lol* yeah I see what u mean.Dark cloud is like one of the very few that doesn’t use macros.
My biggest problem is that 3p wolvie lock down.Shit is annoying.
Chun-li is good.The best chun-li player on GGPO would be game-tip.Hmmm about high level play,check out some of those vids I posted.
Not 100% true.Does 3p give a big advantage? Fuck yeah,but I know LMX and Agito can use wolvie 3p ground infinite without macros.Dark Cloud is the only top player(that i could think of) that never uses 3p and he ownz 95% of the players(that use macros) on ggpo.
Uh-oh. You didn’t say anything about Morrigan and Jin. Are they that bad? I mean, I know Jin was…limited when I played that game; couldn’t even do a full air series in this title, right?
I’ll check out those vids, but I’m guessing that vid in my first post was not high-level play?
Would certainly explain a lot.
Also, I know that best assists are Big C, Psylocke, I think Sent was good too, right? How good is Saki?
LOl @ this bernie guy talking trash abou t how i was playing in a 6 month old video where i was playing shitty. I beat this guy for free now, and i dont know why your talking so much shit because i guarantee i could own you in mvc even then. and just so you know war machine owns strider for free, theres really nothing you can even do.
Ps. that macro argument is PURE bullshit… i have a stick and can play almost as good as i do with macros… it is not hard at ALL to press 3p at the same time. so you people just need to shut up. even an average player can learn wolverine or wms infinite on stick. there are 2 people that use stick on ggpo that arent even top and can ifninite on them… so really you have NO idea what your talking about. macros make no difference… it jsut takes time ti learn to do that shit on stick.
Sentinel isn’t that good, it can be stopped with jabs iirc.
Top assists afaik are Colossus, Psylocke, Lou, and Michelle Heart. Devilot is ok for things like Strider lockdown. Ton Poo is decent mostly for the fact that you get 9 of 'em.
Ok ill post some lilith stuff since no one really knows much about her. Lilith is a rushdown character because she can’t turtle like morrigan . The thing that makes her better then morrigan is her air dash, you can instantly air dash as soon as you jump, so its good for rushdown and she has an infinite even though its pretty hard. Another thing she has is an instant overhead … you do this by instant air dashing by doing 3k then 3o right after then canceling her air dash with lk. you have to be really fast to do this, its also how you do one of her infinites.
Basically you should try to mix up with her 3 dashes, if you think they are going to collosus use the up version because she will go right over it. Shes also good with chipping with stirder and ok with wolverine if you use her brilliant shower super in duos. Ok im gonna post some combos -_-.
In corner otg combo. d hk 3k down 3p lp lk dash hk 3k 3p lp down hp into air combo. its a reset combo, its also rollable but you can suprise them if you only sweep, they usually arent fast enough.
Infinite combo. Standing close to them lk hk 3k 3p lp lk hk repeat. basically after the air dash you time the lp right so you can continue the combo.
2nd infinite combo . lk mk 3k 3p lk mk repeat. this combos probably harder then the other one because of the strict timing to cancel her ddash into lk, but its still possible to do.
air combo otg reset. down hp sj lp mp mk hp otg mpdown lp jump up lp mp hp hk. if you time this combo right it will reset when you jump up after the down lp, does alot of damage.
regular morrigan can’t instant air dash, she has to wait for awhile to be able to air dash when entering air. lilith can air dash the second she enter the air making her able to rush down much better and giving her cinfinites and combos morrigna cant do.
Green hulk> Orange hulk.Only advantage I could think of would be speed, but the regular hulk is way better(super armor is good along with better combos).
Regular morrigans main strengths are her air fireball and her beam super. She can turtle pretty good because of her air fireball and collosus into super is good damage, its alot harder for lilith to combo into her super.Besides her supers and fireball shes pretty much the same as lilith. I use double morrigans sometimes and they are both pretty good, but its alot harder to beat a charcter like wolverine with her.
Morrigan doesnt have any infinites, but the lilith air combo i posted works with her as well. Also her and liliths kick super has a weird hitbox, it can hit from behind her so you can cross up in the corner. A combo that can trick people is doing her launcher, then as doing her air super right below them. It looks like it resets, but its actually a cross up and it does alot of damage if it hits. works best in the corner especially against wm… you can even just launch and do her super on the ground in corner and it will connect. it works alot and people are usually suprised lol. morrigan doesnt have alot of damging combos when the opponents not in the corner, so its best for you to air combo when they are in the corner so you can follow up for more damage.
I surprised she isn’t low tier from what you told me.
She has no infinite, hell she even has infinites in MvC2 although they are character specific only.
Doesn’t look like she can really rush down.
Air super gimmick is useful from you’re telling me, but isn’t a true combo(?). I’m assuming she can’t really combo into Darkness Illusion and beam super without assist help; can she at least combo into her silhouette blade from her normals, like say, or mp, etc. Or does lilth have that super?
Apologies in advance; I’m a dedicated Morrigan player in MvC2 but I’m ignorant of her properties in MvC1.
Morrigan is probably low mid while lilith is alot better. Morrigan can combo into her shillouette blade super by doing lk mk then cancel into it, you have to be fast though and it only does alot of damage if your far away from the corner. The air super looks like it hits dead on and is a reset, but is actually hitting from behind. when you do the super it also seems like they cant mash out attacks, though im not sure… it makes the opponent look like they didnt recover when timed right. no one would really know its a cross unless blocked on accident. I play with her and i can beat good players with her… i cant really beat anyone thats top with her but shes also not my main. i think lilith could be used against a wm and wolv team against a player like tk though. You just have to turtle with morrigan if your gonna use her. Lilith doesnt have her shillouette blade super, she has a pretty horrible version of it that takes forever to start and does bad damage so i wouldnt use it.
I’m not really a defensive player. We’ll see how it works though.
Glad to see the silhouette blade combo works though.
I thought she could combo into the Darkness Illusion by doing a aircombo, ending it with drill kick ~ DI? I guess not?
Eh. I’ll order the game off Amazon (found one for around 20 bucks on DC) and I’ll play over the few months. I’ll post vids on my youtube when i feel I don’t completely suck.