Marvel Vs Capcom 1

I haven’t played this since it was in the arcades way back when, so I’m basically starting over. Does anyone have some need to know stuff for when I’m playing online? I like using Jin and Ryu.

With Ryu immediately turn to Ken causes hes cool, and then pick strider or gambit.

Sorry to start stuff, but DON’T follow this advice. There’s reasons why you change to Ken(Ryu) , and not just because he’s cool.

Since you’re a beginner, I’ll break it to you straight. You’re gonna have to pick easy characters to learn. Ryu isn’t so bad, but Jin is the low tier and just plain sucks.

Some combos you can practice with Ryu are:

In neutral Ryu: Slp. Shp. XX Shinku Hadoken (QCF PP)
Ken Ryu: Chain into Shoryu Reppa (ton of ways to do this)
Evil Ryu (akuma Ryu): I don’t really use him…

For your other character, I would suggest picking Strider or Wolverine. They are both easy to learn.

jin can own good wolverines and striders and war machines so i wouldn’t say he sucks only if youre good with him like me :wink: so OsgX just learn whoever you want and stick to that character + any top tier character and you’re good to go

I don’t know why chaos isn’t giving out good advice.:mad:

I know u been playing just as long as me.:looney:

heres a ryu combo vid made by MOTM.Watch just for fun.

This is agendaXsuicide alcuard? If it is, whats up man!
-Anyway ken is cooler then ryu so why not turn to him, he has to many pros. He can go through cajun explosion with shoryureppa, can connect supers easy like lk mk super. ! Ryu needs a hp or hp to connect his shinku hado , and akuma is just wack wave dash is slower then makoto walk.
-So in short if you want the a team full of swag and coolness, pick ken and Gambit or strider and gambit :wgrin:

This is Alucard X,from the x team.You’re not Dr Chaos?agendaXsuicide sounds familiar,but i’m not sure if i remember u.

Yeah, ken also has a corner infinite,so that’s another plus.

Thanks. I just finished reading the advice given and looked over a move list while I’m downloading the combo video. It’s awesome learning all of this stuff again. I remember liking Strider in MvC2, so I’ll probably swap between him and ryu, while I concentrate on Jin.

On ggpo I’m under the handle OldschoolgamerX. I think I’m going to practice on the computer a bit, to get my bnb stuff down to a decent means of execution.

Got beat in like 5 seconds by a crazy wolverine. :shake: I love challenges though.

Edit: crazy stuff in that video.

Let me know if u want me to upload some more combo vids of marvel.

i need help whit strider/gambit (colossus)…i know the basic shit (like duos , combos ) i need more deep info for this team …bad match ups and tactics

What is generally the best way to choose your helper? I.E: What teams should use Collosus, Psy, or Lou???

By all means, plz do. I love watching these things.

Gambit vs Strider
Tiger knee Kinetic Card from a distance.Since you’re in super jump mode, you can hit him with Gambits air hp,which has good priority(try hitting him as soon as he’s in range of gambits air hp).

Any time Strider uses orbs perform a Cajun Slash(LP) immediately( unless he used a helper to lock u down).You’ll get hit with a ring or two, but strider takes more damage then gambit(and Cajun Slash hurts more then 1 or 2 rings) and you’ll knock his ass off u.

Note:Cajun slash him only if strider is out of C.lp range.If you’re too close, you may not be able to hit him.

Gambit vs wolverine

Gambit really has problems vs a 1 hit kill Wolvie.Since 98% of the players uses that block string infinite tactic, he’s going to have you in the corner.Luckily for gambit, he can toss his ass in the corner(once wolvie puts u there with that block string infinite) and do a 1 hit kill on his ass(throw him with Back and mp and infinite into uncombo to death). The problem with this tactic is, your window to throw him into the corner is very small.One fuck up and you’re dead.Another problem, is the fact, that you can only throw while standing and since wolvie infinite uses…well, you’re dead if u got with his, when should you try and throw him?After he uses his S.Mp.If he isn’t close enough you won’t grab him and if u missed your chance, block low(because that C.Lk is coming).

A much easier solution would be:

A) try to to push block then Cajun Slash(LP)

b)just pick psylocke and try push blocking him after S.Mp.Once she connects( if they’re using the infinite block string tactic they’ll run into her most of the time) wave dash up as fast as u can and go for that infinite.

Gambit vs War machine
War machine also gives me problems.Wm will usually fly over your head, while mashing Lk.If he flies over head and he doesn’t hold UP while mash lk try launching him (with down and hp) and follow up with a air combo.If he tries to come down with a knee drive, try dashing under him(so he’s in the corner now) and launch him into a air to ground infinite.This infinite works on just about everyone,but wolvie.

Heres a [media=youtube]jL0uYUAADMQ"[/media] on how it’s done.

Note: If they get too high bring them down with mp,mk and continue to infinite them.

Another thing you can do, is learn how to counter attack after a knee drive.Once you learn how to counter attack into infinite,the wm will start to zone you,so try to do a random trick card if he’s in range and gets predicable.If you hit him with a trick card go into a Royal Flush.If the wm player is almost full screen away and tries to zone you,do a Cajun Explosion.

Block strings you can use with gambit

Dash in S.Lk or C.Lk,S.Hk,Cajun Slash(LP),slight delay,Cajun Slash(LP).

Dash in S.Lk or C.Lk,S.Hk,Kinetic Card(lp),Cajun Slash(LP)

If they like to mash push block alot :

Dash in S.Lk or C.Lk,S.Hk,Kinetic Card(mp or hp)

Only use Kinetic Card(mp or hp) from mid screen to full screen.Use Lp version if the push block keeps u close (out side of range).

Dash in and do a low magic series(hold down )as soon as the push block u perform Cajun strike(this is a cross up).If they some how block that walk up and throw.

Don’t get predicable with that though.If they call colossus you’re fucked.



Strider vs War machine

The best thing I can say is stay far away from any corner, because that’s where he can uncombo you to death!Learn and master blocking as well. You don’t want him hitting you at all. Try to Duo spam him to death or have Strider come in second with 2 bars or more, so you can activate Ouroboros when ever you feel like you need to.

War machine players will zone you by doing smart bombs / projectiles and start flying above your head while tapping Lk, mixing it up some knee drives. It’s hard to get him off you, because you don’t have a true anti air and since all it take is 1 Lk for him to go into his infinite, it’s a bit risky to jump at War Machine. The best option in this case:

  1. Ground teleport to the other side of the screen(pretty safe).
  2. short bomb him( only try this if you’re in the corner).
    3)jump up while block to try and counter poke and go into a short air combo(very risky).

Most War Machine players will have Strider with them and once he has two or more super bars, he’ll start the Duo spamming.You have very few options if you don’t have Ouroboros activated. If you do, then he won’t try anything stupid. So your best bet is to always try to have 1 super bar, if he has 2(and like to Duo spam you). This way you won’t get chipped for 30-50% of your life. Now, if you don’t have any bar and he has 2 and you know he’s going to Duo spam you, try to teleport quickly to the other side and throw out some assist. This is Really risky and may not be worth it because you’ll take much more damage if you get kicked.
A safer tactic is to just jump back and block.

If strider comes in and wm tries to guard break you, DON’T block.Try mashing LK as fast as possible.If WM is close enough, his up/forward hp will trade and he won’t get to infinite you to death.This will work only if he’s really close and he isn’t mashing up/forward 3p before you even out .

Your advantages over him is: speed,a good instant overhead and your Ouroboros hyper combo can put a stop to his Duo spamming. So use that to your advantage.

Strider vs Strider

When ever another Strider player activates Ouroboros punish them with Gram.As long as your almost full screen away,your opponent can’t really do much about it(you’ll get hit by a ring or two).A smart opponent will start copying your tactic as well, so watch out.Never try to punish your foe with it at close range.Instead, do a C. HK when ever they try to activate Ouroboros at close range(out side of range only).From mid screen, dash up with a S.hp(if it connects go for a combo), if you think they are going to activate Ouroboros. If they happen to get Ouroboros activated,try super jumping away.The less amount of time your on the ground the less amount of chances the opponent will have to hit you.

Most of the time, your opponent will activate Ouroboros and teleport on you to keep your from running.If your opponent gets predicable with his (or her) teleporting habits,try teleport to the same side where he is at.If you guess right, you’ll both teleport and you will be away from your opponent.Guess
wrong and you’ll be hit with Ouroboros.Don’t get predicable with this tactic or your foe will wise up and won’t teleport at all.As you can see this tactic is very risky, so try it only if your confident and your opponent is predicable.

Basically the match comes down to who can perform Hiryu Combos better/more effectively, who can block better and who can play the better mind games.From here, just read up on how I play strider and use the tactics above to help you defeat the other players.

Strider vs Wolverine

When fighting Wolvie, I usually turtle.98 % of the Wolverine players will have u in a infinite block string infinite(which will have u in the corner).It’s really hard to get him off of u, even if u push block.You can try push blocking him when he dashes in after his S.MP.If you think you have enough space between you and him call out a assist like Psylocke( or try a S.hp and go into a combo).Don’t mash 3p (too much)!
“Some people will mix it up, by wave dashing infinite into just a dash an block, and if u was just mashing 3p, guess what?Your open for a hit.And that’s all it takes for your character to die.Think an assist character and save u? 70-80%%of the time, you’ll get hit by his wave dash infinite before your helper comes out ( because of how fast he becomes when people use 3p)”.

Best bet, is to use Psylocke(when fighting wolvie),since she comes out faster then Colossus. Also, try to time your push block so he well back up far enough for you to have time to call Psylocke(good luck with that).

Another thing you can do is, mash C.lp while you’re blocking with strider.If they try to mix it up by walk up throw or something, C.lp will hit them and open them up for a free combo.If they know you’re mashing on C.lp, a smart wolvie might mix it up by doing the infinite block string and then quickly back dashing and go back into the wave dash infinite.If this happens your c.lp will miss and open you up for infinite.If they try that shit, use It has more range and comes out fast enough to hit him if he tries any thing funny.

Once you get out of the corner, call a assist to try and lock him down.Then activate Ouroboros.You really need to master his instant overhead to make his orbs more affective.So go for a over head or 2.If they jumped a way, try a tiger knee Excalibur to catch them in the air.If they push block, try to teleport(use the punch teleports) on reaction to get behind and above them for a cross up attempt.

When orbs is about to end ,try to do a block string or or two to help build meter again. It’s very important to have meter when fighting wolvie.

Block string,S.hp,S,hk and assist.If they pushed block you off,do a long bomb (or short bomb) if your assist has them in block stun.

Don’t be careless about where you activate Ouroboros.If your too close to Wolverine, he can do a Fatal claw (a big blue X projectile)on reaction.If he does this at the right distance he can get a way with only getting hit with some rings and be able to block.If he does it at the wrongs distance(too close),he’ll get stuck in a damaging hold(once that occurs call out Psylocke or Colossus to continue with what ever you want)and he’ll take a lot more damage then he wanted to.So this means only activate Ouroboros when you think it’s safe against Wolvie(calling a assist to lock him down then activate is safe ).

Only really worry about a wolvie player trying the above tactic, if you’re low on life or if you can’t do very damaging combos to punish him.

–My play style–

I almost always turtle when I don’t have meter for Ouroboros. I do this by jumping back with Hp to keep my opponent back(I only do this if they rush). A lot of characters have problems getting around his Jumping HP do to it’s huge priority( hk has better range tho). This tactic works, but a fast wolvie can dash under u and cross you up.If your HK didn’t hit him, then 9 times out of 10 he’s on the other side of you,so push forward and down to block his cross up attempt. Try mixing up your timing to try and prevent cross ups while using this tactic. Try jumping back and then hitting them with hp or HK as you get close to the ground(this can help stop cross up).Don’t go jumping back in no corners though.

The above tactic can be affect against most of the cast,but I wouldn’t try it vs a pro wolvie or wm tho.

If they are not trying to rush you down and both of you guys are full screen away, just throw out some tigers and short bomb them if you think they are going for a jump in. This rather risky,because the bomb comes out slow and you might become predicable,so don’t over use the bomb. Once your done turtling, activate Ouroboros and start rushing down.If they push block you off immediately teleport righ back in his or her face and keep the pressure on them. Depending where you and the opponent are at, you can cross them up with Strider Hiryu Teleport. If your back is at the end of the screen and they are there right in front of you, quickly teleport in the middle of the screen. This will cross them up and give you free damage. Once the Ouroboros is about to end go for one of his double jump uncombo. If you like to rush down, just use your huge priority to your advantage and use some jump in attacks to pressure your opponent into a mistake.

Jumping in with Strider HK is good for people that are fast enough to hit u after u jump in deep with a hp. Try jumping in with HK but out side of a S.Lp range.Once you connect dash in with a S.MP,S.MK, C.HP into a air combo.

—Advance tactics—

-Counter attacking–

If Someone is constantly jumping at you with a Hard attack(possible on light attacks too), block the first attack and quickly do a S.LP,C.HP into air combo. This requires some good timing to pull off, so keep trying until you get the timing down.You can also use this tactic in other situations if someone uses a move with enough lag at the end(like wolvies drive kick or wm knee drive).

Note:Just about anyone with fast normal can counter attack like in the above paragraph.Gambit can even start off his infinite after blocking a hard attack and counter attacking with lp or lk.

The ghetto overhead(Aka a instant overhead)

In order to use the overhead effectively,You need Ouroboros activated for everything to combo correctly. First thing first, you need to know some setups

  1. Do a C.LK (to make them block low)quickly dash in and go for his ghetto overhead.Don’t do a C.Lk if they are already blocking low.Just go for the

2)With Strider and Gambit, Duo.Quick dash up and do a combo to put them in block stun and activate orbs.When this happens gambit will perform Royal flush( if they try jumping away Royal flush brings them back down).From here, go for a instant overhead.If they push block, quickly teleport right back in their face and go for another overhead.

3)After your opponent push blocks you off of them, teleport behind them and quickly perform the instant overhead.Only works if they’re blocking low while push blocking you.

His instant overhead is normal jump+lk(asap)XX Excalibur (Lk). For all this to work, you have to do this all fast as possible and on top of that, you have to time the satellite(one of them) to hit the foe right after you do his overhead( don’t worry too much about that though). So it goes like this:activate Ouroboros(near the foe)jump LK asap,satellite hits(just concentrate on landing the lk XX Excalibur(Lk) before anything else) XX Excalibur(Lk).

If you want to practice his ghetto overhead Go in to training mode and get a big character to fight against,say like Hulk. Once you’re in training mode,set the dummy action to “crouch”. When you’re done doing that, Hulk should be crouching now. From here, I want you to press up and Lk. Not at the same time.As soon as you press up,quickly as possible press Lk.You want the Lk to come out before you reach jump hight. The lower the better. Once you get the timing down for Hulk try it on the top tiers( works on everyone btw).

Once you got the overhead down pretty good then you can start using it in Team Duo’s(and other situations). You want to dash in with a low attack(his is his fastest low attack)and make your opponent block low. Once they are blocking low activate Ouroboros. At this time your partner will do a super as well.If your have one of the following characters on your team:

Mega man
War machine
or anybody else that has a projectile hyper combo that gets activated when you perform a fireball motion

then you can do his instant overhead and make the Hyper combo connect.

The only way it won’t works is if you perform the overhead incorrectly or they might guess right and block high.The overhead is way too fast for humans to react to,so if they’re blocking your overhead attempts, that mean your being predicable. Remember to mix it up. Try dashing in and going for a low
attack and activate Ouroboros again, this time don’t go for the overhead, just go low again.If your foe is thinking your going for a overhead, he will be blocking high and since you just attacked low, he or she is now hit and the hyper combo is also hitting them. This is how you mix it up. You want to keep them guessing.

Colossus is overall the best helper in the game.His only down fall, is using him vs wolvie.If you call Colossus right before u get hit with wolvies Bnb,Colossus won’t hit wolvie.This mainly happens in the corner( it has happened to me mid screen 2-3 times as well).This happens because his Bnb combo starts off with him crouching and
Colossus doesn’t come out on the ground,he comes out slight above the ground.

If you want to test this. Get Colossus, put your back into the corner of a wall and have Wolvie crouch down and call out Colossus.Colossus will pass right over his head.:sad:

If I’m fighting a Wolvie, I’ll use psylocke.She comes out faster then Colossus,
chips better and I don’t have to worry about my helper missing a dashing wolvie.

Her downfalls? she doesn’t hit like a anti air like Colossus and most of the time all 5 hits won’t connect( you’ll mainly get 3 hits before they can block the last 2).

To answer your question.

Colossus( you can use psylocke for these setups as well.) works with just about everyone well.

Gambit can setup his infinite off him, so he works really nice with him.
Wolvie can weapon X or wave dash up and perform a XX BBX.
Strider can wave dash up and perform Ragnarok( but you’ll be better off just wave dashing up to them and perform a S.MP,C.HP into double uncombo.


Works good with Strider, MM ,gambit and maybe Ryu.

I would use Lou for characters with projectiles.

Gambit can call Lou can use Cajun strike for some cross up games or help him zone.

Strider. Same thing( use lou to help him zone and teleport cross ups).

Mega man.I would just call Lou and get that rock ball out then just spam normal jump hp to fill the screen with crap.

Ryu.I would just call lou and tiger knee fireballs to zone.

Ok. I’ll upload some more videos later today or tomorrow.


I wish I could help but I never really picked rv up.

Edit 2:

2 more videos up.

Ugh. I keep fucking up on comboing into supers. :shake: Guess I’m not hitting the keys fast enough.

My jin seems to be getting a bit better. I decided on rolling with gambit as the high tier player besides Jin. I fucking love cajun slash.

How do you get out of that ridiculous shit war machine does, where he kicks you in the air and combos the fuck out of you forever? I managed to escape what I’m guessing is a loop, once or twice. My air game is really lacking at this point. Also, against wolverine and the infinite he has, is the best tactic a good offense and to stay out of the corner?

Oh, and omg @ the vids.

The only way to get out of WM infinite( or any infinite for that matter), is to hope they fuck up.

No one offense in marvel vs capcom is as good as wolvies.The only other character that could be near the same level is RV and maybe strider.

If Wolvie is giving u a hard time, pick up gold war machine.That’s his only bad match up.Or you can try out my strategy against him(read my long ass post above).

i need more info…who you can do strider infinite in the corner…any strider guard break??
who you can guard break people when they jump after your moves


1-el infinito de strider despues de un launch>otg
2-como hacer un breakguard con strider cuando el oponente esta entrando
3-como hacer un breakguard con gambito cuando el oponente salta despues de tus golpes

Ahh ok, Ahora te intiendo. Perdona me.

  1. no se. Pero es muy deficil.

  2. No se. Perdon pero no juego con Strider o Gambito.

  3. No creo que te intiendo, Ud quiera saber como hacer un guard break cuando tu opponent entra? Para eso, tienes que tirar una carta a tu opponent al momento que esta entrando al screen. Si hacen block, van a caer der aire sin block.

I saw gambits guard break done while I was spectating a match I think it was mp,mk after opponent jumps in and it guardbreaks i’m not sure though.
Edit : Throwing a kinetic card on opponent’s entrance doesn’t guardbreak for some reason though