Marvel Vs Capcom 1

Personally, I don’t think 3P makes the game too different from what it was “supposed to be”. Since I have seen War Machines already doing 3P fly combos (and refly infinites) manually when I quit playing 10 years ago. And now that the “glove inf” exists, that leaves much less chances of making a mistake (you need like, what, 8-10 air dashes only to 100% anyone except GWM and CapCom).

Wolv’s dash inf, by itself, does crap damage, unless you do it to 99 hits (which player 2 can’t do). It doesn’t work using it like that anyway since there are players who will lag you (meaning if you can do it offline, it is actually MUCH MORE reliable there than online).

But realistically, the dash inf is just mostly used as a wall-carry to do the corner 100% uncombo. i.e. this means you only actually need to do it around 8 times, so it shouldn’t be hard to do even offline, 8 times is few enough that it should be easy to pull off consistently before making a mistake. Also the actual combo leaves some room for mistake (you can hit the quite late after the, and it still combos). So you can just do Mag-style slide/claw LK, then hit the MP separately.

And against the characters who are immune to Wolv’s uncombo juggle (e.g.: Gold WM, Hulk, Chun-Li, Megaman, CapCom, etc.), you’ll notice that even online, the dash inf isn’t really used often against them as the major damage dealer. Most wolv players just duo, or go for the combo into super (or switch to WM (LOL)). But then, that might just be because of the risk of being lagged :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think 3P would be MUCH more an issue in games that have Magneto and Storm in their roster.

But then, people in the arcade nowadays can actually do that XvSF stuff manually. And consistently at that. Meaning if the MvC offline scene wasn’t virtually dead, I think offline players would be able to pull off the “online stuff” just as easily.

Although I DO get the argument that 3P bindings remove the “human error” factor in matches, I’ve seen people pull off 3P consistently to the point that I think it doesn’t change the gameplay, just the odds (and not by much). And quite frankly, matches won due to execution error aren’t satisfying at all.

Well, here’s hoping that MvC origins undoes that “deadness” of the MvC arcade scene, even if just a bit.

with WM, i think anything leading into launch lp lk up+hkxxfly, [lp mp up+hp, dash] (repeat in brackets til dead) is a 100%? can someone confirm this?

Ive seen this combo a bunch in the ggpo matches ive been watching lately

It’s actually repeated [LP airdash] that uncombos (causing the damage scaling to reset).
The 100% variation I use is hk launch, lk u+hk fly, lk u+hp 3p, lp u+hp 3p, [lp 3p lp 3p lp u+hp 3p] x2, then [u+hp 3p] til dead.
3p is air dash u/f, except when at the corner, then it’s just air dash up (unless you’re getting a bit far from the opponent).
Works on everyone except GWM, CapCom, and Megaman afaik.

I agree and disagree with this to some extend. As one of the few people (I think?) that still plays this on a somewhat regular basis on stick, i can say that while wm/wolvie infs are indeed doable on stick, the consistancy of being comfortable with a binding does give people that are good with pad/keyboard an advantage in this game due to the swifthness with which they can kill the opp and the consistancy and speed with which they can wave dash. People with macros get access to wm’s quick air charge, mashy fly gb, and wolverines mp infinite string and its variations as a pressure string and not merely a combo. Im not saying this breaks the game, people on stick still have the option of learning red venom and gwm as one of these characters doesnt even have any 3p dependant options and the other nullifies 3p based infinites, and even in mirror matches its not entirely helpeless for the non macro using player for the fact that even tho they arn’t going to be able to move as fast as the keyboard/pad macro using player, this game gives a lot of lee-way for those that wish to turtle, what with its pushblocking and generally low amounts of blockstun (for instance, wolverine can interrupt war machines down+mk dive > hk/hp string with a standing jab if he times it right and allows the stick to return to neutral.) But that there are advantagous options gained from the use of macros in mvc1 i dont think can really be debated; wm, wolvie, lilith, and shadow lady all have infinites that are increadibly hard to do consistantly on a default stick but take relatively little time to do consistently with macros.

Fuck is the point of porting MvC1 if nobody besides Bernie and scrubs are gonna play it? GGPO is still gonna be the main place to find all the competition, shit makes no sense at all.

Look, a scrub in the wild!

Shadow Lady inf is really easy without bindings. WM inf isn’t too bad either since it uncombos pretty easily. Lilith doesn’t really need an inf to be good. The main problem for me has always been Wolverine infs and pressure game with repeated canceled seeming like child’s play to some people when it looks like they know nothing else about the game. Literally it’s the only thing that keeps people in the game in many cases. Aside from the incredible egos about a game that’s been dead for over a decade, that’s all I really had a problem with. It makes me laugh to see people pop off while winning or losing online like it means something, especially in this game or XvsSF. It’s quite sad, really. Just shut up and play for a change.

Exactly this.

Let’s keep it real here. The game isn’t dead, it’s only been dead in the arcade scene. For 10 years straight this game has averaged more than 40 players a day around the world, how the fuck is that being dead? You’re living in a fantasy world thinking shit in the past actually matters. This shit only had about a year or two in the arcade scene compared to 10 plus years on GGPO/Kaillera. The best players in the world play there macros or not. Your excuse for not playing is a bit of trolling and losing? The fuck is wrong with you, kid? You should take your own advice and play. You’ve been posting here since the start of this thread and not once have I’ve ever seen you actually play on GGPO where this game actually matters. What’s really sad is that you’ve been posting all of this shit isolated from the competition, dreading about how much you hate the game cause you fear a little trolling and wolverine… LMFAO? Stop crying like a little girl, pick GWM… and take your own advice and play. I’m sorry that you got your feelings hurt by little kids playing mvc. =[

My feelings aren’t hurt. They never were. Just because I laugh at people making fools of themselves doesn’t make me mad at them. I’ll be online for XBLA mvc1 when it comes out and I’ll stay playing as long as the port and online play doesn’t suck, along with any other good games I’m already on now. GGPO in its current state will never be a permanent home for me no matter what anyone does to try and convince me. Among many other reasons, I don’t play games on a PC. Sorry but I don’t take games that seriously anymore, especially not this one.

You’re supposed to laugh at people making fools of themselves in the MvC room in GGPO, that’s what the room is known for, trolling. If you had a sense of humor, you would sit back and enjoy the chatroom for what it is, instead you’re offended by the people in there? I don’t understand your reasoning. The game is boring by itself, without the trolling, it wouldn’t even have lasted this long. Again, you’re not making any sense. Taking half a second to log onto GGPO to play one or two games FOR FREE is taking games seriously, yet spending money going to Vegas or other tournaments and buying the relaunch on Xbox live isn’t taking games seriously? Am I missing something here, lol?

I can’t even see the chatroom on ggpo it wont load :frowning:

The problem is here in this statement. There are a lot of people that are going to be playing this on the next Gen. People you have no idea about. People that understood this game over a decade ago. People like Bernie who have a much deeper knowledge in this game than you and whole lot of what I’ve seen on GGPO have.

GGPO has great players. I don’t know if you are among them as I have never heard of you. And I know the best MVC1 players in the world. Your attitude and is part of the problem. It stops you from learning and looking past your own little internet view of this game. Its much deepr than that. Bernie means its “dead” in a way you could never understand, being that you probably never even saw this game in an arcade setting.

Let me introduce you to the best MvsC player EVER -DarkCloud- not only dont i use 3p and 3k but i know every character and every characters weakness i have been the best since 2004 and not one person has even really challenged that spot from me and im just being 100 here…The sad fact is all of the GGPO players are jokes they rely too much on 3p/3k to win they just pick War Machine or Wolverine and try a desperate attempt to inf. Thats how come no one can beat me, i use simple 4 hit combos with Gold War and Hulk but i mainly use them because there anti inf because my best is actually Venom…I can even own the supposed 2nd best player on ggpo with Zang in non inf matches which is pathetic but then again Zang is pretty good so i wont bag him much but still you cant be considered really good if you cant even beat Zang while your Strider…i play this game like chess i predict your move b4 you even make it.

DarkCloud, you are very good. But when you have to introduce yourself as the best MVC player to people that never heard of you, chances are, you aren’t the best.

if you are the best I hope to see you on origins :slight_smile:

I’ve known some of the greats from the past time and they have told me how great i am…I learned this game inside out i played it longer than anyone thats how come i can say it…If someone honestly thinks otherwise they will see me in origins my #1 status is cemented in stone…like i said i know every character and every characters weakness…Not to mention my turtling and defense along with my execution are just too good…i still love this game, its pretty sad how it got overlooked cause it really is a great game.

JimRhodes is the best. :slight_smile:

Huh? GGPO has the BEST players. Are you fucking mental, kid? How does 2 years arcade life equate to 10 years in GGPO/Kaillera? NOBODY except for scrubs and Bernie is going to be playing Origins, shit’s fact dude. How the fuck does some scrub like Bernie have deeper knowledge in the game if kid doesn’t even play it where it matters? That’s like saying I’m the best in umvc3 because I’ve seen some videos and been around the scene but I’ve never actually played in majors. Your delusions are even worse than the most notorious trolls in GGPO. You should go seek a psychiatrist or something, old man. Come on bro, you’re a joke in the community, I bodied the shit out of that garbage GWM and Gief and I don’t even play the game. The fact that you even consider yourself amongst one of the top players is insane, I’ll even gief mirror match that and boss up. Even Cow offered to MM you through paypal with no macros and you back downed, fuck is wrong with you? Like I’ve stated before, what the fuck does 2 years in arcade life have to do with 10 years in GGPO/Kaillera, am I missing something here? Was there some secret golden tactics that were done back then that aren’t done now, lol?

Also, to this clown DC, guy got bodied up by Whiplash, nuff said. This is the reason why the MvC room is a joke, this ugly mother fuck lags and counts casuals, and if you beat him, he brings up a score from 6 months to several years ago. You can’t streak him since he’s always 1st player and f2’s it if you get higher than 5. Every game he plays he takes it serious, then counts it as a legit ft10 and refuses to play after. I don’t think he’s trolling either, he’s mentally unstable. I bet you his response to this comment would always be concerning to this game claiming he’s the best since he’s got nothing going for him in life. :[ Again, Whiplash tee’d up, shit’s on youtube for everyone to see.

Haha Raaage!!!

You are a straight up liar… . you never bodied me. I don’t even know you.Nobody fucking knows you, lol. We have never even played each other. And I embarrassed Cow plenty of times. I don’t play MMs online either so even if cow did offer, which he didn’t, I would not have accepted.

WeAreVenom: lol @ online gameplay praise. Anyways, I’ll be on mvc1 origins in a few months and I’m looking forward to some good games with anyone, don’t care who it is. Nothing more, nothing less. Anyone that wants to troll, I would suggest to save the effort for someone that might care more. Anyone that wants to play for $$$, I live in Vegas so see me there anytime (Evo or whenever) and we can arrange it in person, no lag, no other issues. Arcade or origins only, unless this version ends up like ass. I’ve thrown this out before and no one has wanted it enough to respond. This is the last time I’m bringing this up. If you don’t want to talk money then don’t bother me with anything else.

Everyone else, see you all online in September or whenever the origins version comes out and try not to take things so damn personally if possible. Looking forward to seeing as many effective styles as possible.