Marvel Vs Capcom 1

Anybody have any War Machine or Strider tips? I love War Machine’s moves, but I have no idea how to play him, same with Strider. Basically I just don’t understand this game, but it’s fun.

Any tips?

offline play.

Edit:mvc1 - ECC2000

Jwong vs MM

Eddie Lee,LMX,wigfall and some other players can be found there.

Online play

MG_MindGame vs Spawn(in HD)


Divine VS Darkcloud


T-Kimura Vs Judas


Darkcloud BEASTING Vice Versa


The Untouchable VS C.S(FT10)

Edit: i have some wm combos in one of my post but i don’t use him so i can’t give out much info.


The SF4 hype is dying down a little so I think I’m about ready to jump back onto this game. I jumped into practice mode for a bit and fiddled with the characters and have a question. In a Wolv vs Wolv match-up, is it possible to do his corner reset on–well, Wolv? I was trying his OTG after the air-combo and wasn’t connecting. I switched out Wolv with WM and was pulling it off to my heart’s content.

Is it my execution (WM just being easier to reset) or can the OTG not be performed on another Wolvie?

this game is TOTally different online to offline… mainly becase of macros(3p 3k) you will be getting caught in a lot of war machine infs , wolv infs , gaurdbreaks , glove infs( by some players) wich is lp dash lp dash lp dash with wm in the air shit like that you wont see many offline players be pulling off this shit 100% no errors not to mention wave dashing is easy as fuck. online is like the hyper mode for mvc1 expect VERY tough competition

^ he is not exaggerating


Wolvie has the fastest speed in getting up (off the ground) so u cannot delay what so ever when u try to otg him with C.lp.

Christ that made my head hurt. 2p dude literally gave away about 3 matches because he doesn’t know how to fight GWM. The hard work was done (kill the partner to eliminate duos) and he couldn’t finish. And WTF is Michelle Heart doing against GWM? It should have been Psylocke instead. Throws might help too. Macro execution only gets you so far. Terrible…

*edit: I did like the Strider uncombo to infinite setup in the corner. That was sweet, I’ll admit.

Why do you think all the top players use pad?

Michelle Heart is THE AA assist. It’s good to have when you have a fly-happy WM and GWM isn’t much different. If you catch GWM with it while he’s throwing smart-bombs, it’ll do a fair amount of damage.

Oh, and thanks, Dark Matter

NP Crimson.

I think we forfeited the right to hate on the online MvC1 players when MagnetoManiac beat Justin Wong. And I use to hate on them all day until I was proved wrong. They may or may not have better mindgames and what not, but those dudes have different ways of seeing the game and they work. One of their views is that Psylocke is ass against anybody but RV.

The Strider pressure from that Judas guy is awesome. Maybe what you think it’s great vs GWM isn’t that great anymore.

I wouldn’t mind watching more online vs offine MMs on that game though.

I wasn’t taking about a flying War Machine, I meant Gold War Machine. Michelle heart isn’t effective in close range. Psylocke comes out faster, provides good hit stun and is harder to knock out.

What does online hate have to do with anything? This is a matter of a match being played very poorly because it looks dude panicked. There was one case where it was something like 1.5 characters vs half life GWM (4:46). There’s no way a competent player will lose that match unless he fucked up or simply can’t fight it properly. A number of things could have gotten him out of those situations (push block to run away/build meter again for duo, block diving knee and throw just name a few obvious ones, teleport behind GWM w/obs instead of trying to jump through missles, don’t try to launch GWM lol). Why should people be scared of GWM coming from behind with no partner? Just poor decisions repeatedly, has nothing to do with anything else. Get your foot out of your mouth and don’t jump to conclusions.

Cool. Come out to evo and play me for $$$. Seems like you don’t do anything outside of the internet, so I’m guessing you qualify.

^why not just play online(for casuals aka fun)?It would be interesting to see a new face.

This is why I don’t play online:

Too many macro cheaters and kids with a chip on their shoulder. Not enjoyable at all. I would like to hop on from time to time, but my home network setup doesn’t lend itself well to GGPO. Maybe in a few months when I move, but not now. Otherwise, I own the board itself and I can get comp locally if I really want it, so I’m not starved or anything.

Online is pretty embarrassing now, the community is just senseless trash talking and 3p buttons to the point where I can’t play Ryu teams or anything like that anymore. I can’t even move vs wolverine or war machine now (infinite knee strings/locks, wolverine ground lock) and the game sucks now.


Go ahead and hate on the shame that they brought.

sf4 is gdlk

Seems like if you don’t play macro’d Wolv or WM in a team , you’re basically fucked.

I really like this game, but I would rather sit in an empty VS room than play in that room. It’s all full of shit talkers who say the same shit everyday.

I don’t get the free hate. You can bully me as much as you want, but I don’ think you would judge those “poor decisions” if Wong or Sabin were playing. Aren’t you the one jumping to conclusions? If you find a way to make it happen, I bet on Judas against you. Or on MagnetoManiac who’s already here and acknowledged T-Kimura’s importance on his learning process before.

At SRK we developed the mentality that judging from vids is very different than actually playing a person, and as a veteran you know this better than I do. But once it comes to an online player, it seems that the common sense doesn’t apply anymore. Let’s hate on the online guys who took the trouble to learn the game and share their vids with us. They must suck since you don’t know them personally, right?

I guess the following is wise, except when the so-called scrub is a veteran and the effortful players can’t or don’t really travel.

MagnetoManiac took 10 times more hate and proved everybody wrong, myself included. It is very simple actually. Unless you can beat those guys and prove it, when you judge their vids you’re basically x-copying Emil’s hateful uninformed behavior. It’s from vids that Emil knows for sure who would win or lose in games he is nowhere near top level. You’re doing the same now. I really can’t see the difference. Can you?

WTF are you taking about? Why are you dropping random names in a strategy discussion that has nothing to do with what I’m talking about? I don’t care who’s name it is that played those matches, it was played poorly IMO and I pointed out several places where it can be improved. Meaning I’ve played this game for years and I’m not judging just based on something I’ve seen in videos from your nuthugging heroes. Has nothing to do with people I know or don’t know. Get back to me when you can stay on topic. But you likely can’t since you don’t shit about this game. :tup:

do yourself a favor and never consider tkim a good player.

^ Woah.


How good is Morrigan, Chun and Jin in this game? I figure I’ll give this game another chance since I said “fuck it” to playing people online with this title.

Also, that vid: [media=youtube]U7posOwH7MM&feature=channel_page[/media]

Of course, I don’t know too much about this game, but is that high level play? I mean, I didn’t really even see one normal air combo, that sick Strider lockdown I used to get raped with online back in Germany is not there, and JWong’s Chun didn’t pull off an infinite or anything. I could have sworn the game was more heated than that.

Just wondering.