Marvel Vs Capcom 1

lol since i’ve posted that combo on hulk here it’s gotten 1 more dislike. Which is funny because, it’s most likely because they assume its not a combo since the combo counter dropped, or because of the gap in the duo. People are ignorant as fuck.

What do you think about the unknown soldier assist? He comes out slower than some other assists, but his frontal coverage is pretty good imo.

The best use I found for unknown soldier, was when I accidentally picked him while fighting gold war machine. Some of these assists do really bad chip damage, but do a LOT of damage if they actually hit you, and since gold war machine can’t block and attacks don’t scale on him, assists like magneto and unknown soldier can hurt him real bad. The problem with using unknown soldier is that you only can use him 4 times, and that’s not a lot, and his use is extremely limited. Like with magneto you get like 7 of him, colossus you get 5, psylocke you get 5, Lou you get 8.

The simple fact that you have 8 of Lou makes that assist really good as well because there are really nasty mixups with lou and it almost seems like you can continuously call lou over and over again throughout the whole fight. When you call lou the duration of the assist is pretty long, it sits there and shoots a bunch these arrows close to the ground and it covers a LOT of the screen. AND it does insane damage if they end up getting hit by all of them.

Say you just called lou and somebody jumped at you, you can literally dash underneath them and they will have to block lou from the other side instantly or they get hit by ALL of the arrows, AND you can combo afterward.

I’ve got a question. I’ve been running Mega/Venom for a while now, are there any useful tips you can give for either (or both) character? I’ve also been using US Agent, Lou, and Colossus as assists.

For Megaman, I’d say Michelle Heart is pretty beast with him, you should give her a try, you can zone out people for very long periods of time and gain some good meter with michelle+Soccerball.

I play Megaman with Lou and am able to run away very effectively by canceling normals into Lou and using it as cover to call rockball and/or zone with mega buster. I usually don’t bother with charged buster unless i want to hold them in place while I call a duo team and chip further. Otherwise, I usually try to zone, fill the screen for people to run into shit, and occasionally use mixups into Beat Plane, which is insanely fast and can link from just about anything.

The only scary time Megaman has is in the beginning when someone like Wolverine is in his face and you don’t have any normals that can beat him. Otherwise, once you get away it’s ok if your zoning is good. Another issue is doing good damage to GWM, but Beat Plane/Hyper Mega Man, and filling the screen with stuff can help if you’re careful. Really, everyone has issues with GWM, so I shouldn’t even list this. Other than that, I see Megaman as a really solid character that was definitely overlooked back when the game was hot. He’s not retarded good like Wolverine, but he’s still a great character. I usually team Megaman with another character that can work for a good chipping duo, like (G)WM, Gambit, or Strider.

I don’t play Venom seriously at all, but when I do I usually use Colossus, try to poke with a canceled standing fierce/jab Venom Fang, go for punch throw into kick super combo, and generally play really lame. Sorry, can’t offer too much for this character since I never really cared enough to use him seriously.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the advice! I tend to play an offensive/defensive hybrid style with Megaman. I’m the kind of guy who’ll wavedash behind a low aerial buster shot and try to go in for a combo. If it’s blocked, I cancel the blocked chain into an assist to keep it safe. I know about the Mega Ball’s great zoning properties, but I’ve been messing around with his other 2 weapons as well. L Tornado Hold works great after a sweep since you can mixup as they come down with either a throw or the option to go low. Leaf Shield comes out slow, but the armor does come in handy against aggressive opponents. I’ve also been expirementing with a post air-throw reset (launch > LP > LK > MP > throw > immediately LP to reset). You have the option to dash under to cross your opponent up after this, but I’m still getting the execution worked out.

Also, how exactly do you chain Beat Plane from an air combo? I can land LP, LK, Hyper MM consistently, but doing BP just isn’t chaining. I know you can combo BP after a jump-in HK, though.

Anyone around during the day time? Like noon onward EST? I’ve been looking to get in some games since the Vampire Savior room is dead.

Beat Plane links from jump medium kick, at least that’s the way I do it. I usually don’t use Beat Plane in air combos since Hyper MM is a lot easier to land and does good damage midscreen. Instead, I go for Beat Plane off a low/overhead hit mixup on the ground.

If you’re doing a corner air combo with Megaman, Air LP+LK+Hyper Mega will fail hardcore, so if you wanna combo Beat Plane what you do is just Launch+HK+Beat Plane to catch him before he gets pounded to the ground from the instant HK. Not bad damage. (The HK should be done very early, like as soon as you launch, on your way up)

Good info, I can add on two points:

  1. You cant guard break a character in super jump, they have an infinite number of blocks. Im not just saying this from experiment, I tested it with the euro 980112 rom, I dont know what the case is in the American version, but it doesn’t work in the European version.
  2. On uncombos; If you hit a character one frame after they leave hit stun while they are in the air, you will get an uncombo most of the time, its behavior was really strange when I tested it, but that seems to be the jist of it, hit them the very frame after they leave hit stun. I don’t think its something capcom put in to make the game deeper tho, it was removed in the American version of the game.
    If anyone cares, ive got a few videos on my channel showing gambits uncombos on the majority (all?) of the cast, and a few specifics with wolvie. I might upload what I completed of the general wolvie vid I was workin on a while back, it desynched and i’d decided to drop it.

I’ve never heard of the players you mentioned as inventors of various strats. Are these online players you’re talking about? Honestly sounds like people reinventing what the tournament players already knew.

From what I recall the first we saw of the wolvie cancels were from a japanese player that made a combo video showing a lock down vs GWM and Brandon in Sacto also came up with some other versions of it using d fp no cancel required. Also WM can uncombo off his regular fly combo without having to use repeated jabs. Its a weird timing on the air dash.

TheCurryMan: Uncombos are certainly in the American version. Not sure exactly the build date of this version for sure, but it’s in there. The easiest one you can test with is any air combo with Strider into :dp: + :lp:. Gambit also still has uncombos against at least Megaman and some other characters (not sure how it works for the whole cast as I haven’t tested in a long time). It’s these other ones that I see all the time in match videos that I don’t recall in the American version, like most of the Wolverine and WM resets.

When I say the American version, I mean the actual CPS2 board, not the emulated rom. I own the board and would be happy to test if needed, but if uncombos work differently in different versions, that would explain much of why I see things work online and possibly not on the real USA CPS2 board.

You’d be surprised at the things they’ve figured out in ggpo, and WM can uncombo almost ANYTHING these days, the reason most people just use the repeated jab uncombo is because it seems to kill the opponent in the fastest way in mid-screen.

Yes people use the jabs because it’s the easiest and most reliable way to uncombo with him. If you miss your uncombo once, then you will need to peform the midly difficult refly combo to get another chance to uncombo them, otherwise fly time will run out and the combo will end there. Jabs efficiently/consistently uncombo them. And @ TruKing. GGPO currently has the best MvC1 players in the world with and without macros.

Alot of the GGPO players first started playing on Kaillera where everyone uses the USA rom, and all of the same combos work on this emulated version. But if there is any change in the game mechanics from version to version then that would be really interesting to know, because it definitely would change the way you play.

Eh I really wouldnt because thus far I haven’t seen anything I didn’t already know and I don’t see things that we did know about. Back then players were stingy with information so it just looks like for the most part ggpo players rediscovered what we already knew. And yes naturally the best players in the world are online all the offline players quit before mvc 2 was released.

Pay attention to the dates/numbers under the name. Region shouldn’t effect anything in this game.

I’m sure you remember around 2007 when Justin Wong said online players are free. We all know how that turned out.

Justin losing in a game that he hadn’t played in years and wasn’t even the best at when he did play is not a good indicator of how “free” online players are or are not. Plus he played someone that actually plays other games well offline. Of course the online crowd should win now since no one outside of them actually plays this game seriously anymore. It would have been pretty stupid for the online crowd if Justin did win at that point.

I believe the discussion was around where and how some of the tactics and combos originated from. 1TruKing is accurate in that at least 95% of stuff that happens now in the game was happening back in 98-2000 when the game first came out. This was really the first Marvel game that top players embraced as a whole and explored fully. Many of the players that run things now for other games used to be great for this game too. Only that people weren’t spreading information as freely as it gets around now because that was the mentality back then - STSFN = Save That Shit For the Nationals.