Hahahaha, this guy is even more mental than I thought. This is an alt in SRK, obviously you or anyone around you wouldn’t know me, it’s a fucking alt kid. Cow offered to MM you online with no macros and you fucking denied, you can even confirm this from Cow himself. Your excuse was to MM him in evo, Cow was 16 years old at the time and lived in Michigan, how the fuck was he gonna meet you in Vegas to play a fucking game you can play for free? In other words, you feared. It’s insane how you would deny that I bossed that GWM/Gief up, I’m confident I would do it again. I couldn’t even begin to understand why you wouldn’t want to take 2 seconds to log on to GGPO and actually prove that you own me to back up your claim, but most likely you would have some excuse for not playing. Most likely your excuses for not playing would be due to
Trolling, when in actuality you’re doing that right now…
Don’t take this game seriously anymore, when you’ve been posting in this thread for 4 years, spend money to go to Vegas or buy the game on Xbox live, yet can’t take 2 seconds to log on to GGPO…
Wait 2 months till it comes out in Xbox live aka fear.
These excuses were all used by Bernie and most likely every offline player to avoid getting embarrassed in GGPO. I wanna hear your excuse for not playing and getting bossed up. :[
Holy shit dude, this guy didn’t answer ANY of my questions. How the fuck are you gonna start any argument without responding to anything I’ve said? You said you don’t care about trolling, obviously you do if that’s the biggest reason why you won’t play on GGPO, lol. If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t be bothered by it. Okay, you don’t take this game seriously anymore yet you post in this forum for 4 years straight, offered MM’s in Vegas knowing nobody in GGPO wouldn’t be bothered spending money to play a fucking dead game they can play online for free, and you spending money on the Xbox live version knowing that mostly everyone on GGPO plays on ps3, then okay. The only explanation I can come up with is fear just like your boi JimRhodes. Alright, brah, that’s cool. You should have said so.
Wow, Turbo 1 for this game? This is terrible news… Turbo 1 is extremely slow, I hope the final version has the option to switch.
Also. Viscant, I’m your #1 fan. Fuck the haters your team is genius as fuckkkk
Ohh Bernie. I would love to have a Money Match in origins with you. I can’t afford to go to EVO however. We could do it online, but you probably consider that not legitimate. I live close to CEO, so if you ever attend that next year let me know.
Everyone complain to Capcom about the Turbo 1 thing though, this is horrific and would ruin the game for me. MvsC was designed to be played at a fast pace. Turbo 1 nullifies a lot of the mixups and reactions needed. Turbo 2 isn’t NEARLY as fast as it is in MvC2. It is the perfect speed in which to play MvC.
hmm, Bobbypigo, didn’t you used to play on ggpo? what happened to you?
all of you who are excited about mvco should test your might on ggpo first. this game is pretty alive over there averaging 60 users per day… basically, mvco isn’t gonna have great competition at all, if anything, the ggpo players are gonna make people not even wanna play this game and just run things, pretty much better off playing the game on ggpo especially if its not gonna have a turbo 2 setting… all of you who haven’t fucked with this game in years just have no clue how much we have elevated the game and broke it.
Nope. Most of the best ggpo players aren’t getting origins. Majority of players are going to be noobs, but it will also spark interest of older veterans and maybe new tournaments. 3p/3k is going to become a massive controversy regardless of what everyone thinks. Even if its Turbo 1 though it’s not completely useless. It could be an unlockable feature for all we know. All these older players are obviously going to get a nasty wakeup call that they suck now.
If DC gets origins, its most likely going to be on PS3, if cow gets it, hes getting it on PS3, if you get it, you’re getting it on PS3, if Divine gets it he’s on PS3.
I’m on Xbox, so I obviously won’t have competition :-D, but MvsC O is more like a tool used to accomplish some other things, not for competition. GGPO is for that.
Why is jeff aka wearevenom even here? guys trolls on ggpo and now herre? guy never plays mvsc just talks shit all day in the server how pathetic is ur life lol…oh wait ur a virgin with no job or car ya pretty sad…not to mention u use to ask me “teach me how to get girls” lol loser ass guy…but back to the topic na if i do play origins its gonna be on XBL even tho i dont even have an Xbox i do got ps3 but i want a nice connection thing is i doubt anyone would even play…the best mvsc players are on GGPO the older players would be LOST because this game is at a new level…Its not to say they wouldnt be able to adapt with time but most people probably wont take the time to get to the new level.
What in the fuck are you talking about? GGPO has maybe 50 people that play MVC1. MVC1 on XBL is gonna bring all the old school players back, I mean c’mon why wouldn’t you play MVC origins? Better graphics, Replay channel to see your weaknesses and also more competition. Yeah GGPO players are on another level, but i’d rather rape from time to time and have fun. Wouldn’t you?
Yo Kimura, I’m Canadian also lol and would just like to say your war machine team is godlike, also are you going to be playing MVCO on XBL? I wanna face you to get better.
TaskTool: I’d love to attend CEO next year if work schedule permits. This year looked amazing and fun.
Back real quick to a possible mvc1 revival and stuff…honestly I just don’t see this game taking off again in a real competitive fashion for any reason other than seeing significant money on the line in a tournament environment. And I definitely don’t see that happening, especially since there are arguably better games in the same series available and no one is playing those anymore either in tournaments. Online is great and I’m sure it will be good for casuals because at least this game is fun. Let’s just be happy with that. At least there will likely be more than just the same group of people that have been grinding away on GGPO for years. Same thing happened with mvc2 over the last few years - the old heads retired and a bunch of new guys now play online. Problem is that even in mvc2, the new guys don’t do much other than play online and get into constant ego fueled bitch fests. That seems to work for some people but it’s not fun for me like that. I’ll stick with playing, keeping quiet, and hopefully learning a few new things in the process that I didn’t see since I dropped this game over a decade ago. I’ll pick up whatever version the “top players” will play and I welcome the opportunity to see what other people have picked up since then but that’s kinda where it ends for me unless I can potentially go make some money winning tournaments offline or something.
Lmao at these all these aspergers mvc1 kids all up in this thread after origins was announced. You guys are truely deluded idiots who think 3p 3k is real skill. You devoted half of your life to this game… How long have you been playing it online non-stop? 7-8 years? And for some of you this game = YOUR LIFE and there’s tons of proof on that . Fact is you been playing the game wrong the entire time, but you just wont give it up and say other games are complete trash because you cant win without an opening 100% to free gaurdbreak. It’s all you know… I’ll put my lifes savings down saying you’ll still be arguing and doing ft10’s when your 30+ years old. Nothing but endless bickering over who’s better at landing the first hit. MvC1 community is the worst cancerous trash i’ve ever encountered. When your game gets taken off ggpo whos going to take over the VSAV room? Enjoy your IP bans from ponder.
am I the only one treat this game like regular street fighter game. I always liked playing every character even though I am only doing the basics. I know there are infinites but never really looked them up. either way I will just play when its out. if I lose too much to “OGs” then I may have to tier whore and learn some infinites.
might be fun playing it on a higher level tho. if I step it up a little more then I have a shot vs pros too.
buut its not that serious. either way I cant wait!! I just have this attachment to this game. I clearly remember when my local arcade swapped mshvssf board for this and we were playing it everyday like crackheads. I was one of the few people that knew how to transform ryu lol…
Aside from a few notable character exceptions, I always played and treated mvssf like a faster and slightly different Alpha game. A lot of the concepts and mind set from non-Marvel games on how to control space and limit options still apply in that game since there is more control over the limit of damage output there. Things still hurt in mvssf but you don’t necessarily die in one hit in that game.
I don’t really do that as much for other Marvel games since there is typically more required to know and practice for in order to win and the damage output is a lot better if you can land a clean hit in many cases. But if you’re starting out, it could be a good idea to think of it in those terms until you get more ramped up in what the gameplay styles and game engines allow for per game.
Sorry the only song on there that was godlike was Dictator’s Theme and the Secret Character Theme. The other songs were bland or a poor remix of the original song.