Marvel Vs Capcom 1

Hey guys. Latly I find myself play MvC1 more and more along side MvC2. Anyway been bringing my Dreamcast to work and practicing, after a quite a bit of practice I got the basic WM semi-infinite, learned some strider strings, and really improved my wave dashing.

So I wanted to know some useful combos for WM, Strider, Wolverine, Venom, and Gambit. I mainly like playing Venom/Gambit, however I practice and mess with the first 3 to understand the game better. I have been trying to get the Wolverine wave dash combo down but I think I am doing it to slow. Pretty much either I get a 3rd attack or dash and it doesnt combo. I guess the timing is strict. I’ve had it combo twice but out of 100s of tries that is not saying much.

Dont play this shit.

Fuck this game, it sucks playing online cause everybody abuses 3p.

Fun to play offline.

Nah this games is just a piece of shit even without the 3p abuse.

0-frame jump = GAY

You’re right DOA is better.

Coming from BucketHead yeah playing this game vs him sucks playing online saying others abuse 3p…

I disapprove.

Yea but i dont use 3p so i can say that.

I’m still flattered that ppl think i use 3p.

I wish would ggpo disable 3p and 3k but then none of these fools would play then.

Hey Buckethead, lets play today at 6pm?

Anybody up for some dragem outs with JimRhodes!?!?!

Im feeling saucy so I will be appearing today as my alter ego JimRhodes!!!

How is 3p so broken? So ya anyone got any tips and combos for the characters I listed?

That would be interesting,but the only character that would really suffer is wolvie, since 98% of the wolvie players NEED 3p to infinite to death.

3p makes Wolvie STUPID!With 3p, he can have you on infinite block stun(by using his ground infinite while u block).Which opens you up for throws. Push block all u want, but it won’t help much, because he is in your face before you are even out of block stun animation.:sad:Some people will mix it up, by wave dashing infinite into just a dash an block, and if u was just mashing 3p guess what?Your open for a hit.And that’s all it takes for your character to die.Think an assist character and save u? 70-80%%of the time, you’ll get hit by his wave dash infinite before your helper comes out ( because of how fast he becomes when people use 3p).:looney:

Best bet, is to use Psylocke,since she comes out faster then Colossus. Also, try to time your push block so he well back up far enough for you to have time to call Psylocke(good luck with that).A person that abuse 3p(98% of the people on ggpo) will give u a very,very hard time.:sweat:

I play venom and gambit as well.The combos on wolvie in this thread are all u really need.Strider has a double uncombo which can take 70% of your life if u use a jump in hp or hk.

Strider double uncombo

Jump in Hp or Hk ,Dash,S.MK,S.MK,C.HP,SJ,Early as possible SJ.MP,SJ.MK,delay for a second,DJ Immediately with LP,then DJ.LK,DJ.MP,DJ.MP XX Gram(Dragon Punch motion + K )

Here is a video of someone doing it at ecc.


The strider player preforms the double uncombo around 55 seconds.

I pmed MagnetoManiac a long time ago about wm infinites.Here’s the pm message.

"yo. ok um war machine combos and infinites arent too hard.

heres a jumping one, very easy to execute, just hard to understand the concept.

colossus, jump in lp up+hp to start, mk up+hp (just do this when they’re low ONLY, this brings them up a bit higher) [j.lp mp up+up] repeat brackets for about 2 or 3 turns, then use the lk mk up+hp to bring them back up.

the other one is the one that the 3p players use since its soo easy with a 3p button.

launch, sj lp lk up+hk, qcb+k, lp mp up+hp. thats to start, whenever you get to the corner you can use this, it resets good too.

ad df mk up+hp, repeat. the trick here is putting your stick to neutral before hitting mk so you dont get the knee. to continue and relaunch, when ur flight mode is almost done, ad u/f then lp up+hp, then ad u/f again then knee xx up+hp or up+hk, both work good.

those are really the only 2 ones used".

I hope that helps.

I’ll get back at you some other time for gambit and venom combos.

Yea too bad everyone plays wolv .

Venom Combos


C.LP,C.MK xx Death Bite super(you will be using this one the most).


The Venom infinite on Spiderman near the middle of the video (at 10mins:40secs) was done like this.
As you know Venom can combo any punch to any kick. Now this infinite works during flying screen (when venom doesnt get pushed back), this is activated by doing a super. The commands are as follows .

lk, down, hp… lk, down, hp… lk, down, hp…

Since lk is down-cancelable you can connect a HP… and since venom can combo any punch to any kick, HP can chain into lk.
so the cycle continues.

Yes it is possible to do on any character, given Flying Screen.


(The you tube version starts at 3:07)

By Ac-slayer

Air infinite(can be done any where)

S.Mp,SJ,Lp,delay Lk,delay MP,delay Hk(1 hit)

watch Marvel vs capcom 08 combo video at 4:13 to see it done.


Gambit combos


S.Lk,S.Hk XX Kinetic Card (Lp),Dashing S.Mp(or dashing C.Hk for more damage)XX Cajun Slash(LP).

S.Lk,C.HP XX Royal Flush(for some reason it will only do good damage if your foe is backed in the corner).

Throw(P version)(unrollable) XX Royal Flush

Timing: try performing Royal Flush AS SOON as they hit the ground NOT before.

Works on just about everybody,but easiest on red venom and venom(don’t waste your time trying it on wolvie tho).


Gambit infinite is practical but situational.

Watch around 3:21, to see the infinite in action.


S.LP,S.Lk(just tap the buttons, don’t side your fingers to the next button)

Note: if your opponent starts to raise too high,bring them down with S.MP,S.MK and then continue your infinite.

So the infinite would go like this:

Set up 1,S.LP,S.Lk(3-5X),S.MP,S.MK,S.LP,S.Lk(3-5X),etc.

Set ups

1)up close

Kinetic Card(lp),Infinite

^use only if they tag out and you blocked the kick.

2)Colossus hit

wave dash up and start the infinite around the 4th or 5th hit

3)when the opponent is in the Corner

S.Lk,S.Hk XX Kinetic Card (Lp),Dashing S.LKS.LP,S.LP,S.LK (S.LP,S.LK) repeat bracket

4)Throw(Use MP to throw them into the corner )(when your in the corner )

AS soon as you throw the opponent, try doing the infinite,but start with S.LK
instead of S.LP.

^Works on most light and medium weight(works on wm too) characters.

I jsut wanted to give props to Divine for beating me in a first to 10 yesterday, he may be a nerd but he was the better player yesterday.

Congrats Divine, until next time.


Can’t wait to sick RV and Strider on you Bobby, hopefully we’ll get to play each other soon.


^ Didn’t know u played marvel.

I just started actually. I needed something to keep me tied down while I’m waiting for the next VS challenger to come in. I normally only play Mag in VS now, but I’m up for some games whenever I’m on.

BTW, Col breaks this game. Any sort of offensive pressure is immediately squashed by a well-timed/mashed Col. -_-

I need to start playing VS more,but lately I’m too busy to get on GGPO.

Yeah, col is pretty much the best helper, but Psylocke comes out even faster.

If your using Rv and strider, I’d recommend using Psylocke.Just call psylocke at the beginning of the match and abuse Rv throw.

any tips for WM? i see people flying around with him doing these wicked arial combos and all i can do is sit back and play keep-away.

who do u use?

Tip #1: Play KB
Tip #2: Use 3p
Tip #3: Do not talk about Fight Club.

No no, I jest. Basicaly with WM, you’re waiting for the chance to pitch someone up with a launcher so you can air combo/ inf them to death. When you kill a character, you can Guard Break the next by flying over to where they enter and spam/mash uf fierce. After the 2nd/3rd/4th hit, you can break their guard and go for the inf again. WM is the best character in this game, no doubt. It’s just learning his options and what you can do to get his infinite down.

Dark Matter: Yeah, I do use either Psy or Lou as my helper. Normally I try to land Red Venom throw and hit super if I’m mid screen or Air Combo and reset into throw. I’m having trouble with the inf though.

what’s his infinite?

Thread search functions ftw.