Marvel Vs Capcom 1

You wanna MM me at evo this year?

Do you want to pay for my ride there and back lol?.. but yeah I do also lmx and few others

So thats a “no”?

By me the ticket for evolution, so it can go down my dude.

How you gonna money match, when you have no money?

you can assume what you want guy.

Make it a burger from Hard Rock and I’m your man .

Is anyone on this thread going to be at Evolution this year? I’m trying to gauge if it will be worth it to bring my cab out for this and host a tournament. If so, I hope you guys can play on a Japanese Astro City - this would be totally legit, using the CPS2 board and arcade controls (no keyboards and macros! yay!)

I’m going! I’ll play!

chaos I wanna mm you in mvc1 yo, thing is I might not make it to evo…:sad::sad:

I’m down for even emulator, but cab makes it all good.

Sign me up, chief.

Wow, I tottaly missed this post. . . Bernie, the only reason I was thnking of NOT going to Evo was because there werent going to be any MVC1 tourneys. If you really are going through the trouble of bringing this down, I for one will def show up.

If I can get one of my friends to help me out with their truck, there is no reason my cab won’t be there. Basically, yes it’s more likely than not that there will be some real mvc1 @ Evo.

what console are you guys playing mvc1 on?

It’d be an arcade cabinet. CPS2 board on an Astro City cabinet.

I see… thanks for the info

I see… thanks for the info

There are no good console ports for this game. Dreamcast version comes close, but there are still issues with it that essentially changes how the game plays overall.

Guess he’s playing those so-called “MindGames.”

ok im playing this on ggpo but i dont have a clue what the tier list is. I also would like to know how the assist are tiered. all i can find is that wolv,strider,gold war/war machince,red venom are top and what about the rest? col is a top assist followed by phy/that guy that shots arrows(i guess) please some insight on this. i see players rush with wolv and cancell his attack. dash right up after an attack and keep going please someone help? how are they doing this??