deal with her random projectiles, I suggest using her projectiles when your opponent jumps so that their chances of dodging them are lower. However flying characters and air-dashing characters can easily still avoid it even after they jump.
-If you want to be a spam whore you probably can be, just use Loe and spam the shit out of her projectiles only when you think it would be safe to do so though.
-Her air dash is really good you can pretty much super jump cancel any of her normals, this is one of the reasons her infinite is really good and deadly at the same time it is so fast you can make easy resets and cross-ups
-It’s easy to combo her Big Bang Laser Hyper off of a Helper such as Collosus or Psylocke
-Two good teams that would go along with her well would probably be Strider/Shadow-Lady or War Machine/Shadow-Lady(I foresee some good duos), if not you can always use whoever you like.
Watch this video : [media=youtube]kFTbRIvY-3s&feature=related"[/media] (there are 3 parts to it) it contains combos for Chun-Li,Shadow Lady, Morrigan, Lilith it pretty much covers some basic combos and some advanced ones at the end I guess. Either way you should just watch the vid since it’s a pretty good vid.

A lota good advice happening on this thread! Good shit guys! :tup:

Any new (high lv)MvC1 vids up on youtube?

I seen the JustinvsMag MM.



EDIT: ROFL [media=youtube]VQfnjZnB5w4&fmt=35[/media]