Not sure about CEO, but we’ll see. It would be fun to play again. Hopefully KOF13 and UMVC3 won’t suck and I’ll be motivated to travel for those games.
I have to wonder about this tho…there are plenty of old arcade games in major tournaments that are well represented via arcade hardware (ST, Vampire Savior, XvsSF, 3S before 3SO) where I don’t hear any complaints about controls or whatever yet it’s not the case for this game for some reason. There are even converters that allow people to use whatever they want as long as it is a PS2 controller - this is how ST is run as a side game for all of the west coast tournaments. Why play on emu when the real thing is available? I never understood this.
It’s not that simple, most people don’t have access to an arcade as easily as you’d think. In my case for example, I grew up playing emulated arcade games, and never went to Chinatown Arcade (I’m in NYC) mostly because i didn’t find the point in going all the way to the city from queens with public transit and use up the whole day to just play against other people when 1- I played keyboard and couldn’t use it on the arcades, 2 - I payed money, 3 - Most of the arcades had games I didn’t play anyway. Some people just don’t have the time to use up a full day going to the arcade.
This is a really good point. I play this game on keyboard. Is it absurd for me to bring a keyboard to tournaments and expect to be able to use it? Yes. But if there is a way to modify a keyboard somehow so that it is playstation/xbox compatible I will definitely be doing this for marvel 1 once its re-released on consoles.
As far as tournaments actually allowing this… I can only assume it will be allowed as long as I can prove there are no macros used. I definitely don’t know anything about modifying controllers at this point or much about converters, so I guess I could play you on stick if you were 100% set on using the actual cab.
I just am not a stick user, so like I said, I will be worse, but I don’t know how much worse.
I am having a crazy hard time with this! Do you have to unfly to land the downwards knee? I can do the infinite now a lot just not the reset, which makes it not an infinite.
No need to unfly to perform the knee. Just make sure you’re high/close enough to the victim during the flight mode juggle and hit down + mk. That move automatically takes you out of flight mode and into normal jump mode, where you will then combo into up + hp/hk, then cancel to fly and continue the combo. It’s a nice option if you can do it, but can be tough to land and not really necessary once you can get the flight mode uncombos to work consistently, or even better the normal jump infinite (j.lp -> -> j.up + hp, repeat).
Really? No resets? I used resets with wolverine and he wasn’t my main and I learned it by playing other players who did use it against me. Zangiefs entire game was built around resets the infamous triple option created by viscant.
The fact is tournaments were rarely recorded when this game was out including major tournaments. The guard break technique was created on mvc 1 so people were clearly doing more than you say they’re doing.
Also abnormal the reason why the old players say that colossus wasn’t that hot is because you could roll on him. with proper practice you could eat the first hit of colossus and actually roll giving you a free combo on the person for calling him in the first place. Red venom was the best at that because he could poke with d.fp and roll on colossus if you called him for an infinite. Juggernaut was better at keeping people off you but limited uses. A lot of the top players used lou as their main assist especially striderine players.
I’m not saying offline players are better etc… I’m saying you have yet to post anything that the offline players didn’t know at the time. I’m sure the top online players could compete with the top offline players. I doubt that they would win in a tournament setting because nerves become a major factor but its possible that with some offline play they’d overcome that.
Now when people talk about combos being dropped you also need to realize that randomly some combos will drop. Most famous example is eddie lee vs spider dan at one of the ecc’s where dan had eddie beat with strider caught in an infinite. dan didn’t time it incorrectly but strider just randomly flipped out of the infinite and got a fp in to kill dan.
First time I saw the wolverine infinite was about 6 months after the game was released and it was done in sacramento by Brandon. Again I’m sure the players are good but they’re simply reinventing what we already discovered.
?? your most likely assuming resets as in cross ups/ mixups or whatever, but im talking about something mvc specific where the combo counter resets and then the damage scaling resets, which is unblockable. i seen not one basic combo using this in any video. also, if you look at the gameplay videos now and the ones compared to then the game isnt even played remotely similar. and obviously tons of new combos were found that offline players did not know for a fact, especially since the offline players seem to not even use resets which almost all new combos use.
Some of you guys must be living in a dream world or something. People just simply didn’t record much video back then. This was the late 90’s, not now. Camcorders were damn expensive back then. I’m still wondering how people can reference video that just doesn’t exist. It’s like calling out the early 90’s SF2 play because it doesn’t look like what the current style of play is - how would you know how that even looked like if you weren’t there? Whatever you might be seeing now is almost certainly 100% after people dropped this game, so of course it will suck. If there is video of the prime age of mvc1 (aka pre-mvc2 release), I wouldn’t know about or it just doesn’t exist because it wasn’t taped. I know what I know because I attended and/or played in the tournaments back then (on the east coast at least - ECC, The Break mvc1 weeklies filled with killers from NYC, CT and NJ) How hard is that to understand? How can you say we didn’t know what uncombos were/are when that term was invented by the players of that era? It’s not hard to come up with a conclusion where a followup move from a juggle combo was unblockable and didn’t scale consistently. We didn’t know how or why, but we knew that it worked and there were combos built off of that knowledge for sure. I think we can figure it out from there. Like I said, this game isn’t rocket science. Good shit for finding out nice ways to incorporate uncombos now, but don’t think this is some new shit that people didn’t know about. You’re basically reinventing the wheel at that point because most of that stuff wasn’t common knowledge to the community pre-SRK, but please believe that it was definitely out there.
Thats not a reset thats an uncombo. A reset is done off a mixup and has an escape and uncombo has no escape and yes I used uncombos with war machine mainly but I had a reset with wolverine that was technically escapeable but rarely was. You need to learn the proper terms if you want to talk here. In fact if you actually read the fucking thread you wouold see I clearly discussed uncombos earlier in the thread.
Again you haven’t seen these combos because tournaments were never recorded. Recording devices were pretty expensive then. I bought a state of the art digital camera in 2000 for $1000 and recording equipment was a lot more than that.
I never went to any of the ecc’s. I might be willing to play there. Last time I played some marvel I was dropping stuff left and right because I’m used to the format for 3. I played third strike and was trying to do chun’s sweep with down fierce lol.
Yo, truking. Or rhodes. Either of you up for casuals in MvC3 on xbox? I’m bad there and I simply can’t find anyone to play with ever to level up basically. I’m not that bad, but I obviously suck. Would be decent if I could find some games.
my gamertag is srk 1truking on 360 and truking on ps3 though I dont play on that much because lag seems way worse to me and well the playerbase seems way worse.
Lol I find that so funny because I was actually having a debate with a friend of mine who swears up and down PSN doesn’t lag. When i’ve been told by numerous top players that PSN is garbage and lags and the competition sucks. As well as me seeing daigo, tokido, etc blatantly choosing XBL instead of PSN.
So i’m glad you gave your view on that.
But ya i’ll add you, maybe we can play some casuals some time. I’m TaskTool