Edited my post with more details. You can say you saw whatever, but cow insists he invented the overhead/low mixup with lilith and liliths infinite. You can debate that if you want.
"Striders otg into infinite, striders reset combos, his combo into orbs for 100%
Ryu infinites
Spiderman infinite on roll found by AC slayer
infinites for characters previously thought as having no infinite combos, and these have been found by extensive in-depth knowledge of the games mechanics, previously unknown.
Ya that is really silly to argue about. I’m sure yall would be surprised if you came on ggpo and tested your luck though. Even if you guys were good for your time, I just cant comprehend how it would be possible to be on the same level as the online community.
Bobbypigo covered much of this, but I’ll cover the rest:
Otg to infinite juggle was known and wasn’t really practical + it’s risky if you mess it up. Uncombos from air combo is so old and common, it’s ridiculous. Combo into orbs is such common knowledge, I don’t even know why this is listed.
Combo video stuff? Really? Who even uses Ryu in this game?
Again, combo video stuff because you never see Roll in any kind of serious match. I’ll admit that it’s a sweet combo, but seriously…Roll???
Spiderman was used plenty back then and the mixups from an air combo were definitely known. Hell, people used them in mvssf - that’s how old that stuff is. The problem is actually landing a hit with him was super difficult against top tier turtles that it wasn’t even worth playing him for the most part. Plus his duo abilities weren’t and still aren’t that good. Don’t believe the hype that if it’s not on video, it wasn’t known. Chances are really good that it was known.
…is really a juggle and was discovered by Japanese combo makers from what I recall. Again, it’s nice for combo videos but is it practical for high level play?
And good job posting the videos from 2002…well after people stopped playing mvc1. I think Art even stopped playing mvc2 at that point. This is getting silly. It’s like having the XBL crowd come in and crap on the top mvc2 players from years ago because they all play now and couldn’t back when the game was hot. Come on now…
how is the strider otg infinite impractical? the basic combo into 1 rep of the infinite does more damage than any of striders other combos. and uncombos itself.
not talking about the airborn uncombos.
MvC1 is my first fighting game. I started playing around 07, online, never before played any other fighting games. so its not like players all of a sudden emerged because they couldnt compete back when it was hot. most of the best players on ggpo dont even give a fuck about the offline scene.
you cant compare ggpo players to xbox live players. ggpo is skilled, I dont care what you think the offline players knew, i’m sure they were skilled at the time.
but I know for a fact that after a certain point, you basically take the game as far as it can go. and I see that on ggpo. I havent seen that in any old videos so far. you all can prove it to me some other way if you want, but I guess it doesnt really matter at the end of the day. all of this is irrelevant
About those game mechanic exploits and combos, those are things discovered by online players on their own. Doesn’t really matter if it was discovered before at some point, online players finding this themselves in an isolated group of about 30 players with circles of friends as small as 3 finding this shit is a lot more impressive than a bunch of professional tournament level players chilling at each others houses or at the arcade playing the game hardcore as fuck training for tournaments and such sharing secrets to each other.
Look at the level justin wong is at in marvel 3. Or the level justins friends are at in marvel 3. You think anyone else who isn’t part of that circle of friends has a chance?
We’re splitting hairs now, so let’s just get off this argument. I made my point, which is don’t believe the hype just because it wasn’t on video at the time. We’re talking two different eras, two different sets of top players. I never made claims that one set would beat the other - only that the OGs were not scrubs like it is somehow believed by certain people. Shit is ridiculous to me.
Instead, we should be talking about the game itself. I’d love to get back on that topic at some point.
Well apparently everyone interested in this game already knows everything. So i’d be wasting my time continuing to post here. Most important things don’t really need to be described here anyway, people learn the most important things from just playing.
In fact, to be honest. I don’t agree with everyone just being spoon fed everything like a baby anyway.
The amount of time it took for players to learn really basic concepts about the game is pretty absurd, without any teacher, without any previous fighting game experience. If MvC1 gets re-released on console, I don’t think i’m going to want to just spread all of this knowledge like it’s nothing. I want people to earn it at least. At least they will know who the grandaddies of this game are for a while before they start catching on. And that’s how it should be.
3p/3k was already added to the FBA emulator. MvC1 for the ps1 and Dreamcast uses 3p/3k. Even the console versions of SF4 uses 3p and 3k. Am I wrong? You expect people to disable 3p/3k cause you’re being a little bitch about it? Come on, man. Fact is, if you understood English, I’ve stated that anyone from GGPO could beat any top from any era even without 3p/3k pretty easily. It’s fact. I’m not waiting till seasons beatings to MM you. I’ll MM you right now, through paypal. Shit’s not a problem. Like I’ve stated before, I peeped at all the old MvC1 videos from offline, they all sucked. Everyone back then sucked, you suck, so what’s the point in arguing? You’re living in a fantasy land, you can’t prove shit honestly, all you have is your memory from 10 years ago. I can’t even remember a ft10 from 2 months ago, let alone 10 years. So calm that shit down. Jim Rhodes, I ravaged the shit out of you, kid. I beasted that weak ass GWM, and ran through that weak ass Zangief. Even mirrored that Gief and you still lost. And don’t deny it too, you know that shit happened. I’ll do that shit right now if you want some. And I don’t even play this game, which is the funny part.
We’ve already been arguing all day over this petty garbage, can we just stop arguing? It’s exhausting and pointless as fuck. Especially when we all are here because we enjoy the same game.
A money match over ggpo on paypal would be interesting, but there would obviously have to be rules and compromises made.
On ggpo theres basically only one way to tell if someone is using macros which is input watch. Basically if this were to go down I would say, allow macros for push blocking and the such, but ban 3punch infinites, or 3punch combos, that way it would be basically the same as playing offline, theres virtually no difference between push blocking with 3p or push blocking manually.
However there is the wavedashing issue and the 3punch dash issue. A lot of players use macros as a crutch to dash. The only way this would work is if bernie consented to a macro match and was permitted to use macros himself to wave dash and such. Minus infinites of course.
However I still think this is pointless. This would prove nothing and would be a waste of 50 dollars.
WeAreVenom: I named my terms (in person, arcade cab/supergun, no emu), take it or leave it. Shit, we can do this at Evo next year instead if you want to wait - I live in Las Vegas and attend every year. I’ll probably even attend the ECC revival next year if it happens as planned. You have all sorts of options to make this happen. If you don’t want it in person for cash, then fuck off and keep my name out of your posts. Talk to me again whenever you grow a set. lol @ paypal. Is this a joke?
honestly it is ridiculous to say the game hasnt involved since it first came out. from the videos shown, people were only doing the absolute basic / neccesary things to win. i rarely even seen any resets used, combos were limited and the tactics used in general were just weak/ basic. even the game 2 years ago on ggpo, compared to now has progressed. unless these players have some unrecorded knowledge, and were WAY better/ more knowledable then what is shown its undebatable the game is played completely different. name what was known, and im sure i can name at least 30 things that werent.
That’s fucking stupid dude, what do I have to gain by waiting a year to play you at evo? Bunch of fat, sweaty nerds like Jim Rhodes there? I’m not even old enough to drink or go to clubs, the fuck am I going to do there? Watch people play games? What do I have to gain? We could do this shit right now, MM. If not, come to my city then and I’ll gladly play you. Sup with this fear, dude? You’ve been posting in this site for years, 50% of these posts are from you. The amount of time it takes you to type a message, we could of already had a ft10 by now. What reason again do you have for not playing on GGPO? I know the MvC room is infamous for trolling, but come on dude. Spending time and money, waiting a year to play a game compared with playing right now, in a money match through paypal. You can have silent ninja hold the money for the winner. You’re telling me to grow a set of balls when you’re scared to press login on GGPO. Nice fear, bro. Holla at me when you man up, I gotchu doggie.
WeAreVenom: All I’m reading are excuses. Real players put real cash up and settle that shit in person at tournaments in front of other people so that there are witnesses and no BS involved. I offer a money match and you offer excuses. I’m not asking you on a date so no need to talk about clubbing or drinking. Come collect my money if I’m free like that. I’m even offering to come all the way to the east coast for a tournament like I’ve done for years, so why not? What city do you live in anyway? Does it even matter if you won’t come out of your house?
But you wouldn’t understand grown man talk since you’re not of drinking or clubbing age. I’m cool with that. Let me know when you’re able to buy a Zima and I’ll be waiting.
All I’m hearing are excuses from you. I offered the MM first, you backed down. You want me to play on your terms, when you can’t play under mines? You want me to wait for a year, practice non stop using stick, fly down to Las Vegas to play one game when we can play now, all that just for 50 dollars? You want me to do all that, than raise the stakes. Put 2k on the line, and I’ll gladly take your money. I gotchu, doggie.
Do you plan on attending CEO next year? CEO is about 2-3 miles from my house. I’m sure WeAreVenom could make it to CEO as well.
Can I ask why you’re 100% set on playing on the actual cab though? You won’t be playing either us at our full potential on the actual cab since we don’t play on stick. But if you refuse emu, then it wont be too hard to pick up stick I guess.