Marvel Vs Capcom 1

I’m in Salem/Portland Oregon these days. Probably wouldn’t be a good connection.

Yeah it sucks too because im out of practice now. lost to a mexican spamming teleports with wesker over and over. Need ppl to play this game with.

Also, just now some guy sent me a message after beating me twice when i had morrigan.

Hes like “ur terrible”

and im like “grats you beat me in delay” because I literally lost due to dropping combos.

and then he sends another message or w/e and finally im like “ft 5?”

and at 1 - 1 he leaves and sends me a message saying “ur not on my level. BLOCKED”

lol wtf is up with these phony ass mvc3 players

its the same shit on mvc2 on psn :frowning:

That’s just online play in general. You drop a combo due to lag your opponent wins and tea bags taunts our trash talks and if you mention lag they call you a liar and say there was no lag. I was playing on am LCD TV the other day with I’m guessing about 20 games of lag on top of normal online lag and I got hate mail about how I sucked. Then I went and won a tournament beating a guy that regularly takes third in Seattle. Clearly I’m trash.

Loving this game on GGPO. Megaman woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

I’ll put this up here in case anyone reading is attending Seasons Beatings next weekend:

3P/3K is cheating? O_o

In some peoples eyes it is because you couldn’t bind buttons in the arcade where the game and tournament scene started.


I’ve been dabbling in this game lately, and I find that pushblocking for me is difficult because of the way my hands are (Three fingers on my right hand, two on my left), so I was thinking about mapping 3P/3K. If it’s cheating, then I won’t.

no longer salty/care


What’s a laugh converter? I’m probably going to be doing some research and modding a standard xbox 360 wired controller to a keyboard, have a soldering iron and a few other useful tools at my disposal but I have 0 knowledge of modding or anything at this point. Luckily my dad actually understands electronics at the component level and deals with this type of shit at work. Might be a fun project, and better than using one of those overpriced/ridiculously complicated converters that they sell.

Both reviving this thread and asking a question:

I’m finally getting a battop and and octagonal gate for my TE S stick. Only problem is, GGPO hasn’t worked on my computer so long. Do I really have to reinstall everything? :bluu:

Nevermind, got it working. Would anyone mind teaching me when I get my stick modded?

Picking this game up again after not playing for a while. I used to run Megaman/Venom, but I’m dropping Venom for War Machine, as he has far superior mobility and looks to be a very good overall character. That said, are there any tips for getting started with WM? I know know a few BnB’s like :lk::hk: into War Destroyer, and basic air combos, but that’s about it. I know he has fly/un-fly infinites too, but I’ll learn those after I get WM’s overall gameplan down pat.

i want to learn this game really bad, but everytime ive ever gotten on i just got smoked :frowning:
Join up guys!!

Stepping the tournaments up

soooo what happened with this tourney? is there vids up or anything

can somone please tell me what exactly a triple option zangielf is? footage would be even better. that knowledge seems to be completely lost to the internet. google it and get only references with no strats.

IIRC it starts with Zangief air combo into lariat, then a rejump air normal to reset, followed by:

  • mp throw to relaunch
  • to relaunch if they press buttons that beats
  • FAB or team super

It’s escapable via throw tech on the relaunch throw attempt, a better normal vs, and most importantly anything that changes air momentum after the reset, like flight, double jump, air super, etc. From my understanding the triple option was powerful for the time because it was a foreign concept for a marvel game and the counters weren’t known. From what I understand this was primarily a Viscant strategy and not really seen much outside of So Cal so I can’t really comment on its effectiveness since I didn’t see it work well around me.