Marvel Vs Capcom 1

Zangief strong throw was untechable; whether that was intentional or an oversight by Capcom nobody ever knew for sure. Also if done correctly you couldn’t block the strong through to SJ jab unless you were Ryu or someone else (Venom? don’t remember). You could mash out when you were thrown and THEN be able to block. MvC1 had some wonky mechanics for its day.

Anyways this worked because of how the game treated blockstun. It was more or less nonexistent. So a character could come in swinging, you block a chain in the air and just hold back and mash strong then get the throw. It made Zangief very hard to approach by pixies (Chun, Spiderman, Wolverine, etc). Wolverine vs. Zangief, Wolverine actually had to run away and avoid the divekick.

It worked OK for its time but MvC1 moved away from pixies other than Strider/Wolverine and moved towards War Machines and Red Venom which Zangief didn’t have much game against.

–Jay Snyder

I thought it was possible to late tech the mp throw, but I might be thinking of some other throw. But definitely, the power of that throw was the guaranteed sj jab afterwards.

I forgot about the low blockstun stuff in this setup. Makes sense since most times people approached me with a jump in attack outside of this setup I would get the mp throw after blocking. But like you said, this didn’t really matter against some characters since they never approach like that. It never worked well around me since we all moved on to WM, Strider, RV, etc by the time this setup was known.

Thanks for the insight.

wow good to see people still love me and hate that im the best at this game since 2004 its not even being cocky cause its a damn fact but ya happy gaming still :slight_smile:

10-8,10-6… stfu darkclown u fucking suck

Nice to see people keeping this game going!

sup bobbypigo we played you used gief i remember…and whiptrash as of 11:18 i just owned you 10-3 ggs buddy and our ft record all time is 200-1 so ggs and have a nice day.

Yeah DarkCloud, you were a beast on GGPO.

Rejoice motherfuckers, this shit is coming back to us in FULL HD!!!

Let’s hope they don’t fuck it up like they did with 3S and other games. The demo video looked kinda slow - I’m hoping it’s just the speed setting or something.

But yeah, either way I’m pretty pumped for this. I finally have a reason to re-up on my XBLA card. And MSH too??? Sold.

they made mvc2 look slow in their promos too

This is why I’ve been spamming Variable Cross ToD videos on Unity.

That and telling folks not to spam Wolverine, Strider and War Machine complaint threads.


-shoulda been a real origins and included xmen vs sf, xmen coa and mvsf

even if i have two copies on dc, a burned copy for dc, the roms on my comp and the rom on my jailbroken ps3 i will still cop this game and support. this is sort of where it all started for me (really mvsf but this will do).

No Xvs hurts, but I can live with it.

I’m sure the port and netcode will be bad, but it’ll be nice to have multi person rooms. I’ll get this on day 1.

I feel the pain =(

Hey so since we don’t need to run tournaments on ggpo for this game anymore I am thinking about hosting on xbl for both this and MSH for the day of its release. I can stream the event and what not. Want to get some feed back though

Quick feedback before I pass out: I played the hell out of the demo on the Evo floor whenever I could get away from the ST event and other stuff. I can confirm the game is like the arcade and not the DC version. It felt laggy but I’m not sure if it was the TV, input lag, or both. There are sound glitches around the rematch option. Also, turbo 1 was the setting and not turbo 2, which was always the norm for tournaments in the stone ages pre-emulation. Aside from that, the game is a blast and I’m cautiously optimistic that the online component will be ok. Hopefully all issues are fixed by release time. If you were at Evo and got spun/optioned out by Zangief on Saturday afternoon, it was probably me doing it. I didn’t leave the demo unit until IGN wanted to start taping there. Hopefully they got the tail end of my streak posted somewhere.

Hey Guys!

              WOW MVC on XBL?? Hey Bernie how were the button configurations? Can you set 3P/3k? If so that's too bad, not a real arcade classic..

I will be getting this for XBL when it hits for sure!!! Mad hype!!

What’s up boss. Unfortunately, 3P/3K is an option in the menu. Can’t get everything perfect. Then again, the lazy won’t want to play if it’s not in there and I’m not talking about the pad people either. I’m sure Capcom doesn’t care about the cheaters in this game. Hopefully they will mostly stay away anyway.

You forgot Red Venom. :stuck_out_tongue:

The fact that they’re adding stuff like ping numbers and region should at least mean that we can be cautiously optimistic.

Old fighting games + LCDs just don’t mix. You need to get really specialized monitors (either commercial grade ones, or something like the EVO monitors) to minimize lag, and even then, there still might be a bit. That said, testing at Tech Talk shows that old CPS2 cabs do have 4 frames of input delay. What they need to figure out is how to tweak that so that we can adjust for different monitors.

On a related note, if you guys can compile a list of stuff you felt was off, I can forward those to Sven and Derek at Capcom.

Shh… if they hear you, they’ll start spamming that it’s “Carnage” not Red Venom.

My main issues are addressed with my post above. You’re asking the wrong group for demo feedback, as I doubt anyone from this thread other than myself was at Evo and playing the game. Very few people there understood exactly how this game works, which is not a knock on anyone in particular but just my observation by watching/playing, so they won’t know what to look out for. I can reach out to Capcom if you haven’t already done so, but I would urge the older heads that were at Evo playing the demo to chime in rather than anyone random. People like Justin, Viscant, Arturo, some so cal people, etc - all guys that used to be good pre-mvc2 and understand the game engine. They were all there and if they played the demo, they would be able to get some accurate feedback in.

The only other glitchy thing I remember was the controls locking up completely during local multiplayer. I don’t know the circumstances around how to reproduce that issue, but backing out to the main menu before playing again fixed the problem.

From Derek on macros.

This was referring to Skullgirls style macro mapping.