Marvel Vs Capcom 1

I’m sure you remember in 2007 when justin wong said that and got a few wins off the online player when he wasn’t even close to a top player on marvel 1. Arturo in practice would have mopped the floor with him. Hell me in practice would’ve likely done that.

To be fair Magneto Maniac was extremely nervous and was playing horrible. He was against jwong with people betting 1k on the match lol.

Don’t mind me. I was just trolling basically. It’s in my nature to try and stir up some argument.
I don’t really want to do it here though as this thread is for giving tactics/information about this game.

I will say that if you are good at the game, I would be interested in playing you to see what level you are at, or if you’re anywhere near my level.

Ahh my bad then. I remember having run into some guy who said guard breaks are more difficult to do in the american version and that uncombos dont work in it. I tested the more difficult guard breaks claim, and the victim character did indeed seem to fall faster to me (post death war machine up fierce guard break on entrance, character feel out of it) but I didn’t bother to test the uncombos claim. Ill just take you guy’s word on it.

Come on, relax with that, bro. Everyone who played this offline sucked. It’s fact. I’ve even peeped at the videos of tournament play offline. This guy Arturo who you were talking about couldn’t even land RV infi consistently. Kid at best got 4 reps… LMFAO. That’s some high-level skill, mah boi. That shit’s god-like, man. Score was 10-4 when Mag played Wong, was around 07-08, and Mag was learning stick by then and still bodied up. Come on, brah. The best skill level back when this game was played offline at best compares to a random Mexican player on GGPO. The only offline player who I’ve seen actually played was this guy named Jim Rhodes with Gief/GWM. I bodied that guy up freely and I don’t even play this game. Was that guy supposed to be top shit back in the day or something? Lol. I don’t know what’s up with you offline players with thinking you could compete, honestly. Mah boi Cow would body the shit out of this guy named Bernie and TruKing 10-0 even with stick. Mah boi Divine, who uses a ps2 pad, would do the same without macros. So relax with these delusions of grandeur.

Anyway, the list that I posted above is 95% true. It wasn’t necessarily a troll post, it has everything to do with MvC. Understand this game isn’t played anywhere else in the world. If you want to play this game, you would have to log on to GGPO. If you want to be good, and not get trolled on, you would have to know a couple of things. Like who’s the best lagger for instance, most deluded obviously, biggest clown, closet homosexual obviously, since you don’t want anybody all up in your booty, you dig what I’m saying? Also, the ugliest mother fucker. You would need to know all of these things because in MvC, there’s two battles, basically. The first battle is the actual game. The second battle is the shit talking contest. You would need to know some shit talking to basically secure your place amongst the tops. If you beat a guy in the actual game, but the other guy beat you in shit talking, than it’s basically a draw in GGPO MvC logic. You dig what I’m saying? So that list was essential to all up and comers who want to learn this game.

We are venom is a noob, but he is right when he says cow and divine would mop up any player in this game at this point. Judging arturos skill based on dropping a combo isn’t really the smartest thing to do imo, but it generally just showed how sluggish arturos general gameplay was at that time. You don’t see people dropping combos on ggpo at all. Everyone is sharp, and 100%

The controller that I use to play this game on which is a keyboard, might also have severely affected my general gameplay for the better, I cant really see how it would make it worse, but manual dashes are so practical on keyboard, and I can be so precise with every attack, every movement, every dash, I can mess with the graphics settings on my emulator to make it virtually delay-free, the moment my finger touches down on a button my character responds, everything about my weird keyboard configuration and this game is just absolutely perfect for me.

Although, I have played the game on stick and it is virtually the same for me, I can land all the same combos and everything, the only disadvantage to using a stick is manual dashing being difficult.

I’m sure keyboard, pad, and stick all have their advantages and disadvantages.

for keyboard it would be, impractical to manually tap 3punches or 3kicks, so you obviously would need macros to play on keyboard if you intend to use that mechanic to perform infinites.

pad, you obviously will need macros as well,

stick you will need to put in the time to learn the manual 3punch infinites, but it obviously is possible, since the XVS players have been doing this for years. what alternative did they have? as offline players.

However, if I were going to play anyone offline, would I sacrifice not being able to use 3punch infinites to play on keyboard? Yes. Why? because my configuration has more chemistry with me/my hands than any other medium of play period with or without macros. I don’t even need to push block.

If mvc ever comes out on xbox live or psn, I will be buying a keyboard converter. I will much rather deal with the delay of the converter, than to play on a medium that cripples my execution in any way.

Also, comparing the level mvc1 players are at offline to online* is like comparing the level America is at in street fighter to Japan. We’ve (I haven’t contributed much of any to this) just taken mvc to a level beyond anything offline players ever knew (cow, divine, C.S, vice versa, DC).

lol, good ole mvc1 talk. I’ve stopped playing a while ago. It just wasn’t the same as the kaillera days. GGPO just full of cheaters and liars that lag combos in FT10’s (well back when I stopped playing). It’s already one thing that I played on a stick and didn’t abuse WM 3p inf resets, but to be lagged for combos that were able to be performed on 6 buttons was something I didn’t feel like dealing with.

This is still a fun game. Might go back to playing a little bit more. Right now, I’m on a Vista, and it’s trash for GGPO gameplay…such skippy frame rate. But when I get a new PC within a few months or so I’ll probably stop by to see what’s new. I know Cow and Divine have gotten a lot better since I’ve last played.

Still, nothing beats the 4p days from kaillera. I’ve had nasty teams I’d get streaks in 4p’s with. Good synergy with DC/Divine/Crash, shit…I even won Wakka some matches ;[.

I never wanted to bring this up, but I guess I will since what I’ve said from the beginning is basically confirmed now - GGPO players cheat with 3p/3k in an arcade game that never that option. That’s the bottom line as far as I’m concerned. It’s not about advantages vs disadvantages, it’s about being able to press 3 buttons at a time consistently or not. For the cheaters: congratulations on making the game look nothing like it’s supposed to look. You guys sure deserve a pat on the back for “advancing” the game. Some of you really should step back, because all I’ve seen new since 2000 is a few Wolverine uncombos that people either didn’t think of back then (2 years of offline play vs how many years on emulator???) or didn’t get a chance to expose because the game died competitively when mvc2 came out. Nothing else I’ve seen is anything that I didn’t see or do back then when people actually played the game. Good shit for discovering the same stuff we already knew about 10+ years ago.

Since some people seem to take GGPO so seriously, enjoy your own little world because it’s meaningless in the overall fighting game scene as far as I’m concerned. I don’t know if I’m the one acting crazy but to me it’s laughable to expect props for cheating. If they ever come out with mvc1/xvssf for current gen consoles, I’m sure the game will suck there too because it will almost certainly include 3p/3k, which seems to allow many people access to the game because for some reason they have a problem pressing three buttons at the same time manually. Top players indeed. This is why I think it’s pointless to play on GGPO - kill a guy for 90% of the game and lose once they can land one measly low short into easy Wolverine 3p inf since that is the only thing they know how to do. You can have that game because I’m not playing.

Good shit to Mag for playing on stick with 6 buttons - like the game was designed to be played.

One other thing: judging Arturo’s skill based on some old videos? You really have no idea and you can’t have any clue if you weren’t there at the time. There were no videos taken - only consistent results. Ask anyone from NYC/NJ/CT - Arturo didn’t drop shit back then, which is exactly why he could play and win with Red Venom. Too bad no real Eddie Lee videos existed from when the game was towards the end of it’s lifespan pre-mvc2. He basically invented GWM/WM from the beginning and was easily the best back then.

Yo, calm the fuck down with this talk, bro. You fucking suck, just admit it. Everybody back then who played this game sucked. The highest skill level back when this game was played back in the arcades are at best compared to two random Mexicans playing on GGPO. That’s the bottom line. Like I’ve stated before, mah boi Cow, would body up anybody offline who thinks they’re good while using his stick. I’ll bet my house on it. You know it, and I know it. Lets get real, dude. And don’t say that you’re rusty, or haven’t played this game in years, he doesn’t even use stick. If anything, you people should have the advantage. Correct me if I’m wrong, but does RV use 3p or 3k? Divine would jump on that shit too. Guy bet 1k of his own money on Mag because he was confident that Wong couldn’t compete. The real reason why you won’t play on GGPO is obvious. You’re scared. If you want to be a cry baby about macro abuse, then I’m sure if you ask nicely… any of the tops would disable their macros just for you. You said it yourself that nobody in the world plays MvC, except on GGPO. So why the fuck are you posting on these forums then? Lol… You posted 50% of the comments on this thread, on a dead game that you don’t play anymore. That absolutely makes no sense. Bottom line is this. Wong called out T-Kimura for a real live MM. Kimura denied, and Mag stepped up to the plate. Mag was still learning stick, he didn’t have to play on it, but he wanted to prove a point and bodied up 10-4. And you people still talking shit? Come on, bro. Like I’ve stated before, everyone who played this in the arcade sucked. I’ve seen all the videos, and their game play is laughable. If you think that none of the tops can’t compete with 3p or 3k, step up to the plate and MM them then without macros. I’ll bet my house on it.

Assuming you can understand English, I’ll recap it for you in bullet points:

[]I never said GGPO top players suck: only that people using 3p/3k bindings are cheaters. There is nothing you can tell me that will make me think otherwise, bottom line. Cow is good and I admitted this accordingly earlier in the thread. I don’t discount his skill at all. I have no idea about anyone else. But what I do know is when I see videos from GGPO, 3p abuse is rampant yet the tactics tend to be pretty weak overall. Some players play smart and lots of others rely on 3p to save their ass.
]There is very little that has been found in this game that people didn’t already find years ago before emulation.
[]The top players from the offline era no longer play this game and haven’t played for over 10 years now. Having your boys beat anyone now really means very little. I am far from a top player and never claimed to be one, so calling me out means even less. But even so my rusty, washed up ass will be glad to play anyone in person on some real arcade hardware, not emu. You can set it up at Seasons Beatings in a few weeks if you’re down since I’ll be in attendance. I’ll even bring my board with me if you can guarantee a MM match. I’ll bet it for $50 easily, FT10. If you can’t beat me at this point, you fucking suck and there is nothing else to say.
]You quote these old videos like people were taping all mvc1 tournaments back in the day. Nobody was taping anything then. The only videos available that I can even think of was from ECC2000, which I uploaded myself so I’m definitely aware of it. The other part I’m aware of is that everyone quit playing by then since mvc2 had come out. Unless someone magically comes up with some long lost footage, there is nothing from the east coast that exists from earlier than May 2000 that would resemble anything like how the top players played this game. Again, you really would have no clue unless you were there, which I was.
[*]I post on this thread to answer questions from people that want to learn this game and because I like the game. You seem to post to start shit, so I’m done answering you from now on. If you want to bet it, come play me in Ohio in a few weeks. Otherwise, don’t bother posting about me because I won’t answer.

Let’s get this thread back on topic, please.

Bernie, don’t mind WeAreVenom, I have no idea who this kid is, and he’s just basically trolling. But honestly, 3p/3k macros aren’t a factor. Yes players use them on ggpo, but only because there are going to be people using them on there regardless, and since nobody can differentiate between legit players and cheaters, everyone just adopted the macros altogether.

With that being said, I definitely do not need macros to whoop magneto maniacs ass in this game, or arturos, or yours, or any other player aside from the tops on ggpo.

When you said macros have made the game look nothing like it was on the arcade, that isn’t everything that ggpo has done with the game you know.

There are techniques, tactics, combos, etc that have been pioneered online and on ggpo. Things that do not require macros. In fact, the best team in the game doesn’t even require macros. The game was simply advanced further than offline players took it, like you said they stopped playing it period. Well guess what, mvc 1 didn’t end there, it was played for basically 10+ years online up until today.

One of the top players doesn’t even use macros. He doesn’t cheat period. Arturo would never beat dark cloud in 100 years. Or divine, or cow.

I agree with macros being looked down upon. But to discredit the level of skill on ggpo based on the fact that there was an uncontrolled surge of scrubs abusing macros, is absolutely absurd.

These guys have been playing for 10+ years. Think about that. As far as skill in this game being worth anything, uhh. We all are aware its pointless/meaningless. Marvel Vs Capcom 1 is a once in a lifetime game, that I will never experience again, it is the kind of game you can play for 10 years and it still wont get old. This marvel vs capcom 3 shit is a disgrace. I play for fun. The top players play for fun. The game is simply the best fighting game ever made imo. I’ve played all the street fighters, that guilty gear shit, xmen, marvel 2, kof, etc, they just can’t compare to mvc1 in any way.

Man I would love to play you on the actual cab, or anyone else for that matter. I obviously don’t have any means of getting to seasons beatings though, but eventually I may have the means to travel. When I do it would be nice to play mvc offline.

Ok. As far as giving any more gameplay strategies and such is concerned, it starts to get complicated here because there is literally hundreds of really small things that need to be learned in time and with experience for you to fully understand.

I guess I can basically attempt to sum up what exactly makes a good character, and what makes a good team.

For one thing, the reason tiers exist is to simply let you know which characters have the least bad matchups basically. That is how I see it, it can get detailed, and there can be exceptions like lower tiers countering top tier characters (gambit > GWM) and such, but generally you want to be picking top tier characters in first to 10’s and in serious matches.

Why? Because you never know what character your opponent is going to pull on you. You might as well just use a the characters with the least amount of bad matchups. Anyone who plays this game knows that wolverine has no bad matchups. Wolverines worst matchup is war machine with macros, in fact it may seem extremely difficult for wolverine to do ANYTHING to war machine, since war machine can basically just keep flying around all day long.

Wolverine and War Machine are like ying and yang. Wolverine completely controls the ground while War Machine completely controls the air.

Wolverine by himself would have a really difficult time doing anything to war machine as war machine can basically just chip him with smart bombs the entire game. However there are things wolverine can do, and it involves assists, and his second character. This is why I say it gets complicated because the strategies dramatically change based on what kind of team the war machine user has. If he has a team designed to build meter safely in the air and to chip you out to death with level 3 duos, then you are going to definitely need to rethink your strategy. I would advise that you bring red venom to the table. Wolverine and RV have a devastating duo that basically is almost inescapable at times, and is almost a guaranteed kill if executed properly. RV also counters war machines flying bs with a simple diagonal jump - > infinite LOL. RV is wms worst nightmare basically, so anyone who plays war machine most likely wont have wm out against rv intentionally.

Duo’s aren’t the only thing wolverine can do but it’s basically the most consistent and reliable.

I know a lot of you play for fun, and would like to use characters like megaman and jin. Ok well megaman can win, but it’s an extremely boring, tiring, and annoying process for both players, and you would be lucky to grind out a win with megaman on any of the high tiers. Unless you were just that good. I personally don’t like to purposely put myself at any disadvantage especially if my intention is to win. But some people enjoy the challenge.

A good character is one that has mixups, damaging/touch of death combos and punishes, fast normals, good normals, and general mobility/speed.

What makes strider good is his orb super, which can sometimes can be done over and over multiple times in succession without the opponent being able to do anything about it basically. Orbs are constant attacking circular objects that move clockwise around strider for a long period of time before wearing off. Strider can lock you down with these objects, jump at you and do high low mixups all while you are blocking, he can shoot them at you if you are at a distance away, he can teleport behind you and cross you up while they are activated, he can combo into them for a 100%, etc. But not only that, but strider has a 1 frame normal (LP) that he can contend at the start of the match, meaning he can literally contend for the first hit, and do a block string into his orb super, and immediately have you cornered right when the game begins.

I’ll just leave this as it is for now if I were to go any further into this I could write a fucking book and I don’t want to spam this page with massive walls of text. But these are just examples of certain things that you need to learn/understand about the game if you intend to get into it.

Im JimRhodes Bitch. Last time I played Cow I beat him 10- 0.

I dont remember you bodying me. You are a liar.

This isnt true exactly, while Eddie was better than me, It was I that invented GWM/ WM.

No disrespect, but what new tactics? Duo for chip? WM flight uncombos/refly? Guard break on normal jump/following a kill? Come on man, this is some 1998/1999 shit. Please elaborate if you can because I’m really not seeing it anywhere. This game is not rocket science. It doesn’t even look like anyone uses assists other than Colossus yet the top players mostly migrated away from that way long ago because there were other good options that just worked better, Colossus could be evaded easily since it was obvious when he would be called, and Colossus can be rolled away from since it wasn’t a true juggle the whole way through. How is this supposed to be 10 years of mvc1 evolution? You can claim this all you want, but you’ll have to cite some real new shit before I’ll believe it. I’m just not seeing this.

Again, how can anyone claim this with any kind of authority? Were you around when Arturo or anyone else played the game for real? Who is Dark Cloud? Funny you bring this guy up because he plays the same characters that Art played - (Red)Venom/Hulk, and doesn’t do anything that Art hasn’t done better with the same team. I’ve been there and used to play against it. I’m not saying that these new guys suck, but you need to understand that this shit ain’t new and the old players are not scrubs. Art is just really solid and there is a reason that he dominates lots of different games in different eras. He was a top player before SRK even existed and still is today.

Dark Cloud most definitely does not use RV. He uses Venom/Hulk, Gwm/Hulk , Gwm/Venom, Gwm/Wolverine.

The above video is not high level play

this one here is rv bullying on low tier characters/inexperienced players.

The video I saw with eddie lee vs josh wigfall is the highest level play i’ve seen offline. Which is pretty impressive, but not quite ggpo status.

Colossus is the best assist in this game. If you were to try and convince me otherwise I would really like to know how.

Colossus acts as an anti air, it carries opponents nearly full screen and you can only roll out of colossus under certain conditions. Psylocke barely carries the opponent half screen and leaves them extremely close to the ground where they sometimes just land on the ground/bounce before you can properly combo them.

I would say Colossus is the best assist, and then Psylocke, and the rest are debatable.

Oh and I just spoke to cow and apparently Jim Rhodes is lying about that 10 - 0


we got money matches coming up?

Ha! That’s funny. Poor cow shouldnt lie. I hurt him in front of all his little calfs. Last time JimRhodes lost it was either to Divine or DarkCloud. JimRhodes gets you guys confused and it was over a year ago.

Fortunately JimRhodes got nothing to prove.There are historical citations that show what Bobbypigo has done and that’s enough for JimRhodes.

Besides, I’m waiting for the release of the Vs series on next Gen to make my comeback.

The new tactics, would be taking characters previously un-used/considered as bad and turning them into top tiers.

Lilith’s instant air dashes, and 50/50 wakeup game invented by cow, her instant air dash infinite.

Chun Li’s unblockable stomps, her 100% combos and infinite.

Wolverines crouch cancel infinite.

Striders otg into infinite, striders reset combos, his combo into orbs for 100%

Ryu infinites

Spiderman infinite on roll found by AC slayer

infinites for characters previously thought as having no infinite combos, and these have been found by extensive in-depth knowledge of the games mechanics, previously unknown.

1 otg per combo limit being overridden


these are just some examples, but the main example would be simply looking at the gameplay of those offline videos and it doesnt even resemble how the game is played today, the closest you will find is that video of eddie lee, and they would be at best like mid level players on ggpo.

where offline was strider/devilot traps? where is spiderman and his mixups? I see people using megaman but not spiderman?

If colossus is so obvious as to when he will be called, then that is a good thing. That means you will not jump at me. That means I can control you from the ground with wolverine.

  1. Cow didn’t invent it. First time I saw it was Waterbury CT 10 years ago.
  2. Circa 2000
  3. Circa 2001

Just saying. . .