Yeah the mp->mk works and for strider you have to do hp->hk after you kill the first char and the second one jumps in, an ez setup for striders otg inf in corner is Mp->Mk->Hk then otg with Lk ;D
1-) Striders infinite after launch>otg
2-)How to guardbreak with strider when opponent is entering the screen (the second character)
3-) How to guardbreak with gambit when opponent jumps after blocking your attacks? Or Blocks in the air?
Thats what he meant xD
1),,C.hp ^J.lp,,…, double jump DJ.lp,, DJ.hp
then otg with,then, (S.lp )repeat bracket
the higher you are the better off you are
if you’re too low you wont fall down fast enough
Works on most of the cast but not on wolvie.
thanks goes to college.
2)To GB with strider you just use a jumping hp early.If done with the right timing u land before them,there u can perform S.lp C.hp into air combo.
3)Jump in with light kick,if they jumped, perform gambit infinite.To GB incoming characters use a early jumping mp.If done with the right timing u land before them,there u can perform his infinite.
I just started playing this game…well seriously playing it i know when i was like 5 id mash shinkouhadoukens but meh!
Anyways i pick Capn, and morrigan. But my morrigan is weak. Any advice for a semi shit player? Im leaning towards venom or megaman
i need know devilot set ups …i use this whit strider but i need some set ups whit gambit for me team
Does anybody have a list of infinites and guard breaks?
And can anybody make a writeup for Jin and War Machine?
America or Commando?
With commando you can uncombo off a assist like Colossus.IF Colossus hits any one try doing a captain sword.That should reset some of the hits for good damage.
America also has a instant over head.It’s really good in Duo.Try getting
a partner that can lock them down.The best partner for this would be gambit.
My advice would be, learn how to block and master those Bnbs.Blocking jump ins are easy,But Instant over head attacks are not.For characters that can perform instant over head attacks,try blocking high and push blocking them off.
The best instant over heads belongs to strider and MM.Wolvie has one as well,but u can’t really follow up with much unless you try it in a Duo. To perform MM Instant over head attack, press Hk as soon as u jump.If performed early enough u can even hit wolvie in the mouth.From there u can follow up with his beat plane super.Same thing for Wolvie just use Lk.He can only follow up with a drill claw if you’re fast enough.
Mega Man is a pretty good character.Venom is pretty good as well,but thanks to being able to counter any of his jump in easily I would just turtle.Both are good turtle characters.
I really don’t use that assist,so i don’t have any good set ups for gambit with that.
Sorry i don’t use jin( his GB isn’t good) or wm,but Wm has the best GB.To perform Wm GB just go in to flight and Mash up forward and 3P repeatedly.From there go into his air infinite.
I was wondering if anyone still played this game. I just started playing it about a week or so ago. I’d love to get into MvC2 but it’s hard to find an arcade cab of it and I refuse to pay $80 for a single game.
This game’s a lot of fun though even if it’s hella broken. I’ve been using Morrigan and Venom and I think they compliment each other pretty nicely. Venom’s pretty strong and has a good horizontal game whereas I find Morrigan’s to be more vertical with some horizontal tendencies. I was using Ryu before in place of Morrigan but I like Morri’s supers better.
I started playing recently too.
I use Gambit/Captain America.
Looks like I started a bit too late. =(
it’s only too late when marvel vs capcom 2 is on ggpo.:wgrin:
Hey everybody. I started playing this game yesterday and so far, I love it. My main team is Strider and War Machine. I’m just wondering what some high priority, or easy combos there are for both of these characters. Also, some basic game mechanics would be awesome.
All thanks in advance.
We have a MVC cabinet in our College it was used frequently till they moved the cafeteria away from the arcade room. I played a Spiderman/Gambit mix. I personally like MVC better then MVC2 I feel like less characters= more balance with the exception of infinites. It’s also easier to pick a main.
Well, I just recently got into GGPO, and…MAN. Some of you guys play for keeps. I kicked some ass with Megaman/Roll on a few players (one by the name of Arturik even quit after winning one match right after losing three), and then this guy called ‘the pow’ came on and KICKED MY ASS. I won a couple of matches against him, but he won about 5 times as much. DAMN.
In exchange for any and all Jin knowledge:
The gift of laughter
You’ll have to ask Betty on that one Hulk.
^Sorry I don’t use Jin.I can give u some basic stuff if u want tho.
Cool go for it!
jin’s character design makes no sense. he’s not good at doing anything, and all his attacks make him vulnerable:confused: how do i play him?
its been probably 5ish years since i first heard about the legend of triple option select zangief. still have no idea wtf it is or what it looks like:looney:
how is CapCom played in this game? is he any good? is he just like he is in marvel2?
what is the point of orange hulk? why WOULDNT I WANT SUPER ARMOR?:looney:
This used to be my game back in the day, my main team was Wolverine/War Machine w00t!
You’re correct.A lot of his moves leave him wide open for retaliation.Basically you want your foe to think you’re open for a attack.You do this by using his laggy moves.After a S.Hp you can wait a little and then go into a Saotome Crush(throw move) or Saotome Dynamite (the one where his costume explodes).Of course this is all very risky, so you don’t want to do this very often.Just enough to throw them off.
Another thing to remember is, a lot of his laggy moves can be XX into a helper(or a special Saotome Dynamite being the best option out of your specials).If you do a C.Hk most good players will roll, so after your C.Hk XX into say…Colossus, if they tried to attack(after recovering from the roll) they’ll get hit by colossus and then u can XX Blodia Vulcan or S.MP for a air combo. His best special is Saotome Dynamite,use it but don’t abuse it.
When you’re not trying to use laggy moves and put yourself at risk, you can try using his safer moves.Mainly S or C.LP. You can dash up and pressure someone with C.Lp then quickly do a instant overhead with Jin’s normal jump LK(lk has to be done as early as possible in the jump). It’s not really possible to do his instant overhead XX tornado dive kick(Down + HK while in air), but u can use his dive kick as pressure or a possible cross up.If they start to push block try doing a S.HP after a C.Lp to keep close(not sure if its a 100% safe tho).When going for the overhead, mix it up.After C.LP go for a low attack sometimes to open them up for his BnB.
One thing that I find really cool is his ability to combo into a duo.When you have 2 bars or more try doing this combo:C.LP or C.Lk(ugly start up on that C.LK tho),C.HP XX Duo.You want to XX into Duo rather fast,it’s not hard or anything so it’s pretty reliable.After u land the combo u have enough time to start a super or something before your opponent lands on the ground.You don’t want to let them land after the three hit combo(or they may roll).
oh and his tornado kick isn’t a overhead but it can be good for pressure if u normal jump and quickly XX tornado kick repeatedly.
I personally don’t u gief so i can’t help here.
Capcom isn’t bad.He’s best to just turtle with.Out of the top tiers his best match up would be vs Gold Wm and then Wm. Wolvie and strider are too fast.
Wm can 200% u, but Wm can’t do too much if you can turtle well( that doesn’t mean its a free win he can still zone u).Mummy keeps Wm from flying too much.From a distance try doing a tiger knee Captain Fire(QCF+P) but don’t over do it.If u think he’ll do a smart bomb from a distance(full screen) try a random super.This will make the wm player think twice before trying it again.Basically you want to frustrate your opponent into making a mistake.If u catch them with Colossus immediately dash up(if you’re in the corner)and perform Captain Sword (QCF + 2 punches), this will uncombo for good damage.
You can pressure C.Lp,C.Hp XX ninja dash up with S.Lp,C.Hp XX Ninja.If they push block try using the baby instead of the ninja(not really use full but it can help).
vs Gold WM don’t bother performing Captain Sword unless he’s on the ground.Stick to doing Captain Corridor(HP) when you think hes open.Try not to be to close while doing Captain Corridor(stay outside of gwm S.Mp)
Capcom match ups vs top tier
Capcom vs GWM 6-4)
capcom vs WM (4-6)
capcom vs Wolvie (3-7)
capcom vs Strider (3-7 )
capcom vs RV (2-8)
yeah no one really uses Orange hulk.Green is much better.:razzy:
I posted some pretty good Strategy on jin so i’ll move on to some combos.
BnB combo:C.Lp,C.Mp XX Blodia Punch.This combo should be used only if u have 1 bar,if u have 2 combo into a Duo.
Duo combo:C.Lp or Lk,C.HP XXDuo(make the cancel quick).From here u can free style
Corner combo:launch, J.Lp,,…,… land, XX Blodia Punch.
Rollable, cancel into super jump quickly , otg), C.Lp,S.Mp,SJ into air combo.
Best to try it on venom first since hes very easy to otg.Wouldn’t work vs wolvie.
Note:To land this in high level play u need to make your opponent scared to roll.Do this by calling a assist sometimes after a C.Hk.If they block after the roll quickly perform a instant overhead while your assist has them in blockstun.
thanks for the answers.
where would i be able to find some high level mvc1 vids?