Venom Combos
C.LP,C.MK xx Death Bite super(you will be using this one the most).
The Venom infinite on Spiderman near the middle of the video (at 10mins:40secs) was done like this.
As you know Venom can combo any punch to any kick. Now this infinite works during flying screen (when venom doesnt get pushed back), this is activated by doing a super. The commands are as follows .
lk, down, hp… lk, down, hp… lk, down, hp…
Since lk is down-cancelable you can connect a HP… and since venom can combo any punch to any kick, HP can chain into lk.
so the cycle continues.
Yes it is possible to do on any character, given Flying Screen.
(The you tube version starts at 3:07)
By Ac-slayer
Air infinite(can be done any where)
S.Mp,SJ,Lp,delay Lk,delay MP,delay Hk(1 hit)
watch Marvel vs capcom 08 combo video at 4:13 to see it done.
Gambit combos
S.Lk,S.Hk XX Kinetic Card (Lp),Dashing S.Mp(or dashing C.Hk for more damage)XX Cajun Slash(LP).
S.Lk,C.HP XX Royal Flush(for some reason it will only do good damage if your foe is backed in the corner).
Throw(P version)(unrollable) XX Royal Flush
Timing: try performing Royal Flush AS SOON as they hit the ground NOT before.
Works on just about everybody,but easiest on red venom and venom(don’t waste your time trying it on wolvie tho).
Gambit infinite is practical but situational.
Watch around 3:21, to see the infinite in action.
S.LP,S.Lk(just tap the buttons, don’t side your fingers to the next button)
Note: if your opponent starts to raise too high,bring them down with S.MP,S.MK and then continue your infinite.
So the infinite would go like this:
Set up 1,S.LP,S.Lk(3-5X),S.MP,S.MK,S.LP,S.Lk(3-5X),etc.
Set ups
1)up close
Kinetic Card(lp),Infinite
^use only if they tag out and you blocked the kick.
2)Colossus hit
wave dash up and start the infinite around the 4th or 5th hit
3)when the opponent is in the Corner
S.Lk,S.Hk XX Kinetic Card (Lp),Dashing S.LKS.LP,S.LP,S.LK (S.LP,S.LK) repeat bracket
4)Throw(Use MP to throw them into the corner )(when your in the corner )
AS soon as you throw the opponent, try doing the infinite,but start with S.LK
instead of S.LP.
^Works on most light and medium weight(works on wm too) characters.