Marvel Vs Capcom 1

So Bernie says Juda/Piova sucks and then avoids the thread completely when he actually shows up. What happened to Bet It?

lol @ you trying to stir shit up. You said you wanted to see some MMs, and I told you to come bet it or at at least come out to play at Evo. Same offer applies to anyone that thinks their hard online on keyboard and can play ‘just as good’ without it. Well then go do it on the real thing - cab or supergun, no macros, face-to-face. I don’t play online, so don’t bother going that route. Besides, talk in this thread turned to garbage character discussion that I don’t play, so I have nothing else to add to the thread for now.

Im down for some mvc1 @ evo.

After years of mashing on Dreamcast, I’ve decided that I actually want to get good at this game.

My main characters are Ryu, Megaman, America, Gambit, and Strider.

I mainly want tips for MM though. Mainly combos and help with Rockball zoning.

Lets get this going at EVO!!!

can someone give me tips for playing chun-li, combos and a little rundown?

So I just won an auction on ebay for the arcade board for MVC1! I can’t wait to play again, its been a while.

I’m trying to main chun li and CapCom any tips and suggestions you guys have??

Chun Li is solid as hell in this game. Just out of top tier, but can still compete at high level if you’re good with her and know the matchups. Focus on getting in with the cancel-able air stomp into fierce/roundhouse. She can hurt bad with only one level through easy super combos. Throw range is really good too, coupled with good ground normals and speed. Standing roundhouse is a great launcher and good anti-air and you can also use a juggleable assist to land easy un-comboed air demon super. That’s as basic as it gets with Chun.

Commando is OK in this game, but you need to put in work to survive. His defense is good and it’s nice to have access to standing forward as a poke. You can sort-of play him like mvc2 Commando, but you can’t super cancel corridor. But on the plus side, capt sword always hits unlike in mvc2 and it hurts a lot in this game. I would recommend using a good space control helper and mainly run away/spam the screen. You should make it hard on others to try to get in on you. Tough to use him against top tier at a high level, but a decent character regardless. Seems to do OK against Gold War Machine too.

RE: Macros

In theory, you’d think they don’t make a huge difference, but the fact is they do.

If you watch the MM vs JWong match- a big game for big money at ostensibly the highest level, one of the matches JWong wins is after he blocks a string from MM’s Strider that ends with a QCF+FP when MM clearly was going for Orbs.

So if at that level a player can miss a simple QCF+3P to lose a match, you can imagine how much a player will miss infinites that rely on perfectly executed 3Ps.

TLDR: People that claim macros don’t make a difference are kidding themselves. If they don’t make a difference, ban them.

Capcom on the left.

6-4. GW
4-6 WM
3.5- 6.5 Strider
3-7 Wolvie

Its beena while since I popped into GGPO, anyone want to get some games in tonight?

A couple of questions:

  1. I use a team of Cap A. and Venom (with US Agent). I’ve been doing pretty well with them, but I’m interested in an outside opinion on this team. Any particular tips for these two?

  2. Which helpers are good besides Psylocke and Colossus? I use US. Agent, but which other obscure helpers are useful?

Anita and Michelle Heart are fairly useful.
Anita is almost identical to Doom’s AA assist from MVC2. I had some… interesting results using her as a assist. I use her like I would use Doom’s assist in MVC2.
Michelle Heart is good for zoning and rush down.

Don’t forget about Lou.

Also Arthur is pretty good for Gief.

I really am not understanding this, I can get everything up until the up+hp and then cannot seem to continue. I also saw that ViceVersa mixes up other moves. Would someone who understands and can do it please explain, I would gladly appreciate it.

yes plz :china:

See you guys at EVO!

What is some good BnB combo(s) for a chun whitout bar.

Just use something like S.LK, S.FK, SJ.LP, SJ.LK, SJ.MP, SJ.D+MK, SJ.LP, SJ.LK, SJ.MP, SJ.MK, SJ.FK